Monday, January 10, 2005


Some of the greatest stalemates in the recorded history of war have been settled by blasting music, annoying music at your enemy. Ever wonder what goes into tapes like that?

Ever wonder what you're really worth to a company? Ever wonder how much you make per second? Maybe companies want to know so they dock your pay for the wasted time you spend online? Check here to find out.

Had Elvis have lived to see 70 years old, he would look like this. Who is this guy and where's the blue suede shoe wearing, hunka-hunka burnin' love-me tender women orgasmed over?

It's not a question of why, but of what the fuck? I wish I was joking, I wish she was joking, but its all there for us to see.

People are inherently stupid. Do we need some of these warning labels though? I guess we do. IM surprised we all don't need helmets.

Thought that would make you smile guys!

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