Monday, November 08, 2004

The Simpsons have entered the forest

Yeah, you remember that Simpsons episode from their first season. Homer sees Ned Flanders' new RV and decide the Simpsons need to battle in this loosing battle of one-upsmanship and get a sorry excuse for an RV ever to be found rolling on its own accord. Convincing the family he is an avid sportsman and outdoorsy guy, the embark off the main road, down the middle of the forest and eventually the RV falls off a cliff along with all supplies and camping gear.

I fear that is going to be our fate.

You see, my best friend Joe has had an idea to go camping out in Ruidoso or some of the surrounding areas before it gets too cold. A great idea. He also wants to take the new boat to a lake, or that idea might have changed since I last heard these plans some 3 weeks ago. Now, by new boat, I mean new to the family. By no means is it new. Probably heralding circa 1970s, the boat reminds me too much of Homers RV. Not that I am knocking the boat, IM sure its a fine vessel. I am just having images of mutiny on the bounty and IM sure someone will be walking the plank.

The other thing not really being put into consideration is transportation. Not knowing if we are taking the boat with us, I don't think anyone of us has a vehicle with enough room to adequately get us all there, with equipment to wherever we go. My little Mustang (and yes it is little when you pile gear and luggage into the car as well as people) barely held Lupe and myself on our trip to Corpus Christi earlier this year. 3 people crammed in my car (feasible) is impractical.

Joes truck is impractical too. Its a single cab design with two seats. No one, no matter how convincing they are, can be seated comfortably in the center of the transmission tunnel. Ivettes car... There's not enough time to get into what needs to be done to get people to occupy the car. Not saying its not roadworthy. Not the least, but a bulldozer needs to be rented for a week to clear out her trunk full of books alone. If anyone has seen her room and is amazed at her library, they need to look in her trunk at the stockpile of books she must keep in reserve.

I've had premonitions of things to come before. IM still pretty sure a wedding in Las Vegas will try to happen. IM also sure that something comedic and traumatic will happen to us that will make us never speak of the campout again.

Maybe I will elaborate on the Las Vegas wedding later.

1 comment:

Mentalism said...

When r u guys going camping????? I feel so left out...