Friday, June 24, 2005


*These are the answers to questions no one asked...*

We have always heard the world will end. Here's a timeline.

It is impossible to fold a piece of paper (regardless of size) more than 11 times. That apparently hasn't stopped people from making money off of it. What prize do you win for getting it folded 12 times? Would anyone really care?

You will know when you are in a workplace that will never win any awards for "Greatest Inventive Product" for improving the everyday drudgery that envelops everyday life when you have boss' who condone massive Post-It note mosaics of the King of Rock & Roll. I hate to see what their petty cash box looks like after a montage of Marilyn Monroe a-la Andy Warhol...

I love the smell of Snapple on a hot day. It smells like defeat!. File this under the "So close, yet so far" department. Maybe some weather forecasts & friendlier staff could have helped.

Now, I must warn you. The two links provided HERE and HERE are lengthy, disturbing, funny and extremely gross. The provided links are two versions of the same story written by the same author about a roommate he lived with for some time. The last thing I want are all of you people sending me hate mail for grossing you out - but for some reason I am expecting it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

as for the petty cash comment, the total cost of the elvis mosaic was about $40 and most of a day i was waiting on software installs and files to copy anyway. i did it over memorial day weekend, so it didn't cut into client or work time.

and as for inventive products, unfortunately, we don't make any.

the mindless drudgery of sticking post-its to a wall is how i break up the monotony of working in flash. how else could i live with myself after making this thing for st. patrick's day?