Friday, March 18, 2005


It's been passed around the Legislative body of the FCC that cable TV, satellite TV and satellite radio should all be regulated and not allow questionable content and explicit lyrics to be aired. As a satellite radio owner, I say to you bunch of tight suited assholes GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY SATELLITE SIGNAL AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY OF LETTING A SECOND INDUSTRY BREAK THRU AND VENTURE FORTH AND BE WHAT THE PUBLIC WANTS.

Cable & satellite TV and radio have been getting a lot of negative publicity lately and now some lawmakers want to step in and tone down television and radio broadcasts that we, the consumers, are willingly pay for. Television and radio is an industry that is solely based on serving the community first and foremost. This means bringing a means of quick communication in the event of an emergency. Its the whole reasoning behind the EAS tests (Emergency Alert System) that are conducted the first full week of each month.

I say, if we have to fucking shell out cash for programming, aren't we aware of the content that we are paying for? I personally hate the rap stations that are on the XM radio I own, but I am not calling for a ban on all hip-hop music. They have as much of a right to be occupying the satellite waves as my new rock & alternative music. All I want is for the government to get the hell away from my satellite radio. Can you just do that? Just once?

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