Thursday, March 03, 2005

IM home and it sucks

Well, not really. Being able to sleep in on a weekday is good, but being sick while you're home sucks. I have to admit one thing, over-the-counter products [Zicam nasal spray] works like a charm. The one thing I had counted on was Nyqil. I had forgotten how well that stuff works! I had taken a capfull sometime after 8pm and started to feel its effects around 8:30. I slept pretty well last night.

Right now, I am hacking up nasty things, gargling with salt water, and can't speak all that well. The crap has my vocal cords and isn't letting go. IM gonna be out the rest of the week from work, and I get Monday off as a bonus. The downside to that is I have to work for Eddie this Saturday.

Well, time to go gargle. Talk to you all - well, whenever I get my voice back.

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