Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Ides of March

Xena is back from the vet, she's hobbling around the back yard for now, but she is said to make a full recovery.

Man, getting to work this morning was some sort of adventure. I get on the main road to Ave. Americas and find the new entrance ramp to get on the new bridge is still closed, but more importantly, the access road to get across the interstate is blocked off and you must take a detour. This detour took me 2 miles out of my way and thru stop signs, the interstate access road (both east and west) and finally ended up back on the main stretch of road.

Returning back to get to work after picking up my co-worker, the only interstate on-ramp (without going the 2 miles out of my way detour) is blocked by some sort of police activity. By the time I get onto the freeway some 4 miles down the road, I am already some 15 minutes late. I did get to work on time, but I can't believe how many road blocks and detours I encountered just getting into work today. Maybe this is a sign I should be staying home or something...

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