Monday, January 31, 2005

Destruction is fun

It's always fun destroying other people's things. Take this past weekend. My good friend Wilson had a laptop to which he needed destroying. Some personal information was stored on it and rather than have it fall into someone's hands, he decided to err to the side of caution and have me go over to help him destroy all evidence of the hard drive.

Well, after the fun was had, I got to work tearing apart the rest of the laptop. Let me go back first and tell you what happened to it. An electrical surge fried the motherboard. It's a Sony Vaio. Yes, it is a nice one, but nothing could have been done to salvage it. So, I got to work taking parts that survived the surge, including the monitor, DVD drive, floppy and processor.

I have to admit, destroying a laptop on purpose was fun. Destroying my old Panasonic wasn't. Speaking of the old dinosaur, I took it out of the closet the other day, I still think I can fix it. I have a better idea how to get the monitor to work, my problem is I don't think I am able to run a linux based operating system off it. Lets just see what happens first.

Friday, January 28, 2005

A ghostly encounter with the U.S.S. Lexington

*pictures courtesy my own collection*

Ok, so here I am, situated at work, back to the daily grind. IM finding it hard to return to my normal routine. I am slightly freaked by what happened to me at the U.S.S. Lexington, permanently docked in Corpus Christi, TX.

I traveled to Corpus Christi with one of my close friends Ralph. Having been thru a lot the past few months, a vacation far, far away from El Paso was in call for him. It had been nearly a year since my last trip out to Corpus, so it seemed logical to go along with him. We would make a break to San Antonio a few days later, but that will get covered in a future posting.

Ralph told me he is interested in ghosts and hauntings. To aide us in our trip across Texas, I took some books for us to read and get an idea of what is out there. They were of no help to us, but it was ok regardless. I kept chiding him by saying that we were gonna go hunt ghosts most of the time and actively look for haunted places, to which he was sorta scared and we laughed it off. Out of the many times I made my way out to south Texas, I had never taken the tour of the U.S.S. Lexington.

Jan. 21, 2005

A long, battle scarred ship emerges from the stoic vintage grey drab paint resting in the harbor as we walked up the gang plank towards the entrance to the decommissioned Lex (as Corpus Christi residents & veterans lovingly call her) and entered her airplane hangar one deck below the flight deck. We decided to start our tour of Lex in her engine room & crew berthing quarters, and might I say, I am way too tall for Naval service, I had to duck my head around every corner of the ship as I had to watch out for low air ducts, pipes and bulkheads.

Low celing!

The ship still smelled of oil and paint, the ongoing maintenance and upkeep of the ship still evident in the welders patching up the decades old accumulation of rust alongside the outer hull. The engine rooms still hummed with angry electricity boxes and transformers and for the most part, the entire ship still looked as if it were ready for action, if called for in a moments notice. The guns still placed alongside the ship, and the bridge still looks as if its ready to go out to sea.

U.S.S. Lexington's Quad 40 anti-aircraft guns

The crews quarters were sparse. Spartan accommodations would be exaggerating. They were lockers. Five foot, eleven inch tall men would feel cramped in the berths. The protecting plastic barriers blocked off entry to the rest of the ship, and let me tell you, it looked rather erie to venture alone in some of the deeper areas of the ship. We meandered our way past the berths to the medical facilities on ship. Ralph was just in heaven looking at the antiquated equipment that used to be in use.

Overlooking the flight deck

We did get lost once, but we saw others ahead of us and asked how to get out. We ended up on the flight deck and saw some great opportunities to get onto the bridge of the Lex. The view offered at the captains chair was awesome. I had full view of the landing deck and saw out into Corpus Christi Bay and I swore I was out in the Pacific Ocean. It wasn't until I looked to the starboard side of the Lex and saw the Harbor Bridge that I realized I was still in Corpus Christi.

Harbor Bridge, Corpus Christi Tx

After making our way back to the flight deck, Ralph and I saw the quad 40 guns that flanked the aft A deck levels of the Lex. We walked inside and saw the arrestor system to stop landing planes and made our way back inside the hangar. It started to get late, and realizing I wanted to still show Ralph what Aransas Pass and Mustang Island looked like, we decided to call the tour of the ship a day and stop for a rest. I needed the bathroom bad so we found the hatch to go under the ship and to the still operable restrooms onboard the Lex. That's when things got weird...

The urinals are located to the left as you enter the room. The center of the room still has operating showers, and behind the showers are the toilets. I needed to use the toilet, so I chose the one at the far end of the wall. I sat there... doing my business and saw the door move as someone on the other side started to knock twice. Remembering I had frightened Ralph earlier in the trip out to Corpus, I ignored it. The knock happened again, the door moved again. I looked down and saw no feet in front of the stall door. I had casually laughed and said "Ha ha, very funny Ralph" when the door happened to move as someone apparently was still outside the stall knocking. Agitated, I opened the door fast and found no one around. No one was in the stall beside me, and there was nothing but a flat, steel wall to the other side.

Standing in front of the stall I was using (with my pants up, you sick bastards) I called out to Ralph to see where he was. He came around the corner on the opposite side of the restrooms and looked puzzled at me. I asked where he was a moment ago and what he was doing. He was testing the showers and no where near me. I asked if he heard any knocking and he told me no. He did hear me say something to him, but he didn't pay attention to it since he was in the shower areas. I had to laugh it off and finished up my business, walked out of the restrooms and back up to the hangar and onto the gang plank back onto North Beach.

I do believe in ghosts. I believe there are ghosts onboard the Lex. I do believe that what happened to me onboard the Lex was a ghost playing the same sort of joke I would play in the same situation. I would love to go back onboard the Lex one more time. They have specials where you get to spend the night onboard to experience life the way sailors used to live, if only for one night. I wonder how many of the ships residents still call her home after all these years.

Out to sea

For more information about the U.S.S. Lexington, tours or its location, visit their website at They even have a ghost cam...

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Phone in the rinse cycle

For some unknown reason, I was remembering the novel written by Meryl Streep's character in the movie She Devil when the events happened yesterday. Maybe it was the interrupted rinse cycle, maybe it was the devilish cackling I was imagining people doing, who knows.

I returned from Corpus Christi/ San Antonio with a load of laundry, and I don't think my parents wanted to hear the machine going all night so I saved it for yesterday after I got off work. I knew the moment I did the deed I would regret it, but I still did it. What did I do?

I left my cell phone in the pocket of my sweater as I did a load of laundry.

Yup. I was oblivious. I had placed a large load of colored clothes in with the sweater and set the machine. I sat down in the living room in front of the TV, started the laptop and started to cruise the web. It wasn't until I was trying to remember some voicemails I had that I realized I misplaced the cell phone.

I decided to search the last place I saw it, which was the center console of the Mustang. Not there. Then, it dawned on me. I figured it was already under water, and it had been in the wash for some time, so rushing in to grab it would do me no good. Sure enough, sunk at the bottom of the wash basin was my cell phone turned off, water-soaked and ruined.

Go ahead. Call me names.

Oh, by the way, if you know me and have my cell phone number, please call me. I have lost everyone's contact information. That includes: Evelyn, Teddy & Yolie, Ivette.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Home. Home at last.

There's a lot to get to, but I will wait till tomorrow to get to it all. I need to re-install some programs and be online at the radio station tomorrow to get to everything that happened the past 7 days I've been gone.

I still smell like salt air, so does my clothes.

Saturday, January 22, 2005


I know, I didn't even say I was going on vacation. Ce la vie. We have just spent a few days here in Corpus Christi Texas, and I have some great pictures of me on the beach, but now we are moving onto San Antonio for the remainder of Ralph's and my vacation. Who knows what other hilarity will ensue.

One thing I will tell in detail was my ghostly encounter at the U.S.S. Lexington.

Ciao for now, voyeurs!

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Caveat Paenitendus

*Ivette would be so proud of me!

Ok, so this isn't the first time I have second guessed the purchase of electronics. Had I thought about it prior, I would have waited a few more months buying a different Playstation 2, but that's another story.

I am returning the brand new Dell Inspiron 1000 laptop to Dell. No, I am not crazy, no I am not insane, and no, I am not crazy. I found something better.

*Smaller can be better!

I've been wanting to switch to Mac for some time now, but the overwhelming cost of a new Apple computer has always been a shade on the pricy side. Well, Mac is promising a change to all of that. The Mac Mini is an ultra compact CPU with the same computing power of most PC's but with less bulk, less space and less price. I've already called Dell to get some packing labels to ship this bastard back and move me to Mac.

-PS... caveat paenitendus means 'buyers remorse'.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Things should go back to normal... SHOULD...

I have to admit, this past week has been an absolute blast. Yolie and Teddy are leaving this morning back to Chicago and Evelyn is already back home in Corpus Christi. Overall, things went well. I would change some things that happened, but I was happy with how the past week unfolded.

I was hurt this past week. Some misunderstandings happened, feelings were hurt, but there was no excuse for some things to happen. A call to inform a safe return would have been nice. I had to find out the hard way someone left without saying goodbye. I am also wondering how things happened this way. I wish I knew where it went wrong, maybe everything would have changed for the better. Maybe in a later posting I will give my side of what happened. I have no interest in airing it out just yet.

There was some great times had. Teddy's eating wasabi, interesting nicknames flashed back and forth, great times had by all. There were some pictures, odd, odd pictures that I will post soon.

Things should get back to normal, but I don't know how, especially if on Wednesday I am heading out to Corpus Christi to vacation. I already feel as if I were on vacation, but at least I will have some beach time to accompany my time off. Pictures will definitely be taken out there.

Unill next posting, voyeurs!

Friday, January 14, 2005

Japanese avocados and fried ice cream

So yesterday Yolie, Teddy, Lupe and myself headed out to Sakura for some sushi. We sit down and start enjoying the atmosphere and dinner. Teddy enjoyed his first taste of sushi and his first taste of wasabi. Teddy asked what the various objects on our plates were, since he had teriaki chicken, and pointed at the wasabi. Yolie, typical Yolie, said that the wasabi was Japanese avocado. Teddy believed it.

Have you ever had wasabi? Its quite a powerful spice. I tried some by itself and literally had my sinuses cleared and drained in less than a second. I saw the same reaction on poor Teddy's face. After that, we ordered the fried ice cream and loved it. Driving home, we all exchanged insults to one another and reveled in the moment.

Who knows what'll happen today.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Small Wonders, technology and sleep

So I didn't update yesterday after I said I had to go get my evaluation. It was good, got a raise, life is good.

So on my way to work today I strike up a conversation with Mike D over at Power and we start talking about cheesy 80's TV shows. Small Wonder was the show about a family who built a robotic 7 year old girl and had to hide it from the rest of the world. Plot holes-a-plenty occur as they let the child go to school. Well, Mike then says "Did anyone who appeared in that show ever go on to greatness?" to which I replied no. I was wrong. It turns out Brian Austin Green (of 90210 fame) appeared in a few episodes. Other than that, the entire cast are still a bunch of unknowns.

So I got sick and tired of eating peanutbutter and jelly sandwiches lately. I took a plate of lasagna to work with me today that I heated up and ate for lunch about 20 minutes ago. Well, it was kinda funny cause we have two microwaves here at the station and both are usually empty and not used. Well, today, the newer of the two microwaves was being used to pop popcorn so I had to use the old dinosaur we have and tried in vain for 5 minutes to get the damn thing to start. I changed the time on the damn thing 3 times, made the heat setting jump to temperatures of which rival the surface of the sun, but never got the thing to heat the food. There were some ladies from the office in the lunch room, but I didn't want to seem like a dumbass so I waited till they left and used the other microwave.

Well, I had to yesterday. I had to sleep yesterday and I didn't want to. I didn't want to cause that was one day of being with friends I lost. I promise to be there today, no matter where we go.

We got satellite TV at the house yesterday. The sad part is I will loose KTLA as our WB station, but I get more channels as a side benefit.

There will be more later. I gotta make sure things are recording ok and get things done for a while. Xena has already had her operation and is still at the vets office today. We should be getting her out and back home today. Thanks to all for the moral support and well wishes.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Evaluation Time

Hmm. Its evaluation time. I wonder what's gonna happen. Nothing bad, I know. Still, intimidation looms with these damn things.

Monday, January 10, 2005

This weekend

So I have spent almost every waking moment with good friends and have been loving it. From BBQ's with the family, to movies with the gang, its been one of those memorable weekends.

We also went to go see Meet the Fockers. It was ok. The movie relied heavily on the whole name play of the Fockers and too many low-brow jokes. If it had better writing and got to the plot a lot faster, the movie would have been tolerable. I give it 2 out of 5 stars.

We still have tons to do this week. Between restaurants that need to be hit before Yolie and Teddy leave and game stops to go to, its gonna be a great few days ahead.


Some of the greatest stalemates in the recorded history of war have been settled by blasting music, annoying music at your enemy. Ever wonder what goes into tapes like that?

Ever wonder what you're really worth to a company? Ever wonder how much you make per second? Maybe companies want to know so they dock your pay for the wasted time you spend online? Check here to find out.

Had Elvis have lived to see 70 years old, he would look like this. Who is this guy and where's the blue suede shoe wearing, hunka-hunka burnin' love-me tender women orgasmed over?

It's not a question of why, but of what the fuck? I wish I was joking, I wish she was joking, but its all there for us to see.

People are inherently stupid. Do we need some of these warning labels though? I guess we do. IM surprised we all don't need helmets.

Thought that would make you smile guys!

Friday, January 07, 2005

Are Gift Cards evil?

I was reading a recent article that likened gift cards of all sorts as "the best insult money can buy". I started to think to myself, are they really that terrible of an idea?

I guess I am a lucky person, I get ideas for people's gifts weeks, even months in advance. All that means is I have time to think about what a person likes and get him or her something that I know they will use or love to own. Its only when I cannot think of something to give that I would resort to giving out gift cards, but even then I am selective as to how to approach giving one. Instead of thinking about what a person likes, I think about what store would they benefit the most from shopping at.

Its pretty easy to shop for my friends. Evelyn loves chotchkies and curios, so something from a local shop would be better. Yolie would get something from an import store, since she loves imported items. Teddy is more of an electronics guy, so any electronics store would suffice. Joe is a hardcore anime and gamer, so any videogame store would do. Ivette? Bookstore gift cards, duh.

But then you get some people who are an enigma. If I were up against the wall, I would get an American Express gift card, so they could spend the cash anywhere they want, like a credit card. Those are some of the best gift card ideas ever.

Did I give any gift cards out this year? Nope. Everyone I bought an item for everyone, tailored to what they like and personality is. If theres one thing I know, I know my friends.

Ok, I was taken off guard

Even though I was told they were coming, I forgot the exact days that Yolie, Teddy & Evelyn were coming back to El Paso for a visit. I am so fucking happy. Its gonna be like old times again. I've got the camera with fresh batteries, so some mischief will ensue.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

A bible in the waiting room of a veterinarians office

Sets the mood doesn't it? I will get back to that later. I got home yesterday after picking up the x-rays for my dog, picked her up and took her to get a second opinion about her injured hind leg. I have to admit, she is a strong dog, both physically and mentally. She doesn't seem like she's hurt as she literally ran in and out of the vets office. The good news is what happened to her is repairable with some surgery and the surgery won't cost too much. The bad news is she will never be the same run-around-the-backyard little hellion she was. The most important thing is she won't have pain anymore and will live the rest of her life in comfort.

While I was waiting for the x-rays at the vets office, I was in the waiting room along with a family looking to adopt a cat. I love it when I am surrounded by people who truly love animals, especially animals who have been dealt bad luck and are at a shelter. I was lifted in spirits by that family. I also had sometime on my hands, so I kinda nosed my way around the office and saw among the stacks of magazines a lone, simple blue covered bible. I froze for a moment, realizing exactly why it was there. In times of need, when one of their animal friends is in dire need of care, sometimes prayer can be the only salvation to those who seek a last resort.

Pets, to some, are seen as members of the family. Constant companions to some, family to others. I am honored to say our dogs are seen as family members.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Dark Side of the Rainbow

I wanna try it. Oh, come on, IM sure you all have heard about the Wizard of Oz and Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon played together is eerie. My problems are:
  1. I don't have a DVD/VHS copy of The Wizard of Oz
  2. I don't have a copy of Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon
I would still try it regardless.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Here in my car

Since being out and about the past few days, I ran into some rather sad examples of modification for the sake of looking ghetto. I didn't have my camera with me at the time, but I doubt I would have even been able to take the picture because I was either too embarrassed, or just flabbergasted on what I saw.

The first abomination of automotive anomalies was a 1997-2004 Dodge Neon. It was red in color, but the addition of several aftermarket "Euro" style bumpers and headlights made the car closely resemble a mutant Porsche more than its original moniker. Stylized with its beautifully hand-crafted plastic body molding, primer-grey hue (bumpers only) and original style all steel black powder coated rims, this car was ready for some fast & furious action, all with its flimsy & rather shodily pieced together rear wing that wouldn't know function if it looked it up in a dictionary. The proud owner of the car was sitting nice and low, just loving the feeling of an almost completed ride.

The second atrocity to grace the roads sadly was a 1999-2004 Ford Mustang V6 convertible. IM happy to report it wasn't mine, but I was ashamed at what I saw. Both front and rear bumpers were massacred "Euro" style bumpers that were based on Mitsubishi Lancer Evo. III (if you know what that is, you're a car nut) that didn't match up to the natural fender lines forward of the wheel wells, but sitting just under the headlight/turn signal assembly. The rear bumper faired no better, its cheesy chicken-wire grating and dual exhaust ports where no exhaust pipes exited marred the rear view of the car, not taking away from the attractive oversized and rather novel looking "adjustable" race-style aluminum wing. The driver just looked at me in my Mustang and hit the gas. Probably weighed down with all the baubles it was adorned with, I quickly passed it doing 70.

I just sit and wonder to myself, these people who modify their cars to look like higher priced European cars, what are they thinking? Do they not see that their car is an eyesore to people who actually appreciate the fine lines that automakers initially design them with? Are they that tasteless that they think some $50 plastic adhesive wing will bring them some sort of increased aerodynamic abilities and make them think they are running some suped-up high performance movie car that can do anything at the drop of the hammer?

Sunday, January 02, 2005

So what does the new year mean to me?

Well, it means having tons of gift cards to deplete, it means not having to update the website as often as I had been prior to, and it means relaxing as much as you possibly can before going back to the drudgery of work as normal.

So with some of the money I got in gift cards, I bought some obscure things, like French press coffee makers, chopsticks and tongs. Its an eclectic group of slightly ordinary objects that are odd to get in a group.

Sadly, this holiday is a terrible one for me. My dog Xena seriously injured her leg on Thursday, and it will need surgery. She's a strong dog, I give her that much, she hasn't shown any suffering, any complaining and has been the happiest dog in the world, given her circumstances. If only people could take cues from the animals.

Yes, I have slacked off keeping up with the site. Enjoying the new Dell, replacing the brakes on the Mustang, getting things ready for my next trip out to Corpus Christi has kept me thinking and doing other things. I can't wait for the road trip, I think Ralphie is gonna love it. He's gonna be my navigator to Corpus.

I will return to normal postings tomorrow. I've got some observations from the past few days I wanna get off my chest, and it involves cars people think they aren't.