Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Its frickin' freezing in here Mr. Bigglesworth!

Ok, waking up and trying to warm up a truck in 28 degree temperatures SUCKS! I swear it took way too long to warm up the truck this morning going to work. Thankfully, I will (and yes, I will) get the Mustang back from the shop today. I saw it in the parking lot of the body shop yesterday and was absolutely blown away. The graphics I added to the car really set it off. I even asked the guy to touch up the fender where the antenna went, cause the previous owner tried unsuccessfully to remove it and scratched the paint pretty bad.

When she is resting in the back yard today I will take pics.

Monday, November 29, 2004

Gonna take a ride

The Mustang should be out of the shop this afternoon. Each of my convertible's have brought me into a higher plateau of thought and kept me sane in times of trouble and distraught. It's therapeutic and relaxing, and somewhat cleansing to the soul. Gonna take her out to the desert and meditate for a moment or two.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

I can't sleep

I've just been lying in bed, thinking to myself I have the best set of friends money can never buy. Friends who have seen me thru the darkest of days and the highest of times. People outside of family who know just about and nearly every aspect of my life. From weddings to funerals, birthdays to severe illness, these people have stood by me and stood with me, unwavering, and never flinching.

Joe is the person I have known the longest. He and I have known eachother since 1991, which makes us seem like brothers more than friends. We almost share a birthday, and we share so many things that interest us. We stay awake at nights on Saturday evenings talking about what's happening in our lives and getting things we need to say to others to eachother, just so it doesn't build up.

Evelyn is the person I have known almost as long as Joe. We have known eachother since 1994, and since then, there hasn't been a week that went by that we haven't mentioned eachothers names to friends we talk to, family we see, or co-workers who know us just by the stories told on Monday. Since Evelyn moved out of town, I have kept up contact with eachother and can't think of anyone I would rather be around more than her. The boundaries of relation show nowhere to us, I have always thought of her, and her sister Yolie as sisters of mine. I was honored deeply in 2002 and again in 2004 when her brothers welcomed me as a brother into the family, further reinforcing how much I love my friends.

Ralph is next on my list. He and I worked together for a brief period of time in 1997, but he and I were the best of friends while working. When I left, he and I stayed in constant contact, often times looking to me for moral support. Going to college and struggling with bills and personal problems kept both of us awake many a nights, but he became more than a friend from work, but a true friend who (along with Evelyn) taught me courage and strength to overcome difficult people. He lives life the way I imagine myself living life, up front, yet subdued.

These friends of mine, these four people I know are so special to me, I would drop everything I was doing, and help them out any way I could. I would deplete my credit cards, drive all night, wake up at odd hours of the night and go to their rescue if they ever called me and said the words "I need your help". I know one of these days it will happen that one will need that sort of aid, but its the least I can do for these people who selflessly act like family, and who are there for me without hesitation or question.

Maybe now, with this off my chest, I can fall asleep.

Friday, November 26, 2004

Black Friday Remembered

Writing the previous entry sparked memories (horrible, horrible memories) of Black Friday's of years past. I remember standing outside Mervyn's one year, and my mom and myself were at the front doors, with an elderly woman and her niece or granddaughter just off to our left. The moment the doors opened, the little old woman pounded my foot with her cane and shoved- SHOVED her way past me and my mom and had the break-neck speed of 3 a marathon runner. I stopped to think to myself "if she is pretty mobile, why did she have the cane? Oh yeah, to pummel whoever gets in her way...".

I think that was the first year I had gone out shopping on a Black Friday.

Black Friday

No, this isn't the movie about the bomb at the Superbowl (that was Black Sunday, not to be confused with New Order's Blue Monday) but Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving's annual "trample everyone and their grandmother down for a bargain sale price on crap you really don't need".

I found a really good website for all of you freaks who are itching to go out and see what is on sale (or if you're reading this late, already gone) in each of the stores. BlackFriday2004.com is the site you need to glance at each store and their sale items in one fair swoop. I am sitting here at work, watching the news and they periodically show cut-ins of their live trucks at local stores. One station was seated outside of the Target store on the west side of El Paso, and the line is around the store. IM sorry, but if you are number 300 in line to get in, whatever sale item you wanted was gone before panicked shopper #50 entered the front doors.

Thankfully I have to work today or else I probably would have been railroaded into going to these events. I hate this time of the year, traffic sucks, parking is a huge issue, people are rude and the roads are packed. I have the only comfort in knowing that the only store I have to go to today is PetsMart to get dog food. On the plus side, I might get my car back today!

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Last day of vacation

I still have one more I can take whenever I feel like, at least before the end of the year. I guess I have been too spoiled with previous vacations where I travel out of town to enjoy my time off. All it feels like when I wake up here at home on my past days off are weekends. I usually get a chance to sleep in on weekends, so all I am doing is waking up later, and doing the same old things.

So here I sit, the day before Thanksgiving wondering how many variations of turkey are being made across America. We are doing the traditional bake. How are you cooking your bird?

Monday, November 22, 2004

Weather patters are odd

Today has been one of those days where if you could snuggle up in bed with a hot cup of cocoa and a warm blanket, take the oppertunity. The rain fell lightly in the early morning hours, and let up around 9am. The sun peeked its way thru the skies a few times in the day, but the clouds eventually won over the sun later in the afternoon. It started to look menacing close to 4pm, and then the heavens just opened up and let loose. It rained pretty hard for about an hour. Lightning, thunder (rare for this late in the year) stormed the skies and turned everything damp with sound and smells. Rain is such a beautiful phenomena and rare in El Paso. I savor each moment it occurrs.

My vacation is going good. I plan to do more of the same come tomorrow and wednesday. I am trying to squeeze as much relaxation out of these days that I can. Its tough, but I know I can do it.

I am watching my cell phone as it sits here charging. Its searching for a signal every 5 minutes. It has a satellite that scans the screen looking for a signal, which it never did in the past. I think this afternoons thunderstorm might have taken out a tower and its affecting the others in town. It pisses me off cause I am getting too many dropped calls. Ce la vie.

Wierd weather

Well, the Mustang is in the shop for repairs, and today is just one of those freaky days in weather terms. Be back later for more.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Fun stuff

So I am spending the $300 on the car. Bought plugs and wires, getting it ready for the body shop. Still have $40, who knows what that will be used for...

PS... found and bought almost all of my Xmas gifts for friends. The only ones I am missing are for Joe & Ivette.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Vacation. Oh, sweet slumber.

So I woke up at around 10:30 this morning cause I was cold. The electric blanket turned off so I woke up. I think I need a new mattress, my back hurts from sleeping on it for extended periods of time. Maybe I will get a new bed...

What I have done on my sidebar is put my Christmas list up for all to see. They have convenient links to websites where you can find the items or you can search them yourself. Who knows what I will end up doing today. My weekend is free, my car is in the shop, life is good.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Setting myself up for an expensive purchase

Ok, I had to sit back and laugh my ass off on this one. I thought to myself that it would be great if I went out and priced some new tires for the Mustang. After all, the tires on it right now arent exactly the kind Id take back out on the road. I stopped at Martin Tire and get three quotes. The cheapest I could get away with there was $488.

So, with quotes in hand I drive to the Sears Automotive store and get a quote for a set of BF Goodrich tires I really want. $448.

I jumped in the car and went around to Discount Tire and got a ludicrous quote for a set of tires that looked terrible. $598.

It hasn't been too long since the last time I bought tires, really. I bought tires for the Cavalier in December of 2002 (all 4) for $278. They were an inch smaller wheel (my Cav rolled on 15 inch wheels all around) than the Stang, and were noticably cheaper too. I am probably going to have to curtail the buying of tires until income tax time. I will get a decent return from that and use the money I have now to get the smaller things for the car. I still want to get those brakes, the Mach 1 grille, the rear honeycomb panels, new plugs & wires, black-out headlamps and tint the windows.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

This one was an emailed request...

Clauds & Tatiana approached me with this one. I had debunked an email rumor chain a few months back with St. Theresa. You can look in September of 2004's archives to read it if you wish, but its interesting to think that I am slowly becoming the person to talk to & expose the truths in these emailed chain letters. Let's get started with the latest one sent to me, shall we?

11 has become a very interesting number. It could be a forced coincidence, but in any case this is interesting. You decide for yourself......

1) New York City has 11 letters
2) Afghanistan has 11 letters
3) Ramsin Yuseb (the terrorist who threatened the Twin Towers in 1993)has 11 letters
4) George W. Bush has 11 letters

This could be a mere coincidence....(Couldit be?)
Now here is what is interesting...

1) New York is the 11thstate
2) The first plane crashing into the Twin Towers was Flight #11
3) Flight #11 was carrying 92 passengers. Adding this number gives us 9+2
4) Flight #77 who also hit the towers, was carrying 65 passengers. Adding this gives us 6+5
5) The tragedy was on September 11, or 9-11. Adding this gives us 9+1+1
6) The date is equal to the emergency number 911. Adding this gives us 9+1+1

Now we have a very upsetting piece....

1) The total number of victims inside the planes are 254: 2+5+4
2) The day September 11 is day number 254 of the calendar year:2+5+4
3) After September 11, there are 111 days more to the end of the year
4) The tragedy of 3-11-2004 in Madrid also adds to: 3+1+1+2+4
5) The tragedy in Madrid happened 911 days after the tragedy of the Twin Towers

Spooky??!! Read on....This is really eerie.....

This is something to think about!! Since America is typically represented by an Eagle, Saddam and Bin Laden should have read up on their Muslim passages...The following verse is from the Quran, (the Islamic Bible):

Quran (9 -11) - For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a fearsome Eagle. The wrath of the Eagle would be felt throughout the lands of Allah and lo, while some of the people trembled in despair still more rejoiced: for the wrath of the Eagle cleansed the lands of Allah: and there was peace.....


Lets break it down now.

  • Yes, New York City has 11 letters and is the 11th state, so we aren't touching these.
  • Ramsey Yusef is the real name of the terrorist found guilty of bombing the WTC back in 1993 and has 11 letters to his name.
  • George W. Bush does have 11 letters in his name, but has 10 if we omit his middle initial that distinguishes him from his father.
  • American Airlines flight 11 crashes into the North Tower, 1 World Trade Center Plaza.
  • American Airlines flight 77 does not fly into the WTC, United Airlines flight 175 crashes into the South Tower, 2 World Trade Center Plaza.
  • American Airlines flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon 40 minutes after flight 175 hits the South Tower.

This right here should be the nail in the coffin (no pun intended, honest) to make this chain letter email a fake. They get the flight paths of the planes wrong. But lets go further into the email to really screw with the numbers mentioned in the email.

  • Flight 77 was carrying 6 crew members and 58 passengers totaling 64 people, which means the math given in the email example of 65 or 6+5 (equaling 11) is wrong. The total number of victims onboard all 4 airplanes that crashed on Sept. 11th do not total 254.

The real number of people that died on airplanes that day was 266. The numbers are:

  • American Airlines flight 11 - 11 crew, 81 passengers
  • American Airlines flight 77 - 6 crew, 58 passengers
  • United Airlines flight 175 - 9 crew, 56 passengers
  • United Airlines flight 93 - 7 crew, 38 passengers

If you take the 266 people that died on the airplanes that day, and subtract the 19 terrorists who flew them into various buildings and the ground, it drops the number to 247 people who died in plane crashes that day.

  • Sept. 11th was the 254th day of the year (thanks to it being a leap year).
  • There was 111 days till the end of the year.
  • The Madrid train bombing that occurred indeed happened 911 days after Sept. 11th took place, but only since an Al Qaeda-linked group, the Brigade of Abu Hafs al-Masri, claimed responsibility does it fit into this chain letter.

Religious verses (much like the U.S. Constitution) are open to interpretation. However, I have to say, the interpretation used in the chain letter is completely off base with what the Qur'an actually says. I had a hell of a time trying to find the translated verse, since Google's search engine was clogged with the same email chain letter sent to me by Tatiana, care of Clauds. It seems everyone has linked this email to a search for the correct Qur'an verse. No thanks to those people, I found it.

Verse 9:11 of the Qur'an is about repentance and reads as follows in three different English translations:

  • But (even so), if they repent, establish regular prayers, and practice regular charity, they are your brethren in Faith: (thus) do We explain the Signs in detail, for those who understand.
  • But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then are they your brethren in religion.
  • We detail Our revelations for a people who have knowledge. But if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, they are your brethren in faith; and We make the communications clear for a people who know.

Thinking about it, I know it's not my place to mess with the human psyche. It's wrong for one person to try and break down something that people try so hard to believe in. There are just some things that need to be corrected to get the right information out. We as Americans would love to see that the Qur'an says that we will bring peace to the lands and all that good stuff, that America is the world leader, drawing our attention away from the fact that we are vulnerable, and this somehow vaguely reminds us about it and gives us a sliver of hope to an otherwise nightmare-ish event in our history. Would it hurt us to at least get the information right before hitting the send button?

My verdict on this email? There are some oddities in the numbers 9, 11 and the combinations there-in, but you have to remember that the attacks were actually scheduled for earlier in the year. I am gonna chalk it up to a freak occurrence that usually never happens as planned, but is interesting when it does.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

$300... What to do with it...

Im thinking. It's burning a hole in my bank account, and I am trying to rationalize spending it on various things. I am $100 short of getting sport performance tires for the Mustang, but I am $100 over getting a sports exhaust system. I am $50 shy of an iPod, but $700 shy of a new computer. I have enough to get a round trip pair of tickets to Corpus Christi or Chicago, but no more vacation to use.

I guess this means I get to do nothing with the money till a better game plan comes together.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Ain't it the shits?

I thought so. Ive got an ugly stomach virus that is making my day just miserable. I know, what virus makes your day, huh? It happened yesterday sometime in the morning, but I figure it might have come abouts while eating out the other day with Ralph. He and I went to Texas Roadhouse and had dinner, but I am wondering if something was wrong with what they served...

Lately, I haven't been venturing far into the world. Places I can go to in a jaunt and use a restroom is a plus. Walking both malls wasn't fun for a moment, but I made some good time. I am so tired, I havent had much to eat since yesterday morning and I didn't get a good nights rest. I feel bad for Evelyn, she kept calling me yesterday and I wasn't awake to answer most of her calls.

Well, the Sun City is now the Wet & Cold city. El Paso is under rainshowers and wind, which is making things bitterly cold. At least I can go home today and take a nice long nap and not worry about the sun bothering me. It's almost 7am... 5 more hours to go before I can blissfully sleep...

The restroom beckons!

Friday, November 12, 2004


People who know me know I use Mozilla as my web browser for its ease of use and of course, the tabbed browsing. Well, recently Mozilla released their latest and newest web browsing tool, Firefox. I strongly recommend you try it out for yourself. Hell, it's free and you'll love me for it! Click here for the download.

Using Firefox is great, especially when I am looking for the Strange Findings updates. This week's findings are good.

It's sad when athletes use steroids to gain an edge on the competition. You think the bums will notice they aren't free range, but chemically enhanced for flavor?

Do you think you have a problem? It it caused by frequent masturbation? Are you an oversexed pornstar that needs to give your co-star an earth shattering orgasm? Migraines? Maybe its cause you're orgasming too much... If you or anyone you know is suffering thru this, or any other sexually interesting ailment, send them to this website.

So here's a scenario: You're bored, you wanna get drunk but you don't have quality liquor. At your disposal is a Brita water purifying pitcher, one bottle of cheap vodka, one clean bottle (as large as the cheap vodka bottle, but not the cheap vodka's old bottle) some coffee grounds and some crackers. Your inner MacGyver kicks in and you decide to experiment.

I've worked in radio for a long time, almost 10 years now. It wasn't until recent that I started working with modern technology. What constitutes old? These pictures I found of old British radio stations fits the bill nicely. I remember the FM station had this kind of console, and I worked with one that looked similar to this set. Ancient technology, huh? It's still in use, and all that equipment is nearly 50 years old!

I doubt though, you can plug this into the old control boards back at the old KTSM building. I bet you could play Stairway to Heaven all night long on it...

Crank up your speakers. The Dirty Punk Fuckin Anarchy Machine is here to melt your frontal lobe!

Finally, I saw this and I nearly fell out of my chair. Dan Savage has a chapter about it in his book Skipping Towards Gomorrah toting the positives about it. Now, there's a book for children telling them the facts and truths about marijuana. Ive just tried for 10 minutes to try and think of something witty to say and I can't. Maybe after I take a hit I can think clearly.

Oh, yeah... That's the stuff...

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

I dont like waking at 3am

For work, I have to wake up at 3am to get to work by 4:30. Since dropping Channel 9 like a red-headed stepchild, we went with KDBC 4 for news, and wouldn't you know it, they start at 5am. It means I have to be at work earlier in the AM to get things recorded. I welcome the change, but I am no morning person, so to ask me to wake up earlier is bad, mkay?

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

What happens in Vegas might not stay in Vegas...

I mentioned in yesterday's update that I have imagined what it might be like if Joe & Ivette were to get married in Las Vegas. I have to say it doesn't look good and the more I think about it, the more it seems feasable.

Lets start from the begining. Ivette's dream wedding involved getting married at the Star Trek Experience on the bridge of the U.S.S. Enterprise 1701-D. This means for most of the wedding guests, the limit imposed on the ceremony is 45 people. This, and the fact that it's a trip out of town for a wedding to take place will eliminate everyone but the closest of friends and family from going to the event.

So lets get to the meat of the story. Not to air out dirty laundry, but Joe and Ivette tend to disagree with eachother from time to time. Odds are, in my daydream they are arguing about something rather simple, such as time or where they are staying in relation to the Star Trek Experience. The friends around the bickering love birds convince eachother to go into the replica bridge for the wedding, only to have Joe get cold feet and run.

On a trek, Jesus and myself corral Joe and try to get him to at least marry Ivette at the Chapel of Love. Regardless of having a gun to his back and no escape, Joe still says he refuses to marry when the time to exchange vows happens. Frustrated, everyone in the weddingparty disband and roam the Vegas strip on their own.
  • Ivette, manically depressed and bawling at the top of her lungs is being chased by security in the fountains of the Bellagio
  • Belen returns to the Star Trek Experience and takes a klingon for a spin in the ready room
  • Joe is wandering around Caesars Palace mall
  • Jesus is inside Luxor staring at the celing wondering in a drunken stupor how the building is standing on its own
  • I am riding the rollercoasters ontop of the Stratosphere throwing things off the side while no one is looking

Yeah. I can see it unfolding like a Mastercard commercial now:
  • Spending a week in a hotel room along the Vegas strip:$210 online
  • Renting 20 minutes of an attraction for a wedding: $700 booked in advance
  • Kidnapping a klingon, Cleopatra & several clowns from various casinos and getting everyone in the court arrested for lewd, licivious conduct and other various charges that can withstand in the Nevada judicial system: Priceless

Monday, November 08, 2004

The Simpsons have entered the forest

Yeah, you remember that Simpsons episode from their first season. Homer sees Ned Flanders' new RV and decide the Simpsons need to battle in this loosing battle of one-upsmanship and get a sorry excuse for an RV ever to be found rolling on its own accord. Convincing the family he is an avid sportsman and outdoorsy guy, the embark off the main road, down the middle of the forest and eventually the RV falls off a cliff along with all supplies and camping gear.

I fear that is going to be our fate.

You see, my best friend Joe has had an idea to go camping out in Ruidoso or some of the surrounding areas before it gets too cold. A great idea. He also wants to take the new boat to a lake, or that idea might have changed since I last heard these plans some 3 weeks ago. Now, by new boat, I mean new to the family. By no means is it new. Probably heralding circa 1970s, the boat reminds me too much of Homers RV. Not that I am knocking the boat, IM sure its a fine vessel. I am just having images of mutiny on the bounty and IM sure someone will be walking the plank.

The other thing not really being put into consideration is transportation. Not knowing if we are taking the boat with us, I don't think anyone of us has a vehicle with enough room to adequately get us all there, with equipment to wherever we go. My little Mustang (and yes it is little when you pile gear and luggage into the car as well as people) barely held Lupe and myself on our trip to Corpus Christi earlier this year. 3 people crammed in my car (feasible) is impractical.

Joes truck is impractical too. Its a single cab design with two seats. No one, no matter how convincing they are, can be seated comfortably in the center of the transmission tunnel. Ivettes car... There's not enough time to get into what needs to be done to get people to occupy the car. Not saying its not roadworthy. Not the least, but a bulldozer needs to be rented for a week to clear out her trunk full of books alone. If anyone has seen her room and is amazed at her library, they need to look in her trunk at the stockpile of books she must keep in reserve.

I've had premonitions of things to come before. IM still pretty sure a wedding in Las Vegas will try to happen. IM also sure that something comedic and traumatic will happen to us that will make us never speak of the campout again.

Maybe I will elaborate on the Las Vegas wedding later.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Free iPods.com

There has been talk and speculation about the validity of certain websites offering free products by logging in and answering questions. The most intriguing of the group is FreeiPods.com offering your choice of any size iPod as long as you refer people and sign up for free services for a while.

This is how it works:

  • Sign up with your name and address
  • Choose your free prize (4 gig iPod minis, 20 gig iPod or $250 in iTunes)
  • Choose your "free" offer from any one of their sponsors
  • Sign up for their sponsor's promotional period
  • Refer 5 friends (more is ok but nothing extra given)
  • Recieve your gift 6-8 weeks after all 5 people have registered and completed their task

I have already signed up and registered with the website and will now choose my 5 friends carefully. People I know will help out on this endeavor and would complete the task. If you would like to try your hand at it, follow my link (link will also be on my sidebar) and register for yourself.

Lets mark it down that today I registered with FreeiPods.com and chose one of their partners.

Thursday, November 04, 2004


I only have one link for this weeks Strange Findings. It's actually a lost classic. You see, long before (long in relative internet-life terms) I started up Blank Media last year I had dreamed about having a website I could show everyone where to go to find information about me. A website I could post my pictures online and let people take a glimpse of my life, no matter where they are in the world.

In The High Beams was my first attempt at an online website. It was slow to update, hard to load pictures and completely impractical for an everyday update-able method of keeping people informed and entertained. I really liked the fact it was free and it had numerous page templates I could browse thru and update to my needs. I even used a variation of it for several of my picture pages featured on my links menu to the right.

The time came though that I grew out of that website. Friends were still in town, people were still getting their information from me directly so there was little to no need for a website. I gradually forgot all about the website until about two weeks ago. I was at work performing some Google searches for Strange Findings when I started looking for aftermarket headlights for the Mustang. I typed in 'high beams' into the search field and I started to wonder where I had seen that before.

It drove me crazy until I remembered I had the website floating somewhere in cyberspace. Sad as this sounds, I actually forgot what my own website was called. So I started to Google my old site trying to get it to register with Google. I came up with nothing in the search. Then, it hit me. I used the same webserver company for my links photos, and when I put the two names together, I came across my old site and it took me back down on a trip down memory lane.

It's not the usual find I have been known for in the past, but for once this one means more to me than any crab getting sucked into a pipe, any Tourettes suffering Mattel doll or Humane Restraint company out there on the market.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Corpus Christi Police Blotters

This is my favorite time when I find juicy little tid-bits in police blotters. Here's what I found this time:

1300 Rodd Field Road: A 19-year-old man said his 19-year-old girlfriend attacked him after he refused to let her take his car. He said his girlfriend started yelling at him, scratched him on both shoulders and hit him on the head. The man said his girlfriend grabbed the phone when he tried to call police and threw it across the room, shattering it. Police arrested the woman.
WHOA! I wanna woman like that!

2200 Baldwin Court: A 73-year-old woman said a man stole her toaster while she was in her bedroom getting dressed. The woman said the man came over to borrow $10. The woman said she wanted a constable to go with her to the man's house so she could retrieve her toaster and the $10.
What's with kids these days, stealing toasters from the enfeebled.

600 South Port Avenue: A grocery store clerk told police a man in his 30s or 40s walked out of the store with two bags of Nabisco cookies, some Mexican candy and a frozen marble cake without paying for them. The clerk said he confronted the man, who told him, "I'll be back." The clerk said the man went into a bar down the street and never came out. Police found a back door to the bar that leads to another street.
Police believe the suspect is hyped-up on sugar and has uncontrollable shakes. All units shoot to kill...

600 Kaipo Drive: A 31-year-old man said he was at home watching television when he saw his 32-year-old wife walk outside and then heard a crash and his car alarm activate. He said when he ran outside he saw his wife drive away in her car and a window on his car broken. He said he didn't know why she damaged his car and estimated the damage at $80.
Its called P.M.S. you dipshit. That, or you weren't giving her her daily allowance of rough, sweaty sex...

900 South Water Street: A 29-year-old man said that after returning from a Bad Religion concert with a 28-year-old man they got into an argument. He said the younger man punched him several times in the face. The younger man said the older man punched him several times and he punched back. Police reported the younger man had no visible injuries.
Of course he didn't have injuries. It was a Bad Religion concert, you pussies...

3400 Ayers Street: A 41-year-old man told police that a 45-year-old man has been harassing him by phone and saying bad things about his business. He also said that while he was driving, the older man pulled alongside him and made faces at him.
The younger man would have returned the face, but was told by his elderly parents missing a toaster his face would stay like that...

3300 South Alameda Street: A 45-year-old woman said her teddy bear print wallet was stolen while she was at a local hospital. She also reported missing her driver's license, Social Security cards for her and her three children, birth certificates for herself and five children and two credit cards.
Shit, H.M.O.s are really costing their coveragee's more than just high co-pays...

You people make me sick. I hope I dont go to that ladies hospital for treatment...

Christmas Wish List

Im sure all my friends are wondering what I want for Christmas. I say to that "Nothing short of 400 Million dollars". Thats unattainable, so I am gonna go ahead and make my list of things I want for Christmas this year.
  • iPod - Any size
  • new laptop (except Compaq or Toshiba)
  • Gran Turismo 4 (Playstation 2 game)
  • Contax 159mm camera
  • Tonneau cover (convertible top cover)
  • The Simpsons Season 4 (DVD)
  • radar detector
  • Gameboy Advance SP
  • 1:18th scale model cars (Mustangs preferably, I already have a 1967 Cobra 427, a red 2000 Cobra R & a black 1999 GT convertible)
  • a new job out of town

There will be more, I just need time to think of them all...

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Civic Duty isn't just another Honda model

It's that time again to either elect a new President, or keep the one we currently have. I have never indicated who I would vote for on this blog, and I never will. Since I can't go out and vote until I get off work today, I will hold off my comments until tomorrow when (hopefully) the votes will be counted. The only thing I will leave you with is the horoscopes for each of the candidates.

Pres. Bush's Horoscope for today, November 2nd 2004.

Nominee Kerry's Horoscope for today, November 2nd 2004.