Friday, January 20, 2006

Sci-Fi Reality

So when I bought myself the Sidekick II from t-Mobile, I found out pretty fast that the battery life pretty much sucks. I wanted to trade in the Sidekick or sell it to someone, but when my mom went to T-Mobile and bought her RAZR and I helped set it up, I found the phonebook on it sucked in comparison to the Sidekick. My only solution was to buy myself a second phone and keep the Sidekick as my mobile phone book while using the RAZR I bought my primary phone. This setup works pretty well, with the exception of having to carry two phones.

So, I bought the RAZR. Sleek, super lightweight and compact with a large screen and camera, video camera and media player, the only thing this thing cannot do is access live TV. It works fine as a phone, that's all I care about at this point. The one fun thing I had really wanted to do with the phone was buy and use the Bluetooth capable accessories for the phone. I bought this really awesome Bluetooth headset for the phone after jamming the corded model out of my ear while driving one time too many. Lightweight and comfortable, its really simple to use and honestly, I don't know how I ever used a cell phone without this!

Well, it was while talking to some friends that I started to think about the impact of sci-fi movies and shows on the technology spectrum found in everyday use. To say Star Trek was revolutionary back in the day as far as where technology would go, back in the day, might have made you the victim of ridicule. Cause lets face it, if you walk around in the 1960's with the deep seated thought that one day we would be walking around with a device that would let us communicate effortlessly with another person that fits in the palm of our hand, people would think you're insane. Then I started to think to myself how eerie the new technology relies heavily on Star Trek.

Check this out.

TNG Comm BadgeEerie coincidence?

If you are at all familiar with the workings of the Star Trek series Communication badge, they are two way communication devices that when activated, allow hands free communication with the ship and crew. Just a simple tap of the badge and you are in instant communication with another crew member. My Bluetooth earpiece looks eerily similar to the comm badge used in Star Trek.

What's even more strange, there's a company out there who is actually making similar devices for everyday use.

Now if they can only perfect the transporter, I would love to go to work and not spend so much on gas.

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