Saturday, December 03, 2005

Why do I even bother sometimes?

It's more of a rhetorical question I ask myself whenever I stop and try to do some shopping before work. You see, I go and buy the stupidly needless items that I really don't need, but bothers me that I don't have. Today's stupidly needless item were a set of foam covers for my iPods earbud headphones. You see, the original set have been removed by months of abuse and picking them up and moving them about in the car. IM sure I sucked up one of them in the car vacuum.

I digress. So I leave work early and decide to stop at a local Radio Shack. Well, the one close to my house is closed, so I thought about just getting off the freeway before the Sunland Park exit and look for one. My fellow commuters were fucking nutzoid, I wasn't quick to throw the clutch and pop into first gear when the light changed and the prompt knuckle-dragging mouth breather in back of me laid on the horn! Well, After shifting into second I just let the car idle in gear, really annoying him for his rather rude way of getting me going! I would understand if I were just sitting there with the light green and my thumb up my ass enjoying myself and he blared the horn...

So I guess it was a bit of karma coming back to me. I was at the next lights turn lane and when the light changed, the vapid excuse for a person driving in front of me was searching his car for God only knows what. I laid on that horn after the entire second turn lane had already gone and with him aware of his stupidity, we made it through the light with me catching the red. Oh, I made sure I welcomed his presence into stupidity with the one finger salute at door-to-door range.

Eventually, I get to Circuit City, knowing there isn't a Radio Shack around my area and look for the stupid foam covers. In a huge electronics store like Circuit City, there was none. I then searched around for some time and couldn't find them. I eventually got to Best Buy and found them there, but for something that should be stupidly inexpensive, they were ridiculously outrageous! I paid $8 for a two pack of foam protectors. That means I paid $2 for each stupid little foam covers!

So, getting to work, I took a moment & re-gathered my thoughts, went inside & put the new covers on my headphones. I think I will just stop trying to do things and buy things around this time, because I tore one trying to put it on...

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