Friday, December 02, 2005

Caveat Paenitendus

Yes, I already used this title before...

Seriously, I have no idea why I always second guess what I buy. I think it all goes back to the Cavalier. I wasn't exactly happy that I was forced to buy a car when my first car, the 1991 Pontiac Sunbird died on me. The Cavalier was one of those purchases that needed to be done, but I grew to like it. Buyers remorse hit when I couldn't put the top down on the car. Other things I have regretted:
  • The Mustang
  • the first iPod
  • the eMachines desktop computer
  • the Dell Inspiron laptop
  • the Neon
  • Sprint PCS
  • RayBan Sunglasses
So, I am going to set some things right. I am going to undo one of the above listed and really drastically change the way I do things. I have decided to go and buy another laptop. This time, I am buying an Apple. I haven't used an Apple computer in at least 10 years, but I can catch on pretty fast.

My biggest problem is I don't know anyone who owns one to help me in case I have questions...

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