Friday, August 19, 2005

Live from the KTSM Studios...

So we had to keep it under wraps that someone as big as Sean Hannity was going to be in the studios for good reason. People were just flooding into our station waiting area in the lobby just to get a glimpse of him. I didn't want to aggravate the crowd too much, they were a surly bunch of misfits and thought that by me mocking them behind the security glass was a bad idea.

Producer @ work

Around 10am, Sean's producer shows up. Focused and short on time, he immediately asks where everything is, asks if everything for him is set and wants nothing more than the space to run around the on-air studio areas like a spaz. We let him do his own thing. He commandeered the fax machine & two computers with printers. At the time this picture was taken, he had already placed notes on each pile of show prep about its topic & value to the show. Even after this was taken, there were more piles of prep on the console.

The blind leading the skilled...

This is Sean's engineer. He got here about 5 minutes after the producer. A skilled man with little time and tons of worry on his mind. He went to work after the obligatory hand shaking and found that most of the equipment was to satisfaction. Others -- well, others weren't up to code. Anonymous humming & problems linking & getting a decent sounding phone call were problems at first, but were quickly overcome.

Engineering... um, engineering?

This is a shot outside of the engineering room. These people are trying to get the ISDN line to work properly. I was shocked, both engineers at the station were on hand and working hard! Not that they don't work hard mind you, the phrase "They were working hard" usually never applies to my station! Indeed, a moment to capture on film!

Sean prepping for the show

Then we have Mr. Hannity. Sean Hannity of the Sean Hannity show. He came in and took command of everyone's attention. He quickly shook everyone's hand & had a smile on his face as he explained a little of what he expects out of the next few hours, then gets to work reviewing the producers well placed prep work.

After the show, we had a small "Greet & Meet" in our conference room. Nothing too extravagant, he talked about why he was here in El Paso, promoted his show for the evening, then took time to take some last photos.

Have you ever danced with the Devil by the pale moonlight?

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