Thursday, June 30, 2005

The Vending Machine

I was watching an episode of the Simpsons yesterday afternoon when I was reminded about something absolutely hilarious that happened to me and one of the vending machines at the radio station. I don't remember the specifics of that day, but what I do remember was I was hungry and being that it was a few days before payday I was hurting for whatever spare change I had. I still had 5 hours to go before heading home and I didn't take a sandwich to hold me over. In desperation, I rummaged thru the Cavalier for some change, and wound up with barely $.60 cents.

So. Here I am with $.60 cents and two vending machines to choose from in the building. The closest machine to my studio (and the car) is the one I chose. Remembering their ad campaign of the early 1990's, I figured that Snickers would satisfy my hunger pangs and keep me from gnawing on the office furniture long enough to go home and rummage thru the cupboards. I placed most of the money in the machine, I remember it wasn't accepting the dimes all that well, so eventually, it took all the change. I selected the Snickers & watched as it jammed itself from falling to my hungry hands.

I stared at the candy bar for about ten seconds before I started to scream at the top of my lungs. It's about at this point in the story I should stop and preach about vending machine safety & serious & deadly injury that could occur if in the same situation. Out of anger, serious hunger & frustration, I grabbed the top of the machine and started to violently shake the bastard for all it was worth. I was in no danger of having the machine tip over, the walls were too close together to warrant concern that the machines were gonna come end my hungry life, so I shook that machine like a pit-bull with a 4 year old in its mouth!

Well, in my maelstrom of blind anger, I didn't notice how violently I shook the machine until it rocked backwards and left a pretty hefty indentation in the drywall behind it before R2D2-ing to a halt. At the split second the machine shuddered to a stop, I witnessed the first 3 items from each row on the machine leap from their place and fall forward into the pickup bin, including my Snickers bar. Now, I have just made a machine that weighs a little less than a half ton rock back and forth in place and made a vicious ruckus that was heard all the way to the other end of the building and literally vomit at least three of every item it had to vend.

I fell to the floor and started to laugh my head off. Damn, as I type this I am laughing my ass off, and its been a few years since it happened! I looked at the door to pick up the items and saw a mountain of snacks blocking the door from opening. I could hardly see straight, I had tears in my eyes from the laughter, and it was because of the combination of laughter and half-ton jamboree that one of my co-workers comes in and sees me on the floor surrounded by a mountain of vending machine snacks. She starts busting out laughing and shows me that the indentation I did to the wall affected her office wall (which was directly behind the machine) and knocked off every picture, CD rack & placed a hairline crack in the drywall.

After laughing my ass off, I regained enough composure to gather all the loot, laugh some more, and started to hand out the stash to people from the building. As I made my rounds and explained thru broken speech interrupted by laughing fits what the horrendous noise was, I felt better knowing that my selfish act of rage at least brought a smile to the faces of my co-workers and also dispersed my loot. As it was, I went home with 8 or 10 grab-bag sized Dorrito's, some Milky-Way bars & cupcakes galore.

I don't know why I am starting to come forward with these confessions.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

If it's not one thing, its another

You might remember a few months ago I was slightly irate about the choice of toiletries given to us in the men's room. Our toilet paper would either dole out 2 squares and tear off because of such a good serration job done by the overworked & underpaid 3rd world workforce manufacturing our quality product that is always manufactured slightly larger than the dispenser opening so that the roll is impossible to turn without shredding your hand from trying to grasp at the roll & turn from behind the plastic partition OR would unravel all over the floor because the same overworked & underpaid 3rd world workforce didn't even BOTHER to serrate the tissues apart.

Well, I think they finally purchased a few hundred rolls of the quality sandpaper tissue that we all know oh so well, but now are letting the air conditioning here in the building lax because of several reasons.

A few weeks ago, I approached the Station Manager and asked if it was possible to do something about the lack of AC coolness at 5am when I start work. The ambient temperature of the parking lot matches the indoor temperature & thermometer in the building. I was told that because the people on my side of the building "keep changing the temperature to extremes", the ability to change the AC settings were going to be revoked from our digression. So it happened. Damn it was fucking hot for most of my shift until around 11am the units kicked on. Of course, this is an hour before I leave to go home, so I get some cool air before hitting a hot car.

So, today - fed up with having to deal with the hot room temperature, I took one of the small desk fans I had found at the house with me to work. Wouldn't you know the AC units are finally working?

I actually hate to say "what's next?" but I just did.

Sloth & Leisure

Yesterday was pretty damn good, got the new plates for the Neon from the dealer & for the first time in a really long time, I took my car thru a carwash. I couldn't take any of my previous convertibles thru one, mainly because the high pressure "Touchless" carwashers forced water thru the weather strip cracks & in one instance, soaked my parents who borrowed my car - I remember getting the phone call immediately afterwards.

The other style of carwash (with rollers & strips of soapy terry cloth) was too violent for a convertible top to withstand (the Mustang's previous owner drove it thru and bent one of the support bows in the top) so when I bought the car, I realized that I was going to finally be able (since the Cavalier) to run it thru the carwash. It was so sweet. Got it washed, waxed & looks - well, good as new!

Then, yesterday the water level in the AC dropped, and the house started to heat like a convection oven set to 'Discomfort'. So, remembering the Christmas present I bought for my parents last year, I pulled out the foot spa and threw in a pitcher of water, ice & water softener and just turned it on and let it all soak. Oh, how sweet that little foot spa is. I just set it at the foot of my bed, lie down, then turned it on & was in absolute heaven.

I'd have taken pictures, but the camera's batteries are dead. I really should invest in some rechargables...

Monday, June 27, 2005

Start Me Up

It had always been something festering in the back of my mind to open up a business of my own & become a small town success. Evelyn & Yolie had always wanted to open up a small coffee house either in South Texas or out in Chicago. I would love to open one out in Chicago, seeing that there is a larger population to justify taking the risk more than there is in South Texas.

The three of us would spend hours sitting back, often drinking coffee from our favorite coffee house in my car daydreaming about how nice it would be to open our own place. I think we were more enchanted with the aroma of coffee than anything, but the more we thought of it, the more we realized we could feasibly open our own shop. Thinking about everything from the name, to the booths, to little crap we could sell along with the coffees.

Who knows, anything can happen. This is America, after all.

Friday, June 24, 2005


*These are the answers to questions no one asked...*

We have always heard the world will end. Here's a timeline.

It is impossible to fold a piece of paper (regardless of size) more than 11 times. That apparently hasn't stopped people from making money off of it. What prize do you win for getting it folded 12 times? Would anyone really care?

You will know when you are in a workplace that will never win any awards for "Greatest Inventive Product" for improving the everyday drudgery that envelops everyday life when you have boss' who condone massive Post-It note mosaics of the King of Rock & Roll. I hate to see what their petty cash box looks like after a montage of Marilyn Monroe a-la Andy Warhol...

I love the smell of Snapple on a hot day. It smells like defeat!. File this under the "So close, yet so far" department. Maybe some weather forecasts & friendlier staff could have helped.

Now, I must warn you. The two links provided HERE and HERE are lengthy, disturbing, funny and extremely gross. The provided links are two versions of the same story written by the same author about a roommate he lived with for some time. The last thing I want are all of you people sending me hate mail for grossing you out - but for some reason I am expecting it.


*Taken from the Corpus Christi Caller Times, at*

June 6, 2005

Birds of a feather have to flock elsewhere

A 76-year-old woman who lives in the 1000 block of Golla Avenue said she saw a man carry away a neighbor's 5-foot tall birdbath and base filled with water on May 23. She said the man, who appeared to be between the ages of 20 and 30, put the birdbath in the trunk of a vehicle and drove away. The stolen property was valued at $300.
It's one thing to steal the huge, heavy birdbath, but to steal it without taking out the water?

June 11, 2005

Man stabbed while talking on phone

An officer was sent to Christus Spohn Hospital Memorial on May 27 to see about an 18-year-old man with stab wounds. The officer said the man had a stab wound to his right eyelid and brow and his left arm. The 18-year-old said he was on a phone in the 1900 block Gardenia Court talking with his "home girls" when a man between the ages of 30 and 40 approached him. The man said, "What's up?" and stabbed the 18-year-old in the face. Police said the 18-year-old became uncooperative after he was asked the names of the girls.
Police later released the name of the 18 year old as "Huggy Bear", who then claimed ownership of his "home girls" Pantene & Suquisha.

June 21, 2005

Item of the day : Man calls at 2 a.m. for 'Budweiser survey'

A 27-year-old woman told police that on June 18 a man claiming to be conducting a survey for Budweiser phoned her home in the 6000 block of South Staples Street. She said the man phoned at 2 a.m. and when she told him the time he responded: "It's only 12 a.m. where I'm calling from." She said her name is on a national no-call list and he sounded like he didn't know what he was going to say next.
I wonder if he was drinking on the job? There's no better job satisfaction than to sample your companies handiwork...

May 31, 2005

Woman accused of stealing underwear

5488 South Padre Island Drive: A 45-year-old woman was arrested after she was accused of stealing five pairs of control top underwear and four girdles, valued at $199 total, on May 13. A department store employee reported the woman put the items in the front of her pants and tried to leave the store without paying.
When strip searched by female officers, they discovered her desperate use of 44 already-strained pair of girdles & support hose. Suspect was then given suspenders & scaffolding.

June 29, 2005

5500 Saratoga Boulevard: A woman reported on May 15 that employees at a restaurant paged her on an intercom saying they'd found her purse in the men's bathroom. The woman said she checked the purse and discovered her American Express card was missing, along with her checkbook and a bank debit card.
I don't know what's worse, finding out you have just been robbed of credit cards & checks, or that as a woman, you left your purse in a men's room and the derelicts at the restaurant paged you overhead and annouced that juicy bit of info over the intercom...

Strangers with candy

What sort of message are we sending to our kids when we tell them to never accept candy from strangers, but go to membership club supermarkets who freely hand out samples of food that we audibly tell eachother "tastes good"?

Things haven't been worth updating lately, but I have a feeling after today that all might change. More later.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

So much love it hurts

You see, the other day (don't tell anyone) I had been given a gift card that was meant for someone else. They received it, figured it was way too much of a hassle & gave it to me because of some work I had done outside of my job. In reality, I don't think you can call it a gift card at all. Hell, you aren't really given all of the money on the card, but it's one of those refillable credit cards.

American Express has them and are a rousing success. The one I got was sorta strange. To purchase, it costs $9.95, then you add whatever you want to put on the card, from $5 to $500. Well, its all said and good, until you start to realize that every month you don't use the card, you loose $4.95 a month to "keep the account open".

So, like I said, I got a gift card the other day. $25. I now have to spend it like quick, call their 1-800 number & stop the account before they take out the $4.95 to "keep the account open". However, I also have to keep some extra cash on the card because the 1-800 number isn't exactly free, its $.45 cents a minute to call & stop your account.

So, I was on the phone yesterday with the people at this card company for a total of 10 minutes. Of that 10 minutes, 6 of them were of me declining every single "special introductory offer" they had under the sun. This means when you call to stop your account - being charged $.45 cents a minute - you will need some extra cash on the card just to keep from being charged the minutes. So, your call to stop your account will cost you $4.50, on top of the $4.95 account maintenance fee, has drastically dropped your spend-able amount to $15.55 to spend on whatever you want.

Taking current prices, I cannot buy a full tank of gas. According to Monday's first time fill-up, with gas prices at $2.06 it takes $21 to fuel up the Neon. Most electronics stores that sell CD's sell them at $14.99, and DVD's, forget it. I suppose I could grab something from a convenience store, but their prices are always higher than retail stores.

Caveat Emptor.

Monday, June 20, 2005


This morning was the first time I have gassed up the Neon. Paid $22.01 to fill it up from empty. If I had the Mustang, it would have been $26.

It's already paying for itself.

R.I.P. 2001 Ford Mustang

Can't we let it go? I did. Hell, I said my final goodbye's to the car on Wednesday. I actually shed one tear for the Mustang when I handed the keys over to the Dodge dealership after I unceremoniously stripped the XM Radio & K&N FIPK kit off the car, but so many people I know still:
  1. Can't believe I traded in my dream car
  2. Bought something smaller than the Mustang
  3. Bought something that wasn't a convertible, OR one of the new Mustangs...
I am starting to get straggles of friends coming up to me wondering why I am driving what looks like a rental. The response is always the same, wide-eyed expression & incomprehensible understanding of why I would even think of getting rid of the car. I had always said that I never knew who got more pleasure out of the Mustang, me, or everyone else.

Well, its time to move on. I am satisfied knowing that I owned my dream car, and unlike the Chevrolet/ Pontiac Camaro / Firebird, the Mustang will keep going. There will always be a Mustang, so it will always be on my list of cars to buy. I think its time everyone else lets the Mustang Rev In Peace. May she serve her next owner as well as she served me.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

New Car

*With updated content*
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Meet my new ride. A 2005 Dodge Neon SXT. Fully loaded. Signed the papers today. Its the number one reason for a lack of updates.

As is customary for my cars, I am having a small contest to name the car. It's officially called Clunker 9 by my parents (long story) but starting with the first car I ever drove on a regular basis, I have always given a name to my cars.
  • 1979 Chevrolet El Caminio - Tin Foil
  • 1991 Pontiac Sunbird - Bluebonnet
  • 1999 Chevrolet Cavalier - Sara
  • 2001 Ford Mustang - Sally
I am trying to figure out what to name the new Neon. So, I take it to you, the loyal (HA!) readers of Blank Media to help name the car. Some recent ideas have been:
  • Agent Orange
  • Toast
  • Germaine
  • Julius/ Julia
  • *UPDATED* Penny (I like this one...)
Rather... interesting to say the least. Any ideas?

HUGE change to my driving habits

I will post more about it today sometime. Its the reason I haven't been updating a lot lately...

Monday, June 13, 2005

Even after the glitter fades


I think I am trying to recover brain cells from this weekends little camping excursion, because I started to wander online (unlike the Strange Findings updates) and found some rather interesting and disturbing facts about everyone's favorite actor or musician.

Star Wars has been in the media more times than I care to listen. Have we forgotten some of our old favorites while being awed by the stellar outrageously over-the-top visual effects that seem to have eclipsed the original movies? I kinda think that's what Billy Dee Williams is feeling like has happened to the movies, his career & life. Maybe his second job makes him happy. He's a painter. He calls his paintings 'Abstract Reality', all I see is his attempt to cash in on a role he once played. I had browsed his online galleries to see if I couldn't find some Star Wars-inspired Blacksploitation collage, but didn't. You kinda expect something like that looking at his art.

I just can't fathom Mr. Blonde sitting down in a coffee shop, surrounded by beatniks and rapping about society in general without blowing some freakin' heads off of someone. Alas, Michael Madsen, we now know the scope of your talents. While reading an excerpt from his latest book of scribe to jive by, I realized that (just like B.D. Williams described above) he is taking his life of film into his form of art and just - I don't know how to explain it, its either recapping his career or its gloating over his films, and it detracts from his ultimate conclusion.

Oh, where to begin. Chubby Checker, the early 60's answer to a question that was asked way too many times about a stupid dance that could carry one's career farther than the Macarena and easier to dance. The one dance the stupidest of shit-heads couldn't fuck up, Chubby Checker was able to get rhythm-less white guys & gals to look like they were over-snuffing a cigarette while thinking they looked "cool" or "hip". His merciless recycling of a song that should have been a one-hit wonder spawned Slow Twisting, Twist it Up, Let's Twist Again (Like We Did Last Summer), Twistin' USA, Twist the Doorknob, Twist my Nipples like You're Tuning in Paul Harvey - You get the idea. He's got fucking food named after that Goddamned song! Worse yet, he has a fucking semi truck called The Cherckerlicious Express! Good -fucking-God!
"Chubby and food have always been very close, from his
early roots in the South Philadelphia chicken markets to the present as a self-proclaimed "barbecue guru". Chubby has finally decided to join his many admirers in selling a little part of himself."
What part is he selling? Is it in the beef jerky? I seriously hope not!

Et, tu Spock? I have to admit one thing, Leonard Nimoy is an excellent photographer. His eye for his subject is admirable (even though he was a Captain - Star Trek humor...) but remind me too much of Star Trek IV. There's just something majestic about photographing whales.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Murder on Music Row

No, it wasn't me this time. I am referring to a great country music song sung by George Strait & Alan Jackson. The song chronicles the death of traditional country music to songs that seem to be rejects of pop & AC music stations. It's one of those songs that drifted under the radar back in 2000 when George Strait released his greatest hits album, but damn well worth listening to. I couldn't find a decent link to give to have you listen to it, so if you are out and about at a music superstore, make sure you listen to this song.

I think, however, I can pinpoint the exact moment that country music started to slip away from its roots and into the dark side.

*the culprit

Shania Twain was one of the first women in the industry to rebel against traditional country music and (with the help of her rock & roll producer husband Mutt Lange) started the decline in country music that we hear today.

I grew up listening to country music. I don't tell many people that because as of late, early country music was thought of as something for the older generation to listen to. I grew up on Johnny Cash, Barbara Mandrell, Dolly Parton & Charley Pride. Ronnie Milsap cassette tapes were more times than often strewn around a car at one point or another and one of my first LP's I bought was an Alan Jackson album.

Thanks to Imus in the Morning, we have a whole new realm of country music debauchery to deal with. Cowboy Troy is the newest and latest entry in a growing crowd of country music wanna-be's making their crappy voice known to the public. He is a bonafide country artist, sad to say. One listen to his "Hic-Hop" music will make you listen to Murder on Music Row and shed a tear.

Thursday, June 09, 2005


*Another WTF edition...*

Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it. May you memorize even more memorable quotes to use whenever they become appropriate.

HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! That's funny...

Twister was one of my favorite movies back in the late 90's, and it dealt with storm chasers trying to place this awkward piece of equipment in the path of a tornado to study the winds. Thanks to National Geographic, we can now see a tornado from the inside from sleek cameras placed directly in a tornadoes wrath.

I sense a disturbance in the force.

I was appalled, yet intrigued. I don't remember seeing this on Food Network. I am just afraid I won't get rid of the smell...

Bon Appetit!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

IM a Murderer... A Mur-diddley-urderer!!


I admit it. I did it - well, not me DIRECTLY.

*Not actual victim

Mr. Bunny here was out for an early morning stroll when he came face to face with Mr. B.F. Goodrich & his brother Rear Tire...

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*Actual murderous tire

It wasn't my fault. I saw him with enough time to change lanes. It just-so-happened that Mr. Bunny was either deeply depressed or really wanted a good look at what sort of tires the Mustang sports. All I know is I felt the steering go mushy for a split second and then the unmistakable double-thunking sound of the tires going over an object.

Now, Mike D was in the car with me at the time, and wondered what the hell it was I hit/ ran over/ attempted to avoid. I told him about it, and he started laughing at how I half-heartedly tried to avoid the furry pulp I left behind on the roadway. Leave it to Mike to make me laugh about murder.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Green Thumb

So I was trying to make dinner the other day when I reached for the bulb of garlic. I saw one of the bulbs was starting to sprout & decided to set it in some soil to see if I can make it grow.

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I used a cap piece from a laundry detergent container as its planter, so its gonna be interesting to see if anything grows.

Friday, June 03, 2005

3 day weekend

I have just literally woken up. It felt nice to spend one day asleep and not worry about getting up to go to work. Now, I just have some errands to run and I am good to go! If all goes according to plan, I should have enough money to save this pay period to go to Chicago. Lets see what happens!

Thursday, June 02, 2005


I've seen it in the men's room here at the radio station. At first I thought not much of it, someone left it there because they simply forgot it before a remote.

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But then it stayed there. A toothbrush. Now, its more "protected" from contaminants.

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I want to know who it belongs to, but then again I don't want to know...