Monday, September 27, 2004

A little late...

You know, after all the loading and reloading of my home computer's operating system, you would have figured I would have wanted to quickly get all my photos back into their respective folders and such, but that's not the case with me. I had been sitting on a lot of photos from my past vacation destinations that I promised I would post, but never did. Shame on me.

Something not too many people remember from last year, I met several actors from the TV/movie series Star Trek. I have photographic proof of this located here. I was going thru my pictures on CD's last night and found them attatched to the trip to Corpus Christi back in November of 2003.

I still need to post most of those pictures and pictures from Yolie's wedding, so all those should be coming soon. The problem with the ones from Yolie's wedding is I need to resize and touch some of them up to fit the website. All in due time. Enjoy these for now. They will also be added to my sidebar for future reference.

1 comment:

Valkyrie said...

Awesome!! I am also a Star Trek fan - we had re runs of the original series on the Sci-Fi channel here at home - it was great to see most of the original guys doing their thing!