Saturday, February 14, 2004

Ok, so I could be wrong...

Thursday I was alittle skeptical about the chances of snow & stormy weather, which I was half true. Yesterday it snowed in El Paso. Not only did it do that, but caused a plethera of accidents on the interstate that seriously tied up traffic for hours in some areas of town.

Needless to say it was hell on the roads for some time. Transmountain was closed (as is usual for icy conditions) as the weather turned cold for no apparent reason. I took the same route as many did early in the morning (4:50am) and experienced nothing as far as inclement road conditions. I traveled from far east to far west at a Cruise Control maintained 75 mph and had nothing happen. However, just an hour later, cars were careening into eachother over the same patches of roads I was on some hour previous.

I just love what my mom so astutely surmassed: "You know, the drivers in town panic & wreck as soon as a drop of rain hits their windsheild, yet people drive 75 mph on the freeway and other roads when the latest sand storms come rip thru the area. You'd think we were at home in the sand".

I agree.

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