Friday, February 27, 2004

*a return of an internet favorite

I was invited to an event sponsored by the local SCCA club in town. They hold these great course runs in the parking lot of Cohen Stadium every few Sundays. One of the main members invited me out there and wanted me to participate with Sally. It sure beats spinning out on Mesa trying to beat traffic making a U-turn...

"Honey, I said I was fine dag-nabit! That bone protruding thru the skin is nothing, the broken spinal column is masking the blinding pain, but could you find the umbrella and not this stupid tarp? Oh, be careful, its slippery!"...

For a while, I had been wanting to go visit Japan. Some of the things that keep me from going had always been the cost, number of hours flying, the currency exchange rates & language barriers that keep me here. This might sway me. Maybe I can grab one of these to wear to the museum.

Along the same lines, do you think the Surgeon General will put this warning on a condom or dental dam?

Mommy, was I abducted?

Man, people thought coin collecting was boring, they need to look at this...

To waste the day away, have fun with Ping Pong!


Thursday, February 26, 2004

Got XM, waiting for the filter... What a train wreck.

XM came sometime yesterday late afternoon, tried it out & I love it. I just toyed with it, today I am going to mount it with some help from my brother. We already found a great mounting position for the reciever & hopefully have a good spot for the antenna to mount, considering its a nice long cord.

Something of note, there was a massive train derailment close to the house. The overpass at Avenue of the Americas where the new Wal-Mart is is where the train wrecked. It happened around 5am, which goes along with the strange & strong smell of brakes & brake dust in the air when I left late. They are still trying to figure out why it derailed.

The air filter isn't here still.

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

It makes no sense. NO sense...

Maybe I am not understanding things, but I swore the package would be coming direct from San Diego to El Paso via DHL. I didn't realize it takes 4 days to go from San Diego to Willmington Ohio to it's processing plant. At this rate, its goint to take another 4 days to get to El Paso, get sorted & transported to the house. I just hope it makes it here in time to be installed before my trip to Corpus Christi. No, no XM yet.

I also seem to have spoken too soon as far as the oil change goes. The gas cap light turned on this morning on the freeway. Im starting to succumb to the fact it might be a $400 repair.

Lets see what today holds, though.

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

A nice long nap was what I needed.

The car has been performing well since the oil change. I took a rare nap today, rare in the sense it was merely only a 3 hour nap instead of my usual 6 hour slumbers. The weather has been acting weird all day, cool in the morning, windy & cloudy in the mid-day and cold & kinda drizzly in the evening. The weather doesn't know what to do lately.

Mother Nature is gettin' freaky on us...

Monday, February 23, 2004


In short, the Check Engine light was caused by a need of an oil change. It was registering as an emissions leak, which if the oil isn't up to par, then it will set off the light. I also have a more premium blend of oil in it, nothing's too good for my baby. Fucking oil...

DHL. When it absolutely positively has to be there... eventually...

The K&N FIPK Gen2 air intake kit I bought was sent out on Thurday using DHL shipping. I didn't realize DHL was still around. I recieved a tracking number from AJ and tried it all weekend to monitor my package's progress. From the looks of the website, it seems to have been departing San Diego for almost 4 days now. I don't know about the XM Roady, I guess ignorance is bliss for now.


Friday, February 20, 2004

Beyond AM, beyond FM

XM. Yup. I bought the XM Satelite Roady for the Mustang... No, I don't have it yet, it's making its way to me as we speak. However, I don't think too many people know that when you visit the XM site and browse their channels, you can play samples of what is playing on XM at that moment... Ive been hooked on XM channel 48 "Squizz". Its the kind of music I never hear from our shitty radio stations in town... I see I will sincerely love XM.

The best part is I will have the radio when I hit Corpus, so I will have uninterrupted music from El Paso to South Padre Island! Something odd, if you haven't already known, you can listen to XM on their website for free. They call it their samples, but Ive been listening to the same channel for the past half hour and I love it... An interesting twist is I might have a companion on this endeavour to Corpus. Lets see what happens.


Thursday, February 19, 2004

Things are set into place...

Ive already set vacation days aside for a trip to Corpus Christi. Interestingly enough, its going to be the first weekend of March which also happens to be my birthday. This is going to be nice. Im going to ask for a dinner at Water Street Cafe when I get there. It's my birthday afterall...

Ive ordered the car part I want so it should be arriving soon. If I keep things to a minimum, then I should have lots of fun out there. Feeling alittle hungry, time to heat up a plate of lasagna...


Wednesday, February 18, 2004


Oh, thats nasty, that was not right... Our sales manager went on vacation to New Zealand and brought back some Veggimite. What does it taste like? Its a pasty soy sauce tasting spread that Aussies actually eat. Its nasty!

Engine check done, its the Emissions

Sally checks out fine, there's a leak in the emissions system. It's in and around the gas tank proably, or it a phantom sensor making the light turn on. I should be able to pick it up today. It's going to be a nice day, too! 70+ Degrees today! TOP DOWN WEATHER!!!


Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Narrowing my 'to buy' list

Going to take Sally to the dealer so they can see why the Check Engine light is on. Once thats fixed, its onto some major purchases. Ive been planning all sorts of bolt-on and upgrades for the car, but surprisingly, the one major thing I want to buy is from a place I vowed never to retrun to again.

Back in 1999, I had gone to the Gateway store in town to get myself a brand-spanking new laptop to replace the aged old Packard Bell I had since in high school. Well, to make a long story short, I wasn't satisfied with my experience at Gateway and vowed never to return for a computer there again.

This isnt a computer however. Its a 4.1 megapixel digital camera. Its a pretty good deal, too which after I get the car fixed I will go get. Then, I will get the air filter I want and I should be good for a while.

Lets see what happens...

Sunday, February 15, 2004

Typical Sunday

Obla-dee obla-dah life goes on, oh, la la la la life goes on.

Saturday, February 14, 2004

Ok, so I could be wrong...

Thursday I was alittle skeptical about the chances of snow & stormy weather, which I was half true. Yesterday it snowed in El Paso. Not only did it do that, but caused a plethera of accidents on the interstate that seriously tied up traffic for hours in some areas of town.

Needless to say it was hell on the roads for some time. Transmountain was closed (as is usual for icy conditions) as the weather turned cold for no apparent reason. I took the same route as many did early in the morning (4:50am) and experienced nothing as far as inclement road conditions. I traveled from far east to far west at a Cruise Control maintained 75 mph and had nothing happen. However, just an hour later, cars were careening into eachother over the same patches of roads I was on some hour previous.

I just love what my mom so astutely surmassed: "You know, the drivers in town panic & wreck as soon as a drop of rain hits their windsheild, yet people drive 75 mph on the freeway and other roads when the latest sand storms come rip thru the area. You'd think we were at home in the sand".

I agree.

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Hmm, haven't been smited. Yet...

Ah the week has been slow in going. The weather forecasts have been trying to predict rain & snow again. I don't know wheter or not to believe them since the last time they predicted a winter storm, we had a massive lightning storm blow thru the area. I wonder what it will be this time, flash flooding?

Slept all afternoon yesterday, so that and my normal sources are dry that warranted a long spell from the SFFTI update or any other update yesterday. Im bored. Gonna watch some movies when I get home.

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

*Im going to Hell for this...

There are many good reasons Im not flying to Corpus Christi. Time, expense and ultimately, someone would be shuttling me back and forth in town. That alone makes me just take the time and drive out there in the Stang. Im glad Im doing that. I don't want to be next to a Christian who might potentially want to talk insessantly for hours about faith. Goddamned pilot...

Maybe now is a good time to go to Disneyland. I was so sick and tired of having some tard scream, disrobe & fling their clothes at me as they get ahead of those who had been waiting hours in line. Now we just have to deal with the tards in wheelchairs and we're good, problem is there are people up in arms... BOO-FUCKING-HOO. Wait in line like we all have to...

Im starting to get a headache thanks to this site. If you were colorblind, you can see them vividly now! Damn...

I haven't been to the theaters in a while. Mainly, there aren't that many movies out there to watch, so Im stuck with DVDs. Problem is, Im stuck within my little realm of DVDs. Since being bombarded by the opinions of some of the gayest looking reviewers and having to decipher why they think we should or shouldn't like the flick cause they hate the key grip that ruined the audio of Kevin Spacey's mummble, I thought maybe there's something else. I just don't know if I want HAL 2000 suggesting my entertainment.

I have to credit our Production Director here at the station for this absolutely hilarious game. It's kind of a mix of baseball and a golf range. Hilarious none the less!

Finally, I found this in my inbox. Its a tastefully done powerpoint presentation of the nation's finest (military, police & EMS) standing with nearly naked & naked women in a homage to liberty. It's got some music to it, so gather some coworkers. Its safe for work.


Monday, February 09, 2004

Move over 'Little Old Lady from Pasadena'...

I left work today oblivious to roadwork on I-10. Of course, it was the left lane closed up ahead so naturally, they have to disrupt the flow of traffic for 2 miles before the actual coned off areas. So, I piddle along (something impossible for a Mustang) and try not to allow too many cars into my lane all the while making sure I had enough distance between me and the cars infront and behind me.

So, I check my side mirrors and keep an eye on the rickety old Pontiac trying to edge his way into my front clip when out of nowhere a Caprice stationwagon jumps right behind me. I took particular notice to the driver. When you mistake the headpiece worn by a nun for the stupid mask from Scream, you tend to do a double take.

She had the focus of Mario Andretti, the speed of Jeff Gordon and the determination of a bulldog trying to pull his chain from the wall as she changed lanes with such authority and conviction, I actually felt intimidated...

Yes, I do have testicles, shut up.

Sunday, February 08, 2004

A bath shouldn't remind you of a carwash...

Since going for the less than name brand items for personal grooming, it possibly pays to buy the name brand toiletries. I speak of body soap. Wal-Mart's Equate brand (aptly named cause they think its just about the same as the name brand) is a far cry from the bath soap I use. I lathered up & washed last night and couldn't help but stop and think 'where had I smelled this fragrance & feel of the soap before'?

Then it dawned on me... Car soap. Minus the waxing agent, it was car wash soap. Lesson learned? Scrimp and save some extra few cents to get the name brand stuff, it's worth it in the long run.


Saturday, February 07, 2004

Getting things ready for a Strange Findings update

Lately alot of my sources are kinda dry, so theres not much to update with the past few weeks. Ive saved some of note, will recheck their validity and post them soon.

Ok, ok, so I used some help when I had fun with languages earlier this week. I would like to thank for help in my chicanery. Im still planning vacation to Corpus, I might stay longer than I thought, or I might just end up beig there for afew days, still havent decided. After I get the Mustang checked out and repaired & some add-ons bolted in, I should get a good picture when I should be traveling.

*it will be in March sometime...


Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Ich bin von osterreichisch anstandig

Deshalb ist das heutig ein ziemlich gutes Ein gewesen. Es war Quasiregnen heute, nur genug zu schmutzig das Auto. Kommend nach Hause von Arbeit, Dinge waren nett, gab es eigentlichen Blitz und donnerte alle um und, den es sogar mit einem Schneeregen gest?rmt hat. Ich habe es geliebt. Ich wollte Heim mit dem Oberteil hinunter treiben, aber es war zu kalt f?r mich, das zu machen. Noch w?rde wie zu, aber nur, wenn ich ein schweres Jacke & Ohr muffs trage.

Deshalb ist die heutige Ausgabe vom Blog auf deutsch. Meine Familie ist teils ?sterreicher, deshalb habe ich gedacht, da? es passen w?rde, heute Zugang auf deutsch zu machen. Ich k?nnte auch zum Klang der Musik singen, aber ich dont denkt, da? Leute das m?gen w?rden. Gut vielleicht Yolie & Evelyn..

L??t sehen, ich habe ein Huhn auftauend,, einen fajitas mit ihnen sp?ter gehend zu machen. Im hat gebohrt. Gehen, um Spiel einige Videospiele zu gehen.


I am of Austrian decent

So, today's been a pretty good one. It was quasi raining today, just enough to dirty the car. Getting home from work, things were nice, there was actual lightning and thunder all around and it even stormed with some sleet. I loved it. I wanted to drive home with the top down, but it was too cold for me to do that. Still would like to, but only if I wear a heavy jacket & ear muffs.

So today's edition of the blog is in German. My family is part Austrian, so I thought it would be fitting to do todays entry in German. I could also sing to the Sound of Music, but I dont think people would like that. Well, maybe Yolie & Evelyn...

Lets see, I've got some chicken thawing, going to make some fajitas with them later. Im bored. Going to go play some videogames.


Tuesday, February 03, 2004

En el español, la causa que puedo no.
La versión del español

Yo figura yo trataría la mano en el idioma del español. ¿No malo para un trata primero, si? Hoy ha sido uno de esos días extraños donde usted no sabe si el cambio de tiempo. El Caballero de Chris nuestra manta mojada jamás atenta, el chorro que habrá la nieve y la aguanieve, y tiempo e hielo fríos y en y en y en. Yo duda lloverá, permitirá la nieve sola. No es suficiente frío afuera nieve.

Bien, no hay viajando el hecho que yo necesidad toma el Mustang al comerciante obtiene la vuelta de la luz lejos en el tablero de mando. Hay un escape de vaccum en algún lugar en el coche y en que qué causa. Yo apenas no sé donde. El dinero debe estar entrando para ayuda en el repara.

Bueno, Im que preparando cabeza hogar. Im hambriento, yendo probablemente calienta algunas sobras. Hay una olla del gigante de sopa que me esperando.

Estará mañana en alemán, Los mirones..

In Spanish, cause I can't.
English version

I figured I would try my hand at the Spanish language. Not bad for a first try, huh? Today has been one of those strange days where you don't know if the weather will change. Chris Knight our ever vigilant wet blanket, was spouting that there will be snow and sleet, and cold weather and ice and on and on and on. I doubt it will rain, let alone snow. It's not cold enough outside to snow.

Well, there's no getting around the fact that I need to take the Mustang to the dealer to get the light to turn off on the dashboard. There's a vaccum leak somewhere in the car and thats whats causing it. I just don't know where. money should be coming in for help on the repairs.

Ok, Im getting ready to head home. Im hungry, probably going to heat up some leftovers. There's a giant pot of soup waiting for me.

Tomorrow will be in German, voyeurs...

Monday, February 02, 2004

Well, that was quite titalating

Im sure we've all been abreast of what happened at the Superbowl. Yup, like deer in headlights, the Patriots ran over the Panthers. I especially loved the car commercials, the SSR from Chevy took me by surprise. Kids with soap in their mouths for swearing as they see the top come down was hilarious.

Oh yeah, and some other things happened.