Friday, September 16, 2005

Linux Roulette

So I have been toying with several Linux distributions and loaded Ubuntu 5.10 as my second OS of choice. Well, after correctly partitioning the HDD with the Linux utility, I loaded Ubuntu with no problems. Its when I started to dick around with the settings that I got burned.

By default, all Linux distros want you to have theirs as the default loading system. I wanted Windows to be the OS that starts up first. I changed the settings as well as a few others, and restarted the system. Wouldn't you know that I did something wrong and killed the boot loader for Windows XP on my computer.

What does this mean? I am now running a completely Linux operating system. Windows is gone. Completely. All my songs on the iPod, all my settings for games, all of my show notes, my updated resume, online settings for wireless sites, photos (vacation photos)...

IM still numb, but I saved all of my photos to CDs long before this happened. I didn't delete any of them from the camera from the trip to Chicago, so I am happy. Still, it sucks. Gotta reload from the beginning again. Do you know how time consuming it is to load all that music into the iPod?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So did you accidentally partition away the Windows partition? I have no problems dual booting linux and xp with the grub boot loader.