Tuesday, September 13, 2005

nch ranch ranch ranch ranch ranch ranch ranch ranch ranch ranch ran

I think Wendy's has warped the minds of myself, Yolie & Teddy hence-forth. It's that fuckin' commercial with the Ranch Tooth. Yolie was the first to bring it up, and since then the word has become part of my normal(?) vocabulary. Sad part is, its also become Yolie's word too...

See, the other day I was at work at Sonitrol. I am supposed to have my cellphone turned off at all times, but every once in a while I turn it on to check messages. I saw she had called, her & Teddy were out and about in Chi-town and were bored. Well, she did a few quick "RAAAAAANCH" words on the voicemail and that was it. Well, I tried to call her several times and eventually left a message on her voicemail that was me saying the word "ranch" fast over & over with a few loud "RANCH!" variants in the message. I didn't hear from her for a few days, so I thought she didn't get the voicemail.

Then I got a call last night at work. It seems Yolie decided to check her voicemail messages Sunday night while she was at work. Well, that sounds good until you realize she works at a hospital and was on the late shift. She even went so far as to put the phone on SPEAKERPHONE and check her messages as she was tending to some things. She didn't know that the speaker volume was a little to high when a barrage of "ranch" came across the phone.

Well, this doesn't sound too funny at first, but then you start to think to yourself this is a hospital with sleeping patients and all you can hear echoing through the hallways are the word "ranch". Then, Yolie told me that the coupe de grace was when the really loud "RANCH!" blasted a few times through the speakerphone. She said that several nurses who were taking a nap woke suddenly & were shaking with that fear of a sudden startling noise that they didn't know where it came from.

That alone was worth the really long message I left on her cellphone.

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