Saturday, May 08, 2004


I had the Sega Master System when I was a kid, I always wanted to get the Nintendo. Nintendo was what all the kids got in school, and Sega was the system parents bought thinking it was the same as Nintendo. Lately, the old systems have become retro, sites like this one are re-tooling the games we all loved into downloadable games that are slightly better than, but still retaining the look of the originals. I just dont think this is the sort of progress we should be striving for...

I thought I had a pretty shitty day when I side swiped that wall with the Mustang's door on monday untill you read this guys' adventures, complete with illustrations! I just wonder whether or not he got his condition after trying recipies straight from the 16th century. I cant believe people actually research and know what others ate & devote websites to it...

Some guys are just too geeky. If you arent familiar with RAID systems in computers, its when more than one hard drive is used to store data. The more hard drives, the faster the computations become. I have seen it done with CDs & hard drives, but never with floppy drives. You dont have to click here, but a good knowlege of computers is needed to understand what the hell they are talking about.

I found more artists out there to note. Joseph Scheier-Dolbergs pictures remind me of what I see when I go out for a cruise with the top down at night. The sky plays off the atmosphere & creates colors against the rich & dense urban landscape & it naturally draws me in. With me not driving my car around (as to not let the scratches & broken panels be seen) I find it almost as good as the real thing.

The Kahn - Selesnick Galleries are within my wheelhouse of art. Its surreal in its contradictions in objects & space. Look hard and see what I mean.

I will load them onto my sidebar later.

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