Monday, May 31, 2004

Here in my car, I feel safest of all

It seems buying and upgrading to a newer car is fashionable lately. Yesterday, seemingly without warning, my mom up-and bought herself a new car. Newer car than her old one. Her faithful little Sunfire was already some 6 years old & nearing 7, but hardly a problem. She decided to bite the bullet and go for a newer one and she got herself a nice Pontiac Grand Prix. Im sorta jealous, hers has fog lights...

Drivers beware...

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Sushi time

It was great. Last night, Joe, Ivette and I headed out to our sushi restaraunt on the east side. It was exactly what I needed. I guess I need to have sushi at least once a month.


Thursday, May 27, 2004

How things change

I thought almost a year ago that my phone was the shit. It wasnt long after I got it I realized it wasnt. Im getting a replacment phone for something its doing that I cannot understand where its coming from. It beeps and makes weird noises. I can't hold a conversation without being bombarded with the noise.

No matter, I am going to change phone providers soon, too. AT&T has a nice special, but Sprint may have something better, but their plans are still kinda high. The rains came all day today off and on. Its been a nice change of pace since last weeks near record temps.

Man, I need to get going and fix dinner.

Monday, May 24, 2004

A picture is worth a thousand words. But to an illiterate, it means nothing.

That's a phillosophy I have carried with me for many years. I keep telling myself that so I can keep track of my career and progress. I bought a digital camera before heading out to Corpus Christi in March, and finding artist websites aren't helping to quell the idea to take pictures reminicent of what alot of people would call (including myself) Modern Ruins.

Sure, I featured a link to that website, but theres something haunting about seeing something untouched for decades. People would think I am crazy if I said I walk auto junkyards some days, just to look at all the cars piled up on sand & discarded rims. Imagining that each and every one of the cars in that junkyard were someone's pride and joy. Imagining that at some point in that car's existence, it was brand new, eyed by their potential owners, washed in their driveways, driving down the road playing their driver's favorite songs. Then looking at them in the condition I usually see them I wonder who the car was passed to, neglected by, stolen by.

I see the history in things not many people think of. There was one day I picked up an emblem from the ground at one of the yards. A Buick's hood emblem. Unbroken, still shiny, I picked it up and took it home. I cleaned it up, polished it up and hung it on my bulletin board. It wasnt the same as seeing it proudly displayed on the hood of whichever Buick it came from, but it was there showing itself off, proudly advertising the car it no longer was attatched to but maintaining its dignity about it.

Well, I want to take pictures of these sorts of things. Look how much I wrote about a stupid, inane hood emblem. Imagine what a full picture would bring?

Ah, now you see where I am going, huh?

Friday, May 21, 2004

Movie Reviews I

I was told about the movie Kung-Pow enter the fist by my friend at work Vanessa. She swore up and down that it was the greatest comedy ever made. I have to disagree.

Kung Pow Enter the Fist

Maybe I wasn't giving it a chance. After all, it does warn you at the begining of the movie it was a film made in the 1970's that they dubbed over the dialogue & added the plainly American actor. But it's within this foreboding that lies the worst acted & scripted film-noir meets cheezy Godzilla voice-over works I have ever seen.

Maybe it was the golpher nun-chuks or the needless fighting sequence with a cow, but there was really no point to making or releasing this clap-trap of crap, let alone make a DVD about it. The basic premise of the movie is about a chosen one who's family was killed when he was an infant. After a life of hard-knocks, he practices to avenge his family and does in the end. Why someone thought it would be hilarious to add himself into the movie with comedic and childish jokes (including fart jokes) is beyond me.

Save your money. Rent it for a night, or whatever is the cheapest. If you actually enjoy this time-waster, you might be drunk. God knows I needed to be to actually pay attention to it.

Untill next time, the DVD tray is empty.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Blank Media - 1 Year Anniversary!

I just realized its been one year to the day I started my blog. Thanks for listening to me rant and go on and on about crazy shit for a year! Im gonna make sure this next year is going to be a good one as well, with even more Strange Findings & art and other general stuff that catch me.

Thanks for reading it voyeurs!
Why is it I am the only adventurous one in my circle of friends?

My friends are the widest-ranging group of people I know. Ive got motorcycle riding daydreamers & hard-nosed republicans. Literary savants & idiot savants. Black, white, male, female, gays, straight, married & single, I have alot of friends each with different personas and likes & dislikes. So why is it, out of the some 40 people I know, only maybe 2 people enjoy sushi?

Sushi originated as a way of preserving funa (a fish). The fish was salted and allowed to mature on a bed of vinegar rice, after which the rice was discarded. Before long vinegar rice came to be eaten together with the fish and then other ingredients. Thus the word sushi was derived. Alot of people think its raw because many sushi varieties are prepared using some type of fish or seafood and the raw part just happens to stick in peoples mind. Sashimi means raw fish. But sashimi is also extremely good.

C'mon people, let's all live alittle. Here, I found a few guides and bits of information for you to study incase you want to be adventurous the next time you are stumped as to what to eat. After all, McDonnalds looses its novelty after One Billion Served. If you do manage to try it, watch this video first to get the jist of proper sushi etiquette. Hell, print out a text version of any of the above and take it to the restaraunt.

If you want my advice for finding a good restaraunt, ask people you know if they have been to any good places in town. Good food and experiences keep people returning to one restaraunt. I try not to go to a restaraunt based on travel guides or internet databases unless its been updated recently. Old information means one of two things: Menu selections & foods might have changed and quite possibly food quality might now be an issue. No news is often bad news when looking at food.

Also, sit at a table instead of the bar the first few times you go unless you go to a bar with a friend. It's more comfortable to the American-cultured diners to sit at a table and order from a menu. Also, for the first-timers, menu's give pictures along with explinations of what comes on a plate. Often times, if you go for lunch or dinner, the menu will have special combination plates or specials on food groupings. Stay away from the little placecard menu they will hand you, often times you will over order and will have to take sushi home with you. Most importantly, you will pay more for your food that way than on a menued item.

I hope this encourages some of you to try it. I have been wanting to go out to a sushi bar for at least 2 weeks now. Problem is, its not often other people are in the mood for sushi.

Live alittle, voyeurs!

Monday, May 17, 2004


Ok, Ive been cruising the internet now for some 6 years. Ive heard and read some pretty proposterous stories untill I read about the earth is getting darker. Yeah, thats right darker. Maybe its explaining a rash of trailer-trash related urban sprawl. The only thing I can think of is they aren't seeing the hideous messes they are creating in their environment. The interesting thing is I have actually seen this one. Its out there near Mustang Island in Corpus Christi.

When I was bored in elementary school and all thru high school, I would make paper airplanes. Elaborate and odd shaped, they actually took flight. I also learned how to make an oragami frog. How many trees were slaughtered for these people to figure out how to make obscene oragami? Kinky yes, but what happens when... what if they get... Fluids... Um...

Sort of in the theme of school, I remember watching Sesame Street and seeing time lapse photography & extremely slow film effects. Im addicted to this site and strangely wanting a cookie and a nap.

Yep. More art. Don't freak out, its just Russian art. Look hard at it. Soilent Green at its best.

This is more of my kind of art. Modern Ruins is just so haunting in its beauty. Each and every picture you can imagine the person who used to be in that location, the sounds and at times the smells. Ive got a digital camera, I want to find places like that here in town just for my own personal collection.

I know this collection isn't related to the above collection, but they are equally haunting especially when you view the Boat Yard series from Modern Ruins.
There is alot of text to scroll thru, but well worth it...

Enjoy voyeurs.
I dont get it, lets see if you do...

Its no mystery that Corpus Christi is my adopted home, so when news breaks involving the city, I will take notice. Ive got close friends who live out there so it matter to me what happens out there. While meandering around the house on friday, news broke about a truck that hit one of the bridges leading to the Harbor Bridge in downtown Corpus.

Harbor Bridge

Sadly the driver was killed, and it also seriously affected the surrounding areas with nightmarish traffic snarles. Check out the kind of dammage done (click on video option)...

So obviously as I watch the video about the accident (thanks to KRIS TV) I notice some of their other headlines. Storms are almost everyday occurrences in Corpus and the surrounding areas (Houston, San Antonio, Austin, etc.) and lately, they have been hitting with some strong force. KRIS reported about the delays brought on by the rains this past friday, listen carefully to what is said in this report (click on video option).

Call me crazy, but if you call yourself Corpus Christi International Airport, you'd think there would be facilities to entitle you to be a true International Airport with screening areas and INS stations. That just struck me as odd.


Thursday, May 13, 2004


Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday dear Ev,
Happy Birthday to you.
The latest in 'Gotta Have It'

Sony has made an absolute killing when it comes to their consoles. Starting back in 1997 when their first system hit the markets, the Playstation was the industries first commercial success utilizing a CD ROM based game instead of the then common cartridge style game snap-in. Sony's success was a far cry from SEGA's complete failure and utter demise following their attempt years earlier with the SEGA CD. Utilizing the SEGA Genesis as a base, the SEGA CD attatched to the side of the system and used CD Roms for games. However, their cost for such a system was at an unheard of $500 for the system and nearly $80 for games.

One market Sony had its eyes on for the longest time was the handheld market. Nintendo's Gameboy has been the reigning leader in the market since its inception back in 1989, and its many upgrades and its nearly thousands of games kept it ahead of Atari & SEGA. The Manx (an ultra rare find) & Game Gear were strong competitors when they were introduced to the markets but each ultimately failed to steal sales away from the Gameboy. Both the Game Gear and the Manx were revolutionary at the time for being handheld game platforms with color LCD screens versus the Gameboy's green dot-matrix display in its first versions. However, thanks to a lack of good game varieties and the astronomical cost of the technology, both systems failed miserably. SEGA took the worst hit after trying to turn interest back into the Game Gear by offering a TV Tuner for it, but it was too late. Their many versions of the SEGA Genesis flooded the market with obsolete systems and sealed their fate as a game console.

Well, Sony has finalized and has presented yet another competitor to the Gameboy. This time, there is a strong chance Sony's attempt will succeed.

Sony PSP Handheld

Calling their handheld the PSP, short for Playstation Portable, Sony will more than likely race head to head with the Gameboy offering stellar graphics and games in a new game disc format. Expect to be blown away starting in 2005.

Great. Now I need more money...

Saturday, May 08, 2004


I had the Sega Master System when I was a kid, I always wanted to get the Nintendo. Nintendo was what all the kids got in school, and Sega was the system parents bought thinking it was the same as Nintendo. Lately, the old systems have become retro, sites like this one are re-tooling the games we all loved into downloadable games that are slightly better than, but still retaining the look of the originals. I just dont think this is the sort of progress we should be striving for...

I thought I had a pretty shitty day when I side swiped that wall with the Mustang's door on monday untill you read this guys' adventures, complete with illustrations! I just wonder whether or not he got his condition after trying recipies straight from the 16th century. I cant believe people actually research and know what others ate & devote websites to it...

Some guys are just too geeky. If you arent familiar with RAID systems in computers, its when more than one hard drive is used to store data. The more hard drives, the faster the computations become. I have seen it done with CDs & hard drives, but never with floppy drives. You dont have to click here, but a good knowlege of computers is needed to understand what the hell they are talking about.

I found more artists out there to note. Joseph Scheier-Dolbergs pictures remind me of what I see when I go out for a cruise with the top down at night. The sky plays off the atmosphere & creates colors against the rich & dense urban landscape & it naturally draws me in. With me not driving my car around (as to not let the scratches & broken panels be seen) I find it almost as good as the real thing.

The Kahn - Selesnick Galleries are within my wheelhouse of art. Its surreal in its contradictions in objects & space. Look hard and see what I mean.

I will load them onto my sidebar later.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Should we feel bad?

Im starting to get alittle sick and tired over the final episode of Friends tonight. Why? Just about every news agency has a "Farewell to Friends" and it's starting to get alittle old. They started these "Friends Watch" specials once it was close to the final 7 episodes and it just got progressively worse. Trivia, slightly in-depth analysis into each charachter & quizzes to see which Friends star you are more like.

I found out I am more in common with WHO GIVES A FLYING SHIT? It's over, people. Just like M.A.S.H., Magnum P.I., Cheers, The A-Team, Seinfeld & The Cosby Show, THIS SHOW HAS TO END. Your life will continue, in one years time you would have forgotten more pertinent stuff in your own personal life than cared why you sat and watched the final episode of Friends. Enough allready...

What's that you say? What will I be doing instead of watching that final episode of Friends? Lets see, TLC has a show called Overhaulin' that I will watch, or I can watch the all evening marathon of my favorite Japanese-American dubbed gameshow on Spike TV called MXC (Most Extreme Elimination Challenge). Why will I watch MXC? It's in their slogan "We put the FU back in fun".

'Nuff said.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Im feeling slightly better

Im still extremely angry at myself for what I did to the Mustang. Ive been getting a few insurance quotes from several body shops in town, I might not get out of this under $1,900. It's ok, though. It's the reason we all pay insurance on our vehicles.

Monday, May 03, 2004


The pictures are taken of my prized 2001 Mustang after hitting a concrete retaining wall while (ironically) paying my insurance bill. The City of El Paso WILL pay for the dammages.
Nudists Beware

I had to share this one. This news story is courtesy of AP News.

(Austin-AP) -- What could have been a major tragedy turned out to be a story of neighbor helping neighbor after a party barge capsized on Lake Travis. The barge capsized yesterday, tossing 60 people on board into water that was more than 50 feet deep. Police say two people suffered minor injuries. Both were treated at area hospitals and released.

Civilians and rescuers from various emergency response units pulled people to safety. Witnesses say that as the boat neared Hippie Hollow on the lake, all of those aboard moved to one side, causing the barge to overturn. Hippie Hollow is a lakeside park and the only public nude beach in Texas.

Austin American-Statesman reports yesterday said barge flipped over during Splash Day, a semiannual event hosted by the gay and lesbian communities.

(Copyright 2004 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)