Friday, June 09, 2006


It's a valid fear.

I have this fear.

It's what you would commonly call "being a pussy". I have a fear of balloons. Big fear. It's the pop that flips me out. I hate the sound they make as they're being filled with helium. The rubbery shreikish squeaky sound it makes when you're tying them, how they FUCKING ATTRACT TO YOUR SKULL WHEN THEY'RE ABOUT READY TO POP AND SCARE THE LIVING BEJEZUS OUT OF YOU.

Well, maybe the Bejezus out of me.

I go out of my way to avoid them. At Red Lobster a few years ago with Yolie and Lupe before her wedding, there was a birthday heathen at the table next to ours and of-fucking-course, there were balloons fucking FLIPPING ME OUT. I get antsy and paranoid, often times I cringe, close my eyes and escape into my happy place where I know I am nowhere near a balloon. Still, I hear the squeaking of the incidious balloon.

See, it happened to me today. I was at the local Sketchers shoe outlet here in town getting a snazzy pair of new shoes when at the fucking front of the store, the nimrods were blowing up promotional balloons and setting them up at the ends of each isle.

Ear level.

Every isle.

With me already inside the store.

Flipping out.



I had an elderly man ask me if I was ok. I wasn't, but I didn't want to freak him out so I gathered courage and moved to another section of the store. I started to cringe and cower to the floor I was so petrified.

Yes, I am telling the truth. I have a flipped out fear about balloons. Some people freak at the sight of clowns, some at feet, others at heights or spiders, I fear balloons.

Well, I grabbed the shoes [wearing them now] and paid for them, got an unusual look from the clerk, then ran into my car, slammed the door and started it up so if there was any popping or filling of balloons, I wouldn't hear it. To add insult to injury, I came to work today to have lunch with my mom and before I could open the door, one of our co-workers scared the living shiat out of me, making my nerves so fucking shot I was a wreck and it ruined my afternoon completely.

Im somewhat over it, but it hasn't left the back of my head. I'd fucking pop a balloon behind the head of that coworker, but she has seizures and I don't want to explain why the fuck I did what I did.

Writing about this helps.


Anonymous said...

Let me remind you of something...

Remember when you were here in chicago and we went to eat at Fridays?.. Well I remember the look in your eyes when the people in front of us were celebrating a birthday...Then all of a sudden.... a loud POP!!!! Your eyes were so BIG and RED.... HILARIOUS....


Stephanie said...

haha..ooh my God.


If I could make that "me too" any bigger I would!

Fucking balloons.

Anonymous said...

You and I alike suffer from this.
I get incredibly paranoid!

Anonymous said...

I am REALLY scared of balloons too! and my grandma MADE me have balloons for my birthday and i couldnt get y! ITS MY BIRTHDAY AND IM SCARED OF THEM! Y WOUDL U DO THAT TO ME????

Anonymous said...

only the most pathetic people in the world would be afraid of balloons, get a life. are you also afraid of condoms? your parents should have gotten a bit more friendly with them. Globophobia must be latin for nothing better to do than make up pathetic fears.

Anonymous said...

if you think being scared of something is pathetic then you are a fucking twat coz i have this fear terribly. do u actually think tht i wanted the fucken fear.... NO. but ive got it and stuck wiv it. im 16 and had shit school life coz of it so unless u have something decent to say, keep your pathetic, thoughtless comments to ur self. Understand!!

Anonymous said...

I'm also afraid of balloons. my parents always get mad when we go someplace that has a bunch of stupid little kids playing with balloons and I hold my ears or I refuse to go in.
It's really a mental thing. I don't THINK balloons or other things that are loud or pop without notice are scary until I'm confronted with one and I get panicky.

what's worse is that ignorant people like the rude anonymous person who posted a bit before me have no clue. At school, it used to be great fun for my classmates to bring in balloons on their birthdays and scrape them with their fingertips to make that horrible squealing noise..

Anonymous said...

Honestly - the anonymous guy above doesn't know anything about globophobia. I have it and it ruins my life. I hate it so much. I can't help it - if I could then I wouldn't have it, would I, you moron! I really hate balloons and I never want to see one again, only one person other than me knows and I am pretty much certain he won't tell, he has loads of phobias and I know all of them, so he wont tell about mine. I've never been popular at school - people always teasing me because I get good grades and stuff. If they find out about this, my life would be officially over. Globophobia isn't something to be laughed at.

Mike said...

You know, you're right, it isn't something to be laughed at because of, but part of the fear is understanding the fear.

I will be updating my blog about what I learned from the interview with the reporter for People magazine, it all deals with the ear canal and pressure waves.

To all of you out there who thinks this is a pussy fear, why not turn the hate inward and see why you have to be so negative towards people who truly have little control over an irrational fear.

To us, the fear is a valid fear. To you, you look at us like we are fucking retarded. In our minds we even think the same thing you think of us, our issue is we can't be in control of the situation at all times.

Katherine, Stephanie, Terry and others like me have this irrational fear, and its only until we can identify the trigger factors we can start controlling the fear.

Cut us some slack, what makes you fearful might make us giddy...

Anonymous said...

Man!! me too! i am so afraid of balloons popping!! i cant stand it!!

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. The popping noise literally brings me to tears and I can't help it! It just happens! My mom says that I'm being ridiculous.....uhg!

Anonymous said...

You know, I was also fearful of balloons at one time, but by being around them, and gradually being able to pop them, I was able to overcome that and now I actually enjoy them.

Anonymous said...

Oh god, I am terrified of balloons. Not the popping, the floating. I hate the way helium balloons float at you, and I freaking hate the ribbons they tie on them. They terrify me. Even just thinking about it is freaking me out.

My family's known this for my entire life and at my 15th birthday, my mom brought me a tonne of them. I was so freaked out. They sat in a corner and I was on the opposite side of the room, but I couldn't relax because they were there and I knew it.

I'm shivering now because of the memory of it. You are not alone.

Anonymous said...

Wow, honestly, I thought I was pretty much the only person who had this phobia! Balloons freak me out, especially when they are being blown up or someone is handling them. I panic if I hear them being inflated. I have to leave the room. It's totally strange, but definitely a real (and unfortunate) fear. My friends think it's hilarious, and I guess, objectively, maybe it is.

Sherry said...

Yeahh. I have this phobia too. I thought I was the only one. It's like during parties and stuff where there is hella loads of balloons I don't hyperventilate or whatever if people don't do anything to it. I'll just feel extremely uncomfortable as I know there is the presence of balloons. If people start bursting the balloons or making those scraping rubberish sounds on the balloons I'll get anxious and i'll cry. It's very embarrassing sometimes. ):

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I have globophobia too. I seached hard for that name after people kept teasing and taunting me at school. Started when I was two after my 'loving' father decided to fill the whole room with helium balloons for my birthday...and then he slammed the door. I still remember it. Year 12's just left my school, and of course they filled the whole room with fricking ballons! I started freaking out and tried to open the door, but it was locked! I had to spend 1-and-a-half hours reliving my worst nightmare. I almost suceded in biting my hand until it bled. Luckily though, it only left marks that were visable for 4 days after.

EmilyRachelWhite said...

My 2 year old cousin wanted a balloon earlier, so I pretended I couldn't find any. I felt bad! But its been an endless battle since I was little. :\