Friday, June 16, 2006


That should be the least of my worries. Well, except for balloons while buying shoes...

And C-Span.

Fucking C-Span.

I digress. Remember the other day I laid mention that my room looked like F.E.M.A. slipped it a roofie and had some fun with it while it didn't know what was happening? Well, I actually completely took apart my bedroom and cleaned it from floor to... floor. Took apart the bed, dragged that out, also the under bed storage boxes, the papers, mounds of papers, shoes, clothing, CD's, DVD's, money (found about $5.43 in change) and tons of feathers.

Yeah, feathers.

I have a down comforter you sick demented bastards. Whenever you move, they escape from the microfiber outer covering. I really need to get a duvet cover for it, but I keep forgetting to. Then, I had to bring up the electrical cords, de-tangle them and toss them out while I cleaned. I was really hoping I would run into the power cord to the PSP I have mysteriously lost, but I haven't found it. The battery is dead on that thing and I would like to watch some movies on it again.

Back to the original point, again. I cleared out everything, washed a lot of things and re organized everything a lot better this time around except for one unexpected thing. On Wednesday, I had ordered some new sandals from and they finally arrived. They're comfortable, but at $70 with shipping, a touch pricey. Well, after cleaning the room, I promptly sat my tired ass down and rested for the rest of the night and the next day wore my new sandals to work.

This morning, however, I woke up late. My alarms are set at staggered times. The first one goes off at 3:24am, then 3:27. A third alarm sounded at 3:48, then again at 3:55. It takes me a really long time to wake up. Well, by the time I realized I needed to be awake, it was already 4:17am and I leave the house at 4:30. Frantically, I grab clothing, put on socks, jeans, shirt... Where the fuck are my shoes?

I find only one shoe. The underside of the bed is empty, that was cleaned... on... Wednesday.


I don't remember what I did with my wearable pairs of shoes. I remember throwing out a lot of pair I didn't wear, and at this point I am hoping to Jesus/ Allah/ Buddha that I didn't go over zealous and throw out the pairs of shoes that I needed to save. I know I didn't throw them out, they're just in another part of the house I haven't looked. See, this is why I keep my room looking like a devastated war zone. I know where everything is at any given point (with the exception of the PSP power cord) and whenever I clean the place out, I tend to forget where everything was placed.

Right now I am wearing my new sandals. I just need to find my shoes before I hit Sonitrol tonight.

Fucking C-Span.

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