Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Things you shouldn't do

There are just some things you shouldn't do, even if you have to do them. It's like asking a fat woman how many months pregnant she is, when for that split second before her knee makes contact with what will soon be left of your crotch that you realize she's just had too many helpings of lasagna.

I had to go to Wal-Mart this evening. Yeah, yeah I know what I said about Wal-Mart the other day as being the white-trash capitol of retail chains, that still didn't mean I couldn't avoid going there. I really need to better prepare myself for the scenes I saw. Women nearly 40 who still dress as if they were gang members, kids screaming "mami mami mami mami mami mami mami mami mami" all down the isles, other kids running around grabing things and placing them into the carts of their parents, jumping out infront of you, battling for parking, idiots at the checkout who don't buy half the items in their carts...

I need to stop going to Wal-Mart durring paydays...

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Attack of the killer lasagna

Caution was thrown to the wind afew months back when we got the courage to try and make lasagna ourselves. It was a delicious attempt with few improvments here and there with spices and ingredients. One incarnation was well over 9 lbs of cheese, meat & noodles. We make it in a pan that could double for a cake pan 9X6X3.

It's gargantuan, so it stands to reason that after we bake it, we have lunch & dinner for almost a week out of the sucker. It also stands to reason its because of it's unweilding size we make it every few weeks to a month apart from its last so we don't get sick of it, and we don't waste it making new. I tried my hand at it while vacationing in Corpus Christi, there were no prisoners.

I mention this in today's entry because Im kinda hungry & I want a slice of it for lunch. It seems like no matter how many times you take a piece, its still the same size... It's truly one killer lasagna.

-I wonder how many carbs & calories it has...

Monday, March 29, 2004

Epiphany of the week

Ok, lets follow me on this, its kinda easy to see.

1900 - Steam powered cars
1910 - Victorian Guilding
1920 - Flapper Dresses
1930 - Deridgibles
1940 - Rube Goldberg-like inventions
1950 - Poodle Skirts
1960 - Flower-powered Hippie Mobiles
1970 - CB Radios
1980 - Pastel colored Miami-Vice like suits
1990 - Laser Discs (large 12" size)
2000 - Blogging?

Could it be that the fad of the millenia is blogging?


Friday, March 26, 2004


Sit back & enjoy these guys, they're another set of gems...

"Im sorry ma'am, your nether-regions are protected lands from us piercers. Try Virginia..."

Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO) is a colorless and odorless chemical compound, also referred to by some as Dihydrogen Oxide, Hydrogen Hydroxide, Hydronium Hydroxide, or simply Hydric acid. Should you be concerned? Yes, you should be concerned about DHMO! Although the U.S. Government and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) do not classify Dihydrogen Monoxide as a toxic or carcinogenic substance (as it does with better known chemicals such as hydrochloric acid and saccharine), DHMO is a constituent of many known toxic substances, diseases and disease-causing agents, environmental hazards and can even be lethal to humans in quantities as small as a thimbleful.
-You people are idiots.

Concerned about gays marrying? Move to Portland, Oregon & never worry about ANYONE marrying again!

Apple's Music Store is making a killing since they introduced their first iPod to the public afew years ago. Millions of iPods & newer versions of their MP3 players later, Wal-Mart, the white-trash capitol of retail chains is offering $.88 music downloads. Maybe those downloaders of music are going online with Wal-Mart's $200 computer running Lindows. There's a problem, though. Wal-Mart's computer cannot access their downloads, Lindows is a Linux based Operating system that looks like Microsoft Windows...

Before Mel Gibson's movie The Passion of the Christ hit theaters, all sorts of entertainment reports said that this movie would clear the way for future religious themed movies to be released. The one thing they didn't mention was the re-release of past classics. It should hit theaters on & around Good Friday.
*sniff* I love the smell of sacrilege in the morning.

Finally, to round out this list of movies, ever want to see The Exorcist at rabbit speed by rabbits? Check it out.


Thursday, March 25, 2004

Been alittle busy this week

Theres some changes to come next week at work, so I haven't been updating as frequently as I would like to, or what Im used to. Things will smoothen out after about a week, so look for more updates. Tomorrow's going to be hellish, I guarantee it.

I will update if I can.

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Sidebar Update

Added art links to the sidebar. Will add more.

Sunday, March 21, 2004


I'm starting to become an art fan. Michael Kenna's art is stunningly beautiful in its stark simplicity. Go on, broaden your minds & expand your horizons. No one will ever know.

"It was so cool," said Gabriel, 13, who served as the ringbearer, after standing in line overnight with his parents. "I always accepted that `Yeah, they're my moms,' but they were actually getting married. I felt thick inside with happiness. Just thick." Just thick, huh...

Do The Rolling Stones know that their likeness is creeping me out? I just don't know if I could gussie up to the urinals at Virgin Airways and let loose humming to Do Do Do Do Do Do (Heartbreaker) without freaking out...

Since recently buying the Mustang, the fact that it's a convertible is the best part about the car. It stands to reason that astronomy would be something I'd be more interested in, especially when driving the car at night. If you drive a convertible, or have a huge moonroof installed on your ride, check this out. If you wanted to impress your date while cruising around, show him/her the stars as you lie back and... um... hopefully watch the stars.
-Guys, this is the BEST way to step up to the plate & bat for first base...

I am good at computers, but I am nowhere near the calibre of computer programmers found back in the early to mid 1980's. Those guys were dateless nerds who spent all their time at Radio Shack building & hacking their Commodore 64's I IBMs to do the strangest things that are common on most of todays computers. You never really think of musicians of that era being equally geeky. Embedding computer code into vinyl records seems so far fetched but it isn't. Maybe The Thompson Twins were more brilliant than we thought they were...

Lastly, if you're hard up on cash, why not lease your thick forehead to advertisers for some cold hard cash, you corporate sellout!!!


Monday, March 15, 2004

Things I would change on the Mustang

After 1,398 miles on the trip odometer and countless bumps & jolts, Ive made a new list of improvments for the Mustang for it's next trip just about anywhere that isn't across town.

1. Tires. The set of sport-performance tires the car came with are aftermarket tires the previous owner put on for better handling & looks. Performance aside, the tires don't provide a comfortable ride nor are they the quietest set I've ever had on a car. After about 200 miles, the noise started to become louder & louder as my ears adjusted to them. They also gave more feedback of what they ran over than other tires. Rocks, stones, roadkill & lane markers all could be felt thru the steering wheel. A slightly larger tire size will eliminate the harsh feeling and would smooth out the stiff sports car suspension alittle at the same time. Performance might see a drop, but the trade off will be a quieter ride.

2. Better speakers. The XM unit performed flawlessly all nearly 1,400 miles, but the sound emitted from the speakers could have been better. They sound flat & uninspired, no matter how you manage the equalizer. More power to the speakers could work, but I think more power and better speakers could help out as well. The noise of the tires with the top up started to drown out the music inside as we cruised at 75mph.

3. Spark plugs/wires. When I installed the K&N FIPK kit, I saw how akward it is to change out the plugs for the car. The wires & plugs looked to be the same 3 year old stock OEM's it rolled outta Detroit with. Performance wasn't hindered by them, but they were possibly masked by the cold air intake. Doesn't hurt to change them, especially since they passed their 50,000 mile expected life.

Maybe I will do the wires soon, tires & speakers are still liveable for now.


Saturday, March 13, 2004

Im back, what'd I miss?

Um, ok, what the hell happened to the Miners? I leave town for one week and they go to WAC finals? Martha Stewart found guilty on all charges, rain hits El Paso when Im not there and what is the deal with people at TV stations calling my vacationing ass thinking I gave a crap about news when I was driving down Ocean Drive?

I digress. I will post pictures of the hilarity.

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Vacation, all I ever wanted, Vacation, havin' some fun again

I will be on vacation March 5th - March ? ? ?

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Better gas mileage is good

The K&n FIPK arrived in the mail saturday before the cold snap hit, so I had to wait to install the air box until Sunday. The results are stunning, better mileage & better performance is immediately noticed. The car is getting close to a half tank of gas, so I will see what the mileage looks like once it hits. Theres some other things I need to do to her before I take off on friday. I need to take the screw out of the front tire, wash the car, take out uncessisary stuff & load it with essentials for the trip.

I had also found this really awesome station on XM that I haven't changed the channel on in a while. Its all Frank Sinatra music! I love it. If you have XM, its XM channel 73.
