Sunday, August 31, 2003

The Simpsons Ver. 3.0 & Contact

So I went to the store today so I could find some good DVDs. I went to Circuit City to look for some, and only found a slim pickings. The listings were saying that there were 100's of DVDs for under $9. When I got there, there were hundereds of DVDs available, but there were maybe 30 titles. Contact was one of the titles for under $9, which is the one I was out for.

Im going thru beach withdraw. I luckilly took some sand from the beaches of South Padre Island and I opened a jar up to feel the sand on my hands again. Im also staring at my shells that Evelyn and Yolie helped me gather when I was out there.

Well, Im going to get back to my Simpsons DVDs. It may be an all night Simpson-a-thon!


Friday, August 29, 2003

Is there light at the end of the tunnel?

Maybe. The first real sign of good things to come came today at 10:07 am. Im not going to say too much, cause last time I think I jinxed it. Im crossing my fingers cause Im crossing payments together to make sure things are being paid. If not, I could prositute myself... A guy like me could make a killing in the right circles...

Any takers, voyeurs?

Thursday, August 28, 2003

I hate it when in chat, people are snubbed...

Ralph surprised me. He got online yesterday morning and messaged me. Since I had no clue that his screen name was Daydreambeliever and it threw me off. We started talking, and I was oblivious it was him. My boss walks in so I close the laptop and do some things for him, and when I open the Panasonic back up he left messages asking if I was dispondant, distant, and depressed. When I tried calling him, all my listed numbers for him are wrong that were right one month ago. I went to his apartment and found he moved. When I did find him, I only found his car and nothing else. I considered pounding on the fender to set off the alarm, but if he was asleep, I didnt want to wake him, the little dickens...

So, here I sit, one day later, wondering if he will get back into the chat window. It's frustrating when you think that friends think you are something you arent...


Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Im starting to dislike some services...

The photo blog of mine isnt working all that well. I may do a search for another one later. I reposted some pics I took of Corpus, so I invite all to see them.

Goodnight voyeurs.

Monday, August 25, 2003

Picture Blog Update

I have updated my picture blog. There are more, but they're on another computer.

Goodnight voyeurs.

Sunday, August 24, 2003

1,623.52 miles: That equals 10 CD's, 5 tanks of gas, 4 sandwiches, 2 passengers, countless bugs on the windshield and 1 destination

Chorpus Christi is one beautiful town. Lupe (Evelyn and Yolie's cousin) and I arrived sometime around 3:45 in the afternoon after taking off from El Paso around 5am. Evelyn's directions were completely off. I won't get into that. Our first day there, Ev and Yolie gave us a short tour of the city, showing us the basic layout and the beach. With white sands and ample parking, the beach at South Padre Island is a magnificent example of natures wonders. The whiff of seaweed and brine in the air overpowers you at first, but once inside the water is a nice warm bath that just makes everything that bothers you seem pointless.

Port Aransas is a beautiful fishing community, that has a ferry to the island that is just too unbelievable. Dolphins play in the waters that the ferrys traverse, often leading the charge across the water, playfully jumping in and out of the boat's path. Downtown Corpus is a vibrant and lively place to be, people of all ages, races and types are outdoors enjoying the ample room to exersize and enjoy the scenery. Fresh shrimp from the bay can be bought straight from the shrimping boats that park at roadside.

I miss that place. The people were friendly, the places were intoxicating, and overall I enjoyed every waking moment I was in Corpus Christi. Interesting... We took some 10+ hours to get to Corpus, but we made it back home in under 9 hours our return trip.

In total, it cost me:

$80 - Gasoline
$26 - T.G.I. Friday's
$12 - Food Store
$?? - Tire rim accessory (chrome trim lost along Texas' highways)

Im reminising, voyeurs...

Monday, August 18, 2003

Vacation, all I ever wanted,
Vacation, Havin' some fun again...



Saturday, August 16, 2003

Windows 2000 running at 99.9% Optimum eficiency

AIM isn't working. It worked great for me at the radio station. I was running at speeds of 980kbps on our network. I was able to download all my essential updates in about an hour. I had some 29 Critical System Updates and 12 Win2K updates to download. On my 56K modem it was going to take 6 hours. I am worm free and loving it. Man, I thought I wouldn't have to worry about worms since we got rid of our cat some 20 years ago.

Im home, the computer is near flawless. Im bored. Im... bored. This sucks.

Friday, August 15, 2003

I've been afraid of changing cause I... I built my life around you
but time makes you bolder, and childeren get older, Im getting older too.

Just here listening and relaxing this friday evening to some Fleetwood Mac on DVD. Yeah, I just saw their show last week. Do you think I care? It's already halfway thru the CD. They had dedicated Landslide to us in El Paso, Stevies one time home town.

Its getting late. I did some updates, and Im off like a prom dress in a cheap motel.

Good night, voyeurs.
Ok people, nothing to see here, move along...

Ok. New York and most of Colonial United States and parts of Canada are without power. It was breaking news yesterday. If its ongoing to today, its not breaking news. What I ultimately hate about these type of events is the media spin they place on the story. MSNBC ran this rather false statement:

The evening rush hour was just beginning in the East when the power went out at 4:14 p.m. NBC News and correspondents described scenes of pandemonium as thousands of New Yorkers streamed into streets where traffic signals were not operating.

Pandemonium - Pan·de·mo·ni·um
1 : the capital of Hell in Milton's Paradise Lost
2 : the infernal regions : HELL
3 not capitalized : a wild uproar : TUMULT

First of all, I was watching the news last night, and I didn't see any pandemonium, terror, panic, hopelessness, shock and awe, jitters, convulsions, Tourettes, coniptions, shenanigans or ilicit activities. From what I saw, I saw New Yorkers banding together to help people out of subway cars, calmly waiting for payphones to free up, and walking in an orderly fashion out of and back into lower Manhattan. I feel for these New Yorkers, sleeping in the streets cause they were stranded where they worked...

Ugh, I hate being involved with the media. To think that there are others out there saying spins on the news to get people to pay attention to them. You know, maybe I should do that. As a matter of fact, go to this link and I will give you a naked picture of myself.

Enjoy voyeurs.

Thursday, August 14, 2003

Im smiling next to you, in silent lucidity

Ive been battling that stupid Blaster worm in my eMachine for a while now, and realize that the patch I need needs a different patch to operate correctly. The largest problem is the patch is gigantic, and downloading it from home on a dial-up is going to take all of 6+ hours. Im going to bring my computer in to the station on saturday and try and download and save the patch and install it. The eMachine works fine, it just can't log-off the internet. Im not having the same problem with shutting down before the computer knows whats happening. Java applications also arent working all that well with the bug, It's generated a copy of a system file, and it conflicts with itself and causes Java to stop working correctly after say 5-10 minutes. Its furstrating, but still operable. Im strongly considering reinstalling the O/S alittle cleaner than I did awhile back.

Anyways. Since getting here, Ive been relaxing to music. Thats just the way it is.

Laterz voyeurs.

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

Blaster Worm hits too close to home

That damn security breach of the Windows 2000 has affected my home computer as well as my sister-in-law's computer running Windows XP. At the radio station, the main server became infected with the worm denying everyone from accessing their email. Im one of the lucky ones, the Panasonic runs on Windows 98 Second Edition, and the worm completely avoids that operating system. I had downloaded the patches for the worm for all my operating systems and saved them to CD incase the inevitable reinstall happens.

If you need a patch for your OS, visit the Microsoft Download Center.

Good night voyeurs.

I've added afew new links to my toolbar. Be back later with more.

Monday, August 11, 2003

It's about fucking time...

I had to take a breather. One thing Luis taught me about dealing with software and computers is to take a break and try again later. I couldn't get my photoblog to update correctly, but I think I worked it out. I uploaded my first camera phone picture to the website. Check out my squalid working conditions, scroll down to the last pic.

Well, Im off to bed. There's a mosquito in my room yet again, and I've already been bitten numerous times back at the family bbq saturday. Im gonna be scratching and itching all night yet again...

Good night, voyeurs.
I hate dealing with websites that are hard to navigate

I had tried several times to create a photoblog from several different companies, but all are so fucking difficult to navigate, its rediculous. All I want is something simple, and yet its so fucking difficult. AAARRGH!

I digress. Im going to start posting my pics to my picture blog...

Sunday, August 10, 2003

This weekend blows. Blows like a bad hooker.

T-1 week until I take off to Corpus Christy, and already there is mud slung onto the windshield of the trip. I had outfitted my car with some required mechanical repairs, and already I have been asked if I could take a rental. If I wanted to take a rental, I would have saved all the mechanical repairs to rent the car and not take mine. I digress.

This weekend has sucked. It's been too hot to do much more than sit and watch TV. Im watching Contact on TNT. I think its the first movie in a long time to give me chills up my spine at the aspects of possible alien contact. Im also watching my phone's battery die completely. I want it to recharge fully and be conditioned, unlike the old Nokia that I recharged it every moment I could.

I haven't decided whether or not to do another update today, but I guess that will change if I find something worth it.


Friday, August 08, 2003


It is said that a thousand monkeys typing on a thousand typewriters eventually will type the complete workings of William Shakespeare. This site is simulating nearly one thousand monkeys typing away, estimating how many pages total they typed and how many bananas they consumed in their attempt. While waiting for some results, I noticed afew monkeys started to drop off. Its actually quite entertaining to watch! Ivette should love this...

I used to have this neighbor that lived across the street who drove an old Subaru Brat, an El Camino-like bastard love child Subaru Frankensteined to go after the crossbreed Chevrolet Malibu and LUV pickup. Every day he came home, the Brat let out the loudest backfire, and if you weren't ready or weren't paying attention you'd get the shit scared out of you. This guy in Southampton, England had the same problem in his delivery van, only he caught people's reactions to his van's protests. I laughed my ass off when I saw this. Ah, the memories.

Ever wonder why yawns are so contagious?

Everyone has a morbid side. This satisfies people's intrigue into plane crashes. Its actual audio from the doomed planes, or air traffic controllers in the case of TWA 800. It's kinda creepy.

Enjoy voyeurs!
Yeah, did you see an update? Tough little phone...

I spent most of the afternoon doing small errands out and about, almost forgetting about the phone. I took Mike Dee from KPRR home yesterday, and in return he treated for lunch. While we ate, my phone went off and I didn't realize it untill I felt the vibration function. I wouldn't have thought it was my phone if it hadn't done that. I got home and changed some of the settings on the phone, including the correct time. I mistakenly had the phone on 24 hour time when I programmed it, so the phone alarm didn't go off when it should have. It's fixed. I still need to see why I can't email pictures. I guess I need to call T-Mobile about that. Doing good personally. I may do some cruising later today. Haven't taken a good cruise in a while. Gonna find some Strange Findings links today.

In a little while, voyeurs!

Thursday, August 07, 2003

New toys are fun and confusing

So I got my new camera phone yesterday, and what a cool phone it is. The new phone works off of a Sim Chip that holds all your data. My old Nokia phone had the chip in it. First off, the Nokia is supposed to have "x-press on" covers that come off easily... my left nut. I had to destroy the cover to get it off. I then had to battle the new phone to get the Sim Chip in it. The menus are more complex than the Nokia. There is also a cool joystick to use to navigate instead of the cycloptic multifunction button on the Nokia. So many options, so many screensavers and backgrounds...

If I figure it all out, I will do another update.

Wednesday, August 06, 2003


Stevie Nicks is an El Pasoan. She spent several years going to school at Loretto Academy and Crockett. Fleetwood Mac as they are most well known played their first concert in 1975 here in town. They aknowleged it. Souvenirs were abit pricey, but I managed to get away with a t-shirt. I cried several times listening to the songs. I was in heaven.

The Chain
Eyes of the World
Say You Will
Never Going Back Again
Second Hand News
Big Love
Say Goodbye
What's the World Comming To
Beautiful Child
Gold Dust Woman
Im So Afraid
Silver Springs
Stand Back
Go Your Own Way

Encore 1 - World Turning, Don't Stop
Encore 2 - Goodbye Baby

Tuesday, August 05, 2003


On a medical Standpoint, this site is perfect for those who want to study the human anatomy in its natural state. On the other hand, this same site can give you the creeps and nightmares!

I always figured that school was some huge lab experiment when I was growing up. Here's the proof.

In a city of over 6 million people, these two people just want to talk, no strings attatched. I had read this entire site and was amazed that these two people are not in it for money or for psychological aid, but are there for people who feel like speaking to someone just for a moment.

Are you a groaner? Im guilty of being a groaner. I admit it.

Be back later, voyeurs!

Monday, August 04, 2003

What is it like to have one of the most influential people in the city give you a shiatsu massage?

That was never a question I would have asked. That was never a question I would have ever thought of. Pat Goff is a buisnessman who owns 3 electronics retail stores in El Paso, Las Cruces and Alamogordo and a well respected man in the political scene in town came into the studio and started to give me a shiatsu massage. I thought he was going behind me to get something from the other side of my studio, but started at the shoulders and worked my back something good. Im in heaven. Its rare I get a massage. Either I find people are too rough, or not firm enough. Wow, why did that sound incredibly dirty?

Sunday, August 03, 2003

I think Im maxed out

Ok, I have spent the past 3 days shopping at the malls and I think Im all shopped out. I suffered heat stroke from walking almost the entire distance of the mall outside thanks to the lack of close to the mall parking. My arms hurt from carrying my bounty to the registers and all the way to the car where I parked durring various times. Im tired of washing my clothes before I wear them. At least I can say I have finished my shopping for another 3 years.

Be back later tonight, my headache is starting to go away.

Saturday, August 02, 2003

Last Night

First of all, I don't encourage this sort of behavior so do not attempt it yourself or blame me for doing it. Before I get into that, Joe and Ivette invited me over to play some vintage videogames. They were all my games. I forgotten how much fun Joe had with Stunt Race FX and Star Fox FX. Spent several hours playing games and munching popcorn. I was alittle on the adventurous side when I left Ivette's house, so I shucked my shorts and drove home clad in my boxers and a t-shirt. That was liberating. Im insane, I know.

Always remember: Insanity is genius gone wrong.
Patience is a virtue

Well, it's finally mine. I logged onto the T-Mobile website and found that the camera phone was at a lower price than a few weeks ago. When I called and asked about the phone, expecting the price I saw online, they told me it was much less than I thought it would be. I didn't wait this time. I snagged that bad-boy up like no one's buisness. I am so happy, I get to play around with a new phone before I leave. Im gonna snap pics on the road of interest, so I might not get to Corpus Christy exactly when I think I should. Gadgets. Where would this world be without them...

I should recieve my camera phone winin 2-4 days.
I hate waking up so fucking early on a Saturday...

There are few things that compare to waking up early on a weekend. It sucks, and that's the bottom line. I had a good time as always with Jackie, the phone screener for one of the weekend shows. She is abso-fucking-lutely hilarious. Non-stop laughter. That was the better part of my morning. Im here right now finishing up the last shreds of the weekend shows, so hopefully it will run ok.

Well, Im gonna power down the laptop. Be back later with more and what I did yesterday evening.

Laterz voyeurs.

Friday, August 01, 2003


Oh man. If this poster is a clue as to how the new Spiderman movie is going to be, It's going to be the tops at the Box Office next summer.

I don't have this problem. I don't know of anyone with this problem. Honestly, I didn't think this was a problem but apparently it is for some people. If you need Anti-Masturbation equipment, then you need help. If you gave someone anything here, you really need help.

Sort of along the same lines... You wouldn't like me when Im horny...

Is there something wrong with this woman? She is a freak!

Just when you thought it was safe to go to the beach. What was he thinking? There are decency laws in this country!

Ever dump your boyfriend or girlfriend rather oddly? Maybe you were dumped after the best sex of your life, or at a friend's wedding. Maybe you wouldn't feel so bad after reading the 15 ways to leave your lover. This page lists some of the dispicable ways celebs and noted folk have dumped their special someone.

Enjoy you voyeurs!
Into the belly of the beast...

I have this overwhelming feeling that this isn't going to be a pleasant jaunt thru the mall. In today's El Paso Times, they have a circular fr JC Pennys advertising specials... I had a nightmare last night that I was fighing this chick from Juarez for a t-shirt she took out of my hands. I may not be far off from that.

Im going to try and get everything done the next few days, Im trying to finalize everything to take to Corpus Christy. Im trying to get all my bills paid and spend as little actual dollars as possible. I dug out one of our better cameras for the trek, Im probably going to have so much fun taking pictures all the way there. That oughta get the first roll of film used up.

Fleetwood Mac is coming next week. I soooo can't wait. Joe had voulenteered his taxi service to Ivette and me, cause we were thinking how bad the parking is going to be. The more I talk with people, the more I see people going. Ivette and I have pretty good seats. Others got better seats, but regardless, its going to be great. Two hours of music from the band that changed the way I listen to music is going to be great.

Im going to search for more Strange Findings. Laterz voyeurs.