Thursday, June 29, 2006

Interesting development in the polling results

3 friends and 2 anonymous persons have weighed in.

The Mustang seems to be winning by a landslide.

Two of the three friends are biased in this survey, since it's Jojo's Stang I might be buying.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Close your eyes...

...damnit, you have to have them open to read this.

You are at home. You are sitting behind the computer, mouse in hand and you are surfing the internet for that hard to find item. You are using to make quick searches, to narrow down your choices and basing your purchase off of's suggestions based off of what you find online. You pull out the credit card/ debit card from your wallet/ purse and make your purchase with a few key strokes and a clicking of the submit button. Depending on the extra cost, you opted for next day delivery and in no time, you are enjoying your purchase made and absolutely in love with the computer age.

It's a pretty kick ass era, isn't it? I think so. Other than the development of the automobile around the turn of the century & early 1900's, no other technology has advanced so fast in such a short period of time than the computer age seen from 1994 to today.

So what's the problem?

Do you know who your neighbors are? Do you know them by name, do you know what they do as far as their career goes and furthermore, do you rely on their opinion as a good neighbor to find good deals, information or what's happening in your own back yard? Do you know more about your online friends than you do with most of your in person friends? Do your online friends know more about you than your spouse or significant other?

Do you think you have a problem? Do you think this sort of thing is a problem?

I admit, I am an online junkie. I am a gadget junkie that each just happens to be able to gain access to the internet. I own a T-Mobile Sidekick II and it is connected to the internet 24 hours a day. I get home and turn on my laptop, which is near me or close to me almost all hours I am home. I recognize I have a problem. I surf the same 6 websites every day, I am somewhat of an information junkie but I don't view my internet usage as being something that causes me to have job performance issues. If anything, it keeps me up to date on a lot of information the moment it becomes available. My Sidekick is a sweet little gadget, always connected to the net and can surf real websites and can help me log into my bank account at any time. Its a real time saver when I am no where near an internet connection and absolutely positively need to get online.

No, I haven't omitted that the Sidekick II also has Yahoo & AIM messengers on it at my disposal as well.

I tend to think that we as a modernized society have forgotten what it's like to have social interaction with our own neighbors, friends and family. Sure the internet makes it easier to talk to people, but it also isolates us from the rest of the world in the process. Hell, I have a set of really dark sunglasses that I keep with me at all times because my eyes cannot adjust to the light all that well. Had I spent more time outdoor than indoors on a computer when I was younger I might not have this problem. I mean really, when was the last time you had actually spent some time talking to your next door neighbors -- and I'm talking about an actual conversation, not something you're forced to do because you see them getting the mail, putting the trash can to the curb or leaving for the day?

I swear a lot of my family members read my website so they can keep tabs on me and find out what's happening in my life more than my friends do. Granted my work schedule doesn't leave much to a social life, so in a way this is the only way to get some sort of human interaction between me and my loved ones.

Hopefully after reading this, some people might open their eyes and maybe do something more constructive with their time than pop bubble wrap online. Yeah, I love that page.

P.S., was listening to the iPod writing this. Something about being one-on-one with your machines, I tell ya...
*currently playing Queen A Kind of Magic

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Status Report

Listening To: XM Radio Online, Channel 47 Ethel
Doing: Working
Eating: Eating dinner from P.F. Chang's
Thinking: How cool it is that I found my PSP's charger
Wanting: Sleep/ rest
Current Mood: Good

Thursday, June 22, 2006

1988 Ford Mustang LX

I was asked about the Mustang I want to buy.

She is a 1988 Mustang LX hatch back with a factory replaced 2.3 liter 4 cylinder engine and 5 speed manual transmission. Shes a light weight car with a decently powered engine. She doesn't have that many luxurious amenities, power dual mirrors and A/C, but her potential is limitless. Originally, the car was painted grey with a grey interior. In its life, its been painted a dark grey, then midnight blue, then a darker blue, then the color faded.

The list of things needed is somewhat long, but all of them aren't impossible to replace, find or update.
  • Updated suspension pieces
  • New headlamps
  • new tail lights
  • 5 bolt wheel conversion
  • Paint
  • Fuel pump
  • Window tint
We have the technology, we can rebuild her.




Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Breaking it down by the numbers pt. 2

It's somewhat uncharacteristic of me to actually think things out. I second guessed every car I have ever owned since the Cavalier and I can say with confidence that I won't have that issue with Joe's Mustang. I had an idea of what the Mustang should look like and how it should perform and also have car parts catalogs at my disposal online. I looked and am impressed with what I want to do.

Sally, my old 2001 'vert handled like she was on rails. Power up the wazzu, looks that stopped traffic, I remember getting thumbs up from other Stang owners and felt so accepted as part of a clique of fellow drivers who got the whole ideal Mustang conveys. I am foolish to think I will recapture the spirit of Sally, but I can do it in Roxie (Joe nicknamed his Mustang Roxie).

The Fox body Mustangs produced from 1979 to 1993 had the same suspension shared by the Ford Falcon and remained unchanged until 2005's redesign. Updates to the design are available in the aftermarket for reasonable prices. The Fox frame also gave the wheels 4 bolts instead of the standard 5 bolts on American wheels. There are conversion kits on the market that make the car a little more standard than stock. For just the two conversions, I am looking at around $2000 in upgrades to the cars suspension, no to mention the new wheels I will need.

Then it needs a new fuel pump. I'll just let the dealer take care of that one.

Basically, once IM done with her, she will corner like she's on rails, stop on a dime properly and look the part of a iconic symbol of freedom in driving.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Breaking it down by the numbers

So, I get antsy thinking about new jobs in Chicago, moving, motorcycles and Mustangs. Ideas run thro my mind and then the tiny little factor called MONEY gets factored in and throws everything out the window. I had talked to Teddy yesterday and found out he's going on vacation next month and had invited me back to Chicago. I'd love to go, but there's some things I need to factor such as my bank account is shot from this last excursion -- Who spends $1200 in 10 days? I do, apparently...

The cheapest last minute tickets to Chicago O'Hare Intl. will cost me $407. Last month, the tickets cost me $205. The distance between my house and Teddy & Yolie's apartment is 1,667 miles. My car averages 360 miles to a tank of gas, so that means just going one way, I will have to fill up for gas 5 times. 5 full tanks of gas at $2.90 x 12.5 gallons (average for a 2005 Dodge Neon from empty) will cost $181.90. Still have to factor in the price of an overnight hotel stay, since the drive takes over 25 hours to complete. A nice overnight stay would average $49. If I return (considering I don't forget the world as I know it) the price doubles itself again for gas & hotel. In total, $461.80 for a drive to Chicago, and I hadn't factored in meals.

That's one hell of a road trip.

On the flip side of that coin, I couldn't stay out of town that long anyways. Being gone for 10 days last month killed my spending account when I came back. Trying to catch back up on bills taught me a valued lesson: SAVE MORE. The only way I would ever do that road trip is if I found a job out there and I was driving my possessions out there. Driving 700 miles to Corpus Christi was a hassle at times cause you get a little bored and antsy from sitting in the same position for hours on end, I can't imagine how a lot of truckers (my brother included) can do it.

IM trying to go back to Chicago, but I don't think it will be next month.

So, thinking about other things, Wilson gives me ideas in my head that aren't cheap. He has always told me my ideas I plant in his head make him do really expensive things, well, I guess this is his way of turning the tables on me. It's no secret. I love motorcycles. Hell, anything with an engine and wheels is something that interests me. How many people do you know who actually like the quirkiness of a Yugo?

So the seed that's been implanted involves me buying a motorcycle.


Thinking about it, I could buy Joe's Mustang, then after I know its going to be a reliable driver, trade in the Neon for a motorcycle.

No one ever said I was sane.

Everything is in thought mode. There isn't anything solidified or set in stone.

What do you think? IM open to all suggestions.

Friday, June 16, 2006


That should be the least of my worries. Well, except for balloons while buying shoes...

And C-Span.

Fucking C-Span.

I digress. Remember the other day I laid mention that my room looked like F.E.M.A. slipped it a roofie and had some fun with it while it didn't know what was happening? Well, I actually completely took apart my bedroom and cleaned it from floor to... floor. Took apart the bed, dragged that out, also the under bed storage boxes, the papers, mounds of papers, shoes, clothing, CD's, DVD's, money (found about $5.43 in change) and tons of feathers.

Yeah, feathers.

I have a down comforter you sick demented bastards. Whenever you move, they escape from the microfiber outer covering. I really need to get a duvet cover for it, but I keep forgetting to. Then, I had to bring up the electrical cords, de-tangle them and toss them out while I cleaned. I was really hoping I would run into the power cord to the PSP I have mysteriously lost, but I haven't found it. The battery is dead on that thing and I would like to watch some movies on it again.

Back to the original point, again. I cleared out everything, washed a lot of things and re organized everything a lot better this time around except for one unexpected thing. On Wednesday, I had ordered some new sandals from and they finally arrived. They're comfortable, but at $70 with shipping, a touch pricey. Well, after cleaning the room, I promptly sat my tired ass down and rested for the rest of the night and the next day wore my new sandals to work.

This morning, however, I woke up late. My alarms are set at staggered times. The first one goes off at 3:24am, then 3:27. A third alarm sounded at 3:48, then again at 3:55. It takes me a really long time to wake up. Well, by the time I realized I needed to be awake, it was already 4:17am and I leave the house at 4:30. Frantically, I grab clothing, put on socks, jeans, shirt... Where the fuck are my shoes?

I find only one shoe. The underside of the bed is empty, that was cleaned... on... Wednesday.


I don't remember what I did with my wearable pairs of shoes. I remember throwing out a lot of pair I didn't wear, and at this point I am hoping to Jesus/ Allah/ Buddha that I didn't go over zealous and throw out the pairs of shoes that I needed to save. I know I didn't throw them out, they're just in another part of the house I haven't looked. See, this is why I keep my room looking like a devastated war zone. I know where everything is at any given point (with the exception of the PSP power cord) and whenever I clean the place out, I tend to forget where everything was placed.

Right now I am wearing my new sandals. I just need to find my shoes before I hit Sonitrol tonight.

Fucking C-Span.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

1) How old do you wish you were?
I don't know.
2) Where were you when 9/11 happened?
I was at work, arguing with another morning show producer when I looked at the TV showing the first tower with the hole in it.
3) What do you do when vending machines steal your money?
I get violent.
4) Do you consider yourself kind?
5) What did you eat for breakfast today?
Eggs, bacon, toast, coffee & milk
6) If you had to get a tattoo, where would it be?
Why does it have to be worded "had to get"? I want a tattoo, and I want it on my shoulder.
7) If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be?
8) Do you know your neighbors?
Yes. One's a jeweler and the other are nice couples.
9) What do you consider a vacation?
Anywhere that's not El Paso.
10) Do you follow your horoscope?
11) Would you move for the person you loved?
12) Are you touchy feely?
Sometimes. It depends on the situation.
13) Do you believe that opposites attract?
Don't know, it hasn't happened so I can't give an opinion.
14) Dream job?
IM working it.
15) Favorite channel(s)?
Discovery Channel, Cartoon Network, Spike, History Channel, HGTV, G4
16) Why do people always delete questions out of these?
Because they fear that there will be a question so embarrassing that they don't want anyone reading it and having another person find something out about a person that might lead to embarrassing or confrontational situations.
17) Favorite place to go on weekends?
Anywhere relaxing. I usually work weekends, so this one's kinda moot.
18) Showers or Baths?
Baths. I love to soak.
19) Do you paint your nails?
Secretly, I -- NO!!!
20) Do you trust people easily?
21) What are your phobias?
Heights, balloons, spiders, dark, public speaking, religious kooks
22) Do you want kids?
23) Do you keep a handwritten journal?
24) Where would you rather be right now?
Chicago, IL.
25) Who makes you feel guilty?
A lot of people. I have issues with trying to please everyone and fearing I missed someone and feel shitty whenever I miss someone.
26) Heavy or light sleep?
27) Are you paranoid?
Why do you ask? Are you here for my tinfoil again? BASTARDS!
28) Are you impatient?
A lot. Its a character flaw I have.
29) Who can you relate to?
I guess everyone, I am a chameleon.
30) How do you feel about interracial couples?
I don't mind them at all. I didn't even think there was any sort of problem with them to begin with.
31) Have you been burned by love?
Yeah. 3rd degree. Still haven't healed.
32) What's your life motto?
The purpose of my life is to serve as a warning to others.
33) What's your ringtone on your phone?
I have several phones, and each phone has a different ringtone.
34) What were you doing at midnight last night?
Watching TiVo recorded programming.
35) What did the last text message on your phone say?
"You work today?"
36) Whose bed did you sleep in last night?
Prude. My own.
37) What color shirt are you wearing?
White/ orange striped Gap t-shirt
38) Most recent movie that you watched?
39) Name three things that you have on you at all times.
Body piercings, boxers, cellphones.
40) How much cash do you have on you right now?
$.80 cents
41) What's your favorite town/city?
Chicago, IL
42) I can't wait to (till):
I leave El Paso.
43) Who got you to join myspace?
My friend Robbie.
44) What did you have for dinner last night?
Leftover elbow macaroni spaghetti
45) When do you wanna get married?
Don't care for marriage just yet.
46) Who is the last person you spent $50 on?
My mom for Mothers Day.
47) Do you have an air freshener in your car?
Used to, baby powder.
48) Does anything hurt on your body right now?
49) If you could choose, how would you pass on?
Asleep. Damn that was a morbid question from out in left field...
50) Any sex today?
Prude. No, why are you offering?
51) Do you miss anyone?
That's a hard question to answer. I miss a lot of people, all of whom aren't in town, but are still alive.
52) Do you like revenge?
Oh yea!
53) Know how to swim?
No, I sink like the Titanic and take a whole lot of innocent people with me.
54) Do you know how to skate?
No, and I fucked up my wrists trying to learn.
55) Did you do sports in high school?
I tried out for sports, but my classmates & coach laughed me off the field. Fuckers.
56.) If you could have one wish come true, what would it be?
Financial independence.

Friday, June 09, 2006


It's a valid fear.

I have this fear.

It's what you would commonly call "being a pussy". I have a fear of balloons. Big fear. It's the pop that flips me out. I hate the sound they make as they're being filled with helium. The rubbery shreikish squeaky sound it makes when you're tying them, how they FUCKING ATTRACT TO YOUR SKULL WHEN THEY'RE ABOUT READY TO POP AND SCARE THE LIVING BEJEZUS OUT OF YOU.

Well, maybe the Bejezus out of me.

I go out of my way to avoid them. At Red Lobster a few years ago with Yolie and Lupe before her wedding, there was a birthday heathen at the table next to ours and of-fucking-course, there were balloons fucking FLIPPING ME OUT. I get antsy and paranoid, often times I cringe, close my eyes and escape into my happy place where I know I am nowhere near a balloon. Still, I hear the squeaking of the incidious balloon.

See, it happened to me today. I was at the local Sketchers shoe outlet here in town getting a snazzy pair of new shoes when at the fucking front of the store, the nimrods were blowing up promotional balloons and setting them up at the ends of each isle.

Ear level.

Every isle.

With me already inside the store.

Flipping out.



I had an elderly man ask me if I was ok. I wasn't, but I didn't want to freak him out so I gathered courage and moved to another section of the store. I started to cringe and cower to the floor I was so petrified.

Yes, I am telling the truth. I have a flipped out fear about balloons. Some people freak at the sight of clowns, some at feet, others at heights or spiders, I fear balloons.

Well, I grabbed the shoes [wearing them now] and paid for them, got an unusual look from the clerk, then ran into my car, slammed the door and started it up so if there was any popping or filling of balloons, I wouldn't hear it. To add insult to injury, I came to work today to have lunch with my mom and before I could open the door, one of our co-workers scared the living shiat out of me, making my nerves so fucking shot I was a wreck and it ruined my afternoon completely.

Im somewhat over it, but it hasn't left the back of my head. I'd fucking pop a balloon behind the head of that coworker, but she has seizures and I don't want to explain why the fuck I did what I did.

Writing about this helps.

Bear with me on this one

It's my blog and I will write whatever the hell I want.


Yep, that's right, Mustangs. That will always be my car. When Joe relinquishes Roxie into my custody, I have such plans for her she'll look like a whole new (yet familiar) car.

I honestly don't care who is reading this and how many times you've said in your head "Oh terrific, he's talking about cars again" and switch to another site. To you, I say get the hell off my site. If you don't want to hear about it, go somewhere else. If you're thinking "you should do something productive with your money instead of squandering it away on some vehicle", your opinion is duely noted but ignored.
  • Repaint to original grey color
  • Reupholster with new materials to include carbon fiber seat inserts
  • Convert wheel bolt pattern to 5 bolt
  • Satellite Radio (of course)
  • Upgrade suspension & brakes
  • Strip off tint from windows, re-tint
It's been on my mind for a few weeks now.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

So much to do, so little free time

My room looks like a disaster zone. I've seen pictures of Katrina ravaged New Orleans look better than my shamed hovel of a room. I blame society & the tuba.

IM also battling some problems with my computer and home network. It seems that with the iPod, the latest update made the DVD player stop recognizing DVDs. It plays CDs and program CDs just fine, just forget trying to play any DVD. My network screws up every afternoon, and I don't understand why. It could be a hacker gaining my bandwidth (heh heh, the net is unsecured at my house) but its starting to piss me off.

Yesterday's rain pissed me off, too. Not so much rain, but spittle & dust. I had the car under the car port and thought to myself that my parents would come home soon, so as I opened the garage door, a gust of wind and rain/ spittle hit the car. Mind you, its the sort of shit that just dirties the car, not really wets it enough to wash it.

I'd shoot Mother Nature if she was in front of me for that...

On the plus side, I managed to fix the connection between TiVo and laptop, it was a simple matter of my firewall settings. The downside is my satellite provided programming SUCKS. For reasons unknown, my satellite receiver has screwed up several of my FAVORITE (of course) channels. Half of my Season Pass list can't be recorded due to TiVo recording C-FUCKING-SPAN INSTEAD OF THE HISTORY CHANNEL.

Worse yet, I had reset my TiVo, wiping all of the system memory, waited 3 hours for setup to reinstate everything and it wiped out the recordings I already had. So now that I have my computer communicating like it should, I have nothing to transfer.


Fucking C-SPAN.

Surprisingly, I've been upbeat. I've been smiling a lot. It's the memory of my vacation still fresh in my mind. The remaining photos I have of the vacation include several video files that were remarkably saved from deletion when I wiped out the laptop in a fit of rage. IM still patiently waiting for any calls on my resumes floating around the greater Chicagoland area. All I can do now is wait.

Wait, and try to clean my room.

Or repair TiVo.

Or shake my fist at the skies.

Fucking C-SPAN.


So, it's been in the news that Scientology is going to sponsor their own NASCAR entry. Wow. Their logic is they are looking for the marketing appeal tied into a large gathering. NASCAR's following is huge, but I wonder about the NASCAR fans who might look the other direction.

Then I started to do some research on Scientology. It sounds pretty good, or just like any other organized religion. Then you start reading about other things.

Read me.
