Wednesday, April 05, 2006

When Nerds Attack

I am not an avid gamer. I knew avid gamers in my past and they are a little freaky. Take into consideration a high school acquaintance by the name of Jens. Small, meek wiry guy who always had the latest videogame as soon as it came out. He usually mastered it in about 3 days. He gloated about the conquer over said videogame and he had a following of other highly game addicted geeks who would follow in his victory and would mock and ridicule anyone who took way too long to buy a videogame that he and his cohorts beat weeks, even days prior.

Jens is now the manager at one of the Electronics Boutique stores in town.

He is one of the hard core gamers. The freaks who populate the game World of Warcraft are in a planet all their own. The game is an online experience that few (if anything) can top. Gamers have been clamoring to this game in record numbers and build online characters, even interacting as their online characters with other WoW members across the globe. Some people have even been fired from their jobs and lost relationships because of this engrossing game due to its addicting nature.

My little addiction to the Gran Turismo series isn't that bad compared to the extremes some people go thro. With that said, I found it absolutely hilarious when I read a news story about WoW members who took online memorials a little too far, and other members who saw opportunity. I was reading one of my news aggregate sites when I stumbled across what seemed like a touching tribute to a fellow gamer who had died in real life. One of his online friends thought it would be nice to log in as the deceased man's character and take him to a scenic lake in the game so other gamers could (in their own special way) pay tribute to a fellow gamer.

This probably wouldn't have made the news if the news story was just about this sap. Oh, God no. The news comes from a rival group of geeks who thought it would be an awesome coup de tat to crash the memorial and slaughter everyone in attendance, even the deceased man's character. Not only did they slaughter everyone including the dearly deceased, they videotaped it and posted it online.

I thought they used great music to choreograph the bloodbath. There are some seriously fucked up people out there.

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