Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The scent of a woman

Its happened one time too many where a co-worker will be appling lotion and need to conveniently wipe the remnants on the closest person, usually its a guy. It was always one of those strange occurrences where you just think to yourself "why am I getting this frou-frou scented goop smudged on my arm/ face, neck?". Well, in an amazing epiphany, it came to me.

See, us guys are women's property. It's pretty easy to see, when they unload a heap of scented lotion onto our bodies, as annoying as it is to us, it tells other women out there that "this man has been around another woman intimately enough to retain my scent".

There's little us guys can do about this. Oh well, whatcha gonna do?


Valkyrie said...

Hey long time no hear, or at least comment. Thanks for your thoughts. I went to see my Fluffus (his real name is Navarre) this morning and the Doc seems positive, but time will tell...

JoJo said...

That's the reason guys are accused of "being with a another woman." These actions have caused distress in relationships across the country.
