Thursday, July 08, 2004


Man oh man, where do I start?

Robots are making their murderous return to the silver screen with the release of the new movie I, Robot starring the Fresh Prince, Will Smith. Maybe its because of this possible aspect of robots and mechanical advances that I would have to say a resounding "What the fuck?" to this. I liked it better when humble Japanese technicians were making cute, harmless robots that didn't mangle man-meat...

Its no secret that I travel a lot of times to Corpus Christi. I love the drive. Thankfully I don't need to use restroom facilities all that often on the roadways, but IM kind of surprised that there aren't as many restrooms and rest stops as there are in Australia. From what I gather from their website, either Australians have a huge incontinence problem or the rumors are true of Australia being the gayest country in the world and their restrooms are a nice meeting place for... Pissy little jiggers, they are...

If you read back in my archives to March of this year I updated a Strange Finding for Headvertise, a company that will pay you for wearing advertising on your forehead. I still say you're a sellout if you went for it, but I think plumbers will make a killing with Ass-vertise. You think IM making this stuff up?

Have you returned recently to have your co-workers pull a prank on you? Veg-out using your web browser and speakers to such soothing tunes as the sounds of New York,
a hairdryer, numerous typewriters and a vacuum. Man, nothing washes the sound of work away like the sound of work.

Speaking of work, here are some things to make your day less productive. This flower reacts to your mouse. It's slightly political, but a spectacular time waster. An even bigger time waster is Circles. Its complex in its simplicity.

Now get back to work, slackers!

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