Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Robots are in our future

IM laughing to myself pretty hard at that thought. It's been a dream of many as far back as artists could render that a robot could do all the menial tasks dreaded by humans in their own home.

Rosie the robot, The Jetsons

The Roomba is the latest attempt to make vacuuming carpets a thing of the past. Noted for its ability to navigate a room like a blind person feeling around the room for bumps and obstacles, the Roomba is taking techno-geeks by their pocket protectors and giving them hives thinking of how robots are in our future. See, IM not so sure.

Aside from being small, light weight & a smidge under powered, I would think large pets would start hunting these little vacuum bots down in the middle of the day when they mistakenly suck up a tail or bump into their food dish while cleaning. I find the competitors attempt to cash in on these robots hilarious.

It senses your fear

Vacuum mogul Richard Dyson is developing what is essentially a canister vacuum that basically is self powered and intelligent. When not maiming the cat, the vacuum can be used as normal with all the sucking power of a hooker at the docks during a naval shore leave. One of the most gut-busting funniest things on his robot is the mood light. It gives you a somewhat vague indication of what its doing. Green means its maneuvering an obstacle, blue means its happy and red means its about to be clobbered with a 9 iron.

What does this mean to us regular folk? Not much, really. We are still going to kowtow with our beasts of burdens in our humble abodes wishing and dreaming we had someone to do all the work for us without the complaints.

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