Friday, July 30, 2004

Wha...? What day is it? Friday?

You're kidding?! Um, where the hell did July, let alone the entire half of 2004 go? I just realized it was friday! Litterally, I was updating my laptop and looked at the date on my anitvirus software and realized it was going to be August! Wow.

I guess since I have been hanging out with my friends all week since they have been here, the days no longer seem seperated by periods of work and toil. It doesn't help that each day that passes I accomplish fewer intended goals.

That reminds me, I have a TON of laundry to do!

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Time is enigmatic

When you stop and think about it, time is the perception of elapsed moments in history, chronographed by a system of mathematical equations that us as humans need to justify our existence and importance in the world. So what does that say about a person when they tell you or you realize that you had little time to accomplish everything you figured one week was plenty of time for? I wanted to do so much in my time off, and only accomplished 75% of my list of things to-do.

It's ok, though. Time is on my side, and I am taking full advantage of it.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

-the numbers match!

That's not a space station, that's a planet! Is it me, or did that plannet just launch an attack on Alderaan? This is just one of those strange, creepy things that words cannot describe. How cool is that?

Man, what Caribbean vacation would be complete without being stuck on a rusting hulk of a ship with three of the 80's wussiest-looking bands? Heaven help them in a sissy-slapping contest...

I have to admit, I am a lucky guy. I never had to work a fast-food joint, customer service at any type of retail store, nor have I ever been a cashier. That doesn't mean that radio people don't get their share of idiots and assholes who call in and harass. After reading a few of these stories, it gives me a whole new appreciation for people who do this sort of thing for a living.

I swear I just saw a tuft of smoke rise from the monitor here at work... Anyways...

Unless you are an entomologist and cared deeply about your favorite pet scorpion, why in the hell would you buy this? More importantly, do you leave flowers or roach traps?

You know, I don't know what the hell is it with me and robots and things that think for themselves. IM finding the strangest things involving computers that are thinking for themselves, answering the most important of questions: Animal, Vegetable or Mineral?

Another art link. Surrealism this time. Don't know what that is? Click here.

Finally, another time waster. This game ranks right up there with Pingis & Tetris. This lets you shoot baskets without destroying the environment. However, if you wanted to be nit-picky, the cost of 10-20 sheets of paper is far less of an impact on the environment than the creation of electricity and the impact on birds hitting wind generators, fish being turned into slurry in water powered turbines & bears climbing telephone poles to search for pickinik baskets!


Tuesday, July 27, 2004

XM Radio vs FM Radio vs Last.FM
I am spoiled forever in no thanks to XM Satellite Radio.  For those of you without one, you have no idea what you are missing.  In short, you never have to guess who the artist is, and you never miss your favorite song when it comes on.  I realized this little gem when I borrowed my parents car to return my tuxedo at the mall and tried to look at the stereo to see who the artist was on one of the local, and sadly pathetic FM stations.

I am not going to sway someone's choice of satellite radio or FM based radio frequencies, but there is strangely a new competitor to the FM, Satellite radio market that is going to be a tough act to follow, let alone catch up with.  Last.FM is an internet based (and loosely labeled) radio station that customizes the music to your liking.  I say loosely labeled because its a form of music swapping they claim is legal.  RIAA and Metallica aren't going after them yet, so I am taking it they are telling the truth.

Similar to XM & Sirius channels, Last.FM features channels of music with themes, heavy rock, progressive, and some channels that are geared more towards playing all of your favorite songs.  XM & Sirius cannot match that, but admittedly can offer more music on the go.  Last.FM is internet based, so unless you have wiFI enabled laptops at hotspots around town or in the car with you, you cannot take it everywhere you go.
It doesn't mean XM & Sirius don't have their limitations.  Freeway interchanges, downtown & high-rise buildings and also parking garages cause the satellite signals to drop.  Cross country the signal is strong and weather has no effect on the signal.  Driving home from Corpus Christi in March of this year, I drove thru a thunderstorm that flooded Houston & left me on the side of the road to wait out the storm.  I had the XM radio on the entire time and had no loss of signal, the signal bars all read full strength.
I also think about how FM radio has deteriorated in the past decade.  Corporations moved in and sucked the fun out of the joys and wonders of working in, and listening to radio.  Companies like Clearchannel walked into the radio industry, bought up the most profitable and most appealing radio stations, learned little from them & created a stale and cookie-cutter approach to music radio.  Subsequently, they have become the laughing stock of the industry and the model of board-meeting influenced radio.  I personally love my job, I love my co-workers, but I miss the realism of radio.  Radio that only had to worry about the FCC and not a regional Vice Manager of Pencils for the Southwest quadrant of the Klingon galaxy. 
Recent breaks in technology, however, are showing us worlds of new music once thought to be lost & forgotten due to the frailty and deterioration of the media.  Such so we will be utilizing the more sensible ways of music gathering, radio to hear these rare pieces of music.  I cannot see Last.FM surviving in this market of iTunes & Napster, XM & Sirius.  I can almost see Last.FM being incorporated into Napster or Music Match or even Real Player as a bonus feature.
Technology can be cruel at times.  It can also be revolutionary.  Whatever the outcome, its always a good thing.

Monday, July 26, 2004

Back to the grind

So I am back to work now, things are slowly going back to normal after a week of getting things prepared for Yolie's wedding. The ceremony was beautiful and went off without a hitch for the most part. I have some things planned for a wedding parting gift everyone will enjoy. I just need to have some time to devote to it.

I bought a wireless internet card for my laptop (which I got running again) and tried it out at my favorite coffee shop and found there are motherboard conflicts that prevent it from being used, so I will have to return it. Oh well. There are more important things to do with that money.

My back is hurting and I need more sleep...

Monday, July 19, 2004

A Vacation Log - Day 1

Not counting this weekend, today has turned out to be a good one. Waking up at almost noon, rolling out of bed and playing videogames until I get hungry enough to get up was a nice change from waking up and leaving for an out of town adventure. Not that I wouldn't have liked that, but I am glad I didnt have to drive.

Today marks Evelyns return to El Paso, she's gonna be here for a while so this'll be cool.

Friday, July 16, 2004

Vacation all I ever wanted, vacation havin' some fun again...
Well, its that magical time again, vacation.  Not today, but next week.  It's going to be a definite departure from my previous vacations where I will not go to Corpus Christi this time around.  That alone is going to be tough, but oddly enough, I will be using what would have been that gas money in a tuxedo.  Yolie's wedding will be in one week from now.  Its going to be nice having all my friends in one city again.
I might update the website next week.  Im not all that certain.  I know with all the free time I will have, I might go out and so some more photography.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Robots are in our future

IM laughing to myself pretty hard at that thought. It's been a dream of many as far back as artists could render that a robot could do all the menial tasks dreaded by humans in their own home.

Rosie the robot, The Jetsons

The Roomba is the latest attempt to make vacuuming carpets a thing of the past. Noted for its ability to navigate a room like a blind person feeling around the room for bumps and obstacles, the Roomba is taking techno-geeks by their pocket protectors and giving them hives thinking of how robots are in our future. See, IM not so sure.

Aside from being small, light weight & a smidge under powered, I would think large pets would start hunting these little vacuum bots down in the middle of the day when they mistakenly suck up a tail or bump into their food dish while cleaning. I find the competitors attempt to cash in on these robots hilarious.

It senses your fear

Vacuum mogul Richard Dyson is developing what is essentially a canister vacuum that basically is self powered and intelligent. When not maiming the cat, the vacuum can be used as normal with all the sucking power of a hooker at the docks during a naval shore leave. One of the most gut-busting funniest things on his robot is the mood light. It gives you a somewhat vague indication of what its doing. Green means its maneuvering an obstacle, blue means its happy and red means its about to be clobbered with a 9 iron.

What does this mean to us regular folk? Not much, really. We are still going to kowtow with our beasts of burdens in our humble abodes wishing and dreaming we had someone to do all the work for us without the complaints.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Some strong and entertaining summer reading

Go out and buy this book:

In an ironic and unplanned coincidence, I just finished reading the chapter on Sloth after stowing the book in the pocket of the Mustang's passenger seat (it had been there for at least 3 months). I have only successfully read three of the seven chapters and by far, Sloth was extremely entertaining and... Enlightening. Read it, and see what I mean.

Go out and get your own copy, sinners.

Monday, July 12, 2004

online, no thanks to that Trunk Monkey...

You remember reading James & the Giant Peach, Fahrenheit 451 & Where's Waldo as a kid in elementary school? They're all banned. Forbidden forever along with the writings of Maya Angelou, George Orwell, J.D. Salinger & Dr. Seuss.

Maybe it would be of my time to go to the Suburban Auto Group in Washington state to buy my next Ford. Look what this Mustang comes equipped with! I never knew they were an option, had I known that I would have not gone for the ABS...

Here kitty kitty kitty...

Get bent...

I brought to light the other Strange Findings the outsourcing of heroes & idols. Outsourcing The King of rock & roll... Man, Elvis must be gyrating in his grave.

Now, it's time for more time-wasting games. Dont try this one if you have carpal tunnel or a ball-mouse. This one doesn't need a mouse, just fast reflexes with your keyboards arrow keys.

Screen Saving Fish

IM sure you all have gone into any electronics store worth their salt and seen screensavers of fish in an aquarium. It's pretty life-like and sounds real, but I could never find it and when I asked store employees about it, I could have been speaking Turkish.

I tried rather unsuccessfully to find it online, and I even was duped by a misleading banner ad for the aquarium. I finally found it. I had it on last night and I have to say its very relaxing to listen to. I hooked up my Logitech speakers to the computer again and the sounds were extremely life-like.

I suddenly have an overwhelming urge to whiz, real bad...

Friday, July 09, 2004

Goodbye T-Mobile

Cingular Mobile is coming to El Paso September 1st and I cannot wait. Problems with T-Mobile have prompted me to not continue with their service after my contract expires. I will continue with them for one month outside of a contract and sign up with Cingular the moment they set up a store.
Regular or Premium?

A lot of people would say get premium for your cars engine so it will run and perform smoother and better. Like hell. I bought a full tank of premium gas for the Mustang and I have to say I am glad my car doesn't like the rich stuff. I have lost some compression and some power switching to the higher grade. It runs quieter and alot smoother, but its lacking alot of the low end -umph- and high end -grunt- I am used to.

Its strage, it feels like the car is bloated!

Thursday, July 08, 2004


Man oh man, where do I start?

Robots are making their murderous return to the silver screen with the release of the new movie I, Robot starring the Fresh Prince, Will Smith. Maybe its because of this possible aspect of robots and mechanical advances that I would have to say a resounding "What the fuck?" to this. I liked it better when humble Japanese technicians were making cute, harmless robots that didn't mangle man-meat...

Its no secret that I travel a lot of times to Corpus Christi. I love the drive. Thankfully I don't need to use restroom facilities all that often on the roadways, but IM kind of surprised that there aren't as many restrooms and rest stops as there are in Australia. From what I gather from their website, either Australians have a huge incontinence problem or the rumors are true of Australia being the gayest country in the world and their restrooms are a nice meeting place for... Pissy little jiggers, they are...

If you read back in my archives to March of this year I updated a Strange Finding for Headvertise, a company that will pay you for wearing advertising on your forehead. I still say you're a sellout if you went for it, but I think plumbers will make a killing with Ass-vertise. You think IM making this stuff up?

Have you returned recently to have your co-workers pull a prank on you? Veg-out using your web browser and speakers to such soothing tunes as the sounds of New York,
a hairdryer, numerous typewriters and a vacuum. Man, nothing washes the sound of work away like the sound of work.

Speaking of work, here are some things to make your day less productive. This flower reacts to your mouse. It's slightly political, but a spectacular time waster. An even bigger time waster is Circles. Its complex in its simplicity.

Now get back to work, slackers!

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Call me childish, Ishmael...

I wasn't around in the 1960's to have seen the Thunderbirds when they were brand new, but I remember KCIK Channel 14 (a precursor to KFOX 14) had played the series as reruns in the mid to late 1980's. After a long absence on television, TechTV (now called G4TechTV) brought the series back to run on cable, delighting me to no end.

It took me by surprise when I was watching TV this weekend that I saw the previews for the new live-action Thunderbirds movie. It may be a kids movie, but its the kind of movie that when it comes out on DVD, I will get.

Monday, July 05, 2004

Odd how some things come to you...

Sunday morning I woke up after having an interesting dream. I owned a motorcycle and was driving thru a rainy Corpus Christi, delivering the bike to someone. The interesting thing is I was accompanied by 4 other riders and one of the 4 had an interesting helmet, it was in the shape of and had the visor reminicent of an alien's face and eyes.

Well, I woke up to use the restroom so I couldnt finish that dream to see where I was going, but I had a call from my friend Will asking if it was possible to park his rare bike at my house while he goes on a business trip.

Odd, huh?

Thursday, July 01, 2004


I couldn't stand the new dark colors so I updated to a more viewing-friendly set of colors.
Is it really a day off if you can't enjoy it?

I agreed to trade days with my friend Eddie at the station so I could work Saturday for him in return for him working for me Friday. It sounds good until you consider I still have to do a lot of crap EARLY in the morning and IM not looking forward to that. Since refilling my prescription, taking it makes me sleepier than normal and when I go to sleep I usually stay knocked out. Maybe getting more sleep will help out more.

Lets see, tomorrow should shape up like this:
1. Take dog to the groomers
2. Wash clothes
3. Wash bedding
4. Clean out Mustang
5. WASH Mustang
6. Clean room
7. Pay bills

When do I get to enjoy a day off?