Thursday, February 01, 2007

A "Normal" Day of Work for Me

I wake up at 4am on average. It's tough, for a non-morning person it is tough. I gulp down some coffee, then I grab my crap (two cell phones, BLUETOOTH earpiece & wired headphone, iPod, 2 pair sunglasses, fountain pen) and breakfast and jump into the car.

Sounds normal so far.

I pick up my coworker. He tosses his crap into the back of my car. Sometimes he puts the strangest things in the car, like CD players, TiVo, sports jerseys, hoola hoops, foam machines, basketballs. I still think the hoola hoop was the strangest thing, and was surprised that actually fit in the Mustang (back in the day). We talk about a lot of things on the commute, mostly TV shows and the such. We make each other laugh pretty hard. Its hard to remember that my coworker is blind.

We head to work. There is almost no one on the roads at 4:30. I sit down and start editing shows. I see the people the listeners only hear on their radios. They're sitting down in other studios working within earshot of each other just getting things ready for the 6am start to their shows. Melissa Kerr pokes her head in and says her good mornings and laughs her trademark laugh, Vicky Lee finding comedy bits to play on air. There's a good number of sound bites that we can't play, which is a shame.

Then, there's the unmistakable sound of Tiny TT running down the hall. If you've ever heard the sound of a "little person" running thru a hallway at 5am, you understand where I am coming from. To make things even more normal, you should see him on holidays. All I have to say is "costumes". Picture that running by your door every morning.

Its a normal day for me, really. I get to hear and see all of that long before any ones alarm clock goes off for themselves to wake up.

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