Sunday, October 29, 2006


So, here's a question for you.

You are sitting on 2 months of the year left and 2 weeks of vacation that your boss has now thrown down the ultimatum "take your vacation time or loose it".

You are sitting looking at your bright orange Dodge Neon and saying to yourself "road trip".

You look at the tires on the aforementioned vehicle and say to yourself "blowout".

So what would any rational person do in a situation like this?

If you said "Let's spend that money on a TREO 700p" I'd give you a cigar!

(yes, I discovered the "quotation marks" thank you for noticing)

Sweet little phone, isn't it?

Ugh, yes, I bought this damn thing. Its a fucking kick ass phone, but whatever you do, DO NOT for the love of Gates buy the 700wx version. I had fewer bugs with Windows 95a (for those of you who know WTF IM talking about, you know).

I initially bought the 700wx thinking it would be the end-all of phones. It wasn't. Without going into details *cough-itsucked-cough* it wasn't user friendly. I've had pit bulls with better manners than that damned thing.

Anyways. Short of a blowout on the freeway, I am planning so many things with my new toy. Best toy for the phone (remember, this damn thing is also a great sounding phone) is the optional TomTom GPS unit I can install -- why say install, the fucking unit just plugs into the memory card reader!

Yeah, and I need the BLUETOOTH portable keyboard.

Ain't technology grand?

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