Tuesday, July 18, 2006

There is no God

I get into work under the cover of darkness. Usually, I have the stereo on the Neon turned low to hear conversation between me and Mike D. Mike D is on vacation. I had the stereo up pretty loud. XM channel 26, Top Flight. 3rd Eye Blind was playing. That's the last song I remember before turning off the car and putting the sun shade in the windshield.

iPod in tow, I did my obligatory edits and then jumped into one of the production rooms to check out some internet sites I love. I tried to tie the iPod into the production studio and wasn't able to. Its a shame. I had recently loaded the iPod with some Sting, Prince, Tool & Beatles and really wanted to listen to them on the ginormous speakers we have at our studios. So I opened up our music library.

The Clearchannel database is pretty huge, but its not complete, and it certainly doesn't have everything anyone would ever want. Its a good database of songs. I started up one of the computers we use to do editing to surf the internet and got started listening to the catalog at our disposal.

People say I'm the life of the party
Because I tell a joke or two
Although I might be laughing loud and hearty
Deep inside I'm blue...

Ah, Linda Ronstadt.

So take a good look at my face
You'll see my smile looks out of place
If you look closer, it's easy to trace
The tracks of my tears...

I had closed my eyes. The mind is a powerful tool that can build images and music videos that play as vivid as you can imagine. I had pictured a gorgeous 20 something woman in Stevie Nicks garb running in slow motion through a crowded soiree right at the climax of the song we see mascara running down her face and the hear-

My smile is my make up
I wear since my break up with you..

-then I get the rudest awakening I've had in too long. JD, the new lickspittle from Power 102 beckons down the hallway with the words that still haunt me 7 hours after he uttered them: "Who in the hell is that?".

There is no God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope u didn't leave a mess at ur station's floor....