Thursday, July 13, 2006

(re)discovering music

For as long as I can remember, music has always been something that I can escape into. Whether it be a Fleetwood Mac album or Eminem, there's something that I can listen to that's perfect for my mood or situation. A few bands I try to listen to but often times can never find usually appear on XM, but more times than I care to count I can never find them.

So when I was at Circuit City yesterday, I found a few albums that I bought sight on scene.



The only one I didn't buy, but I definitely recommend is from Queensryche.

Queensryche, Promised Land

This one was lost at the bottom of my CD tower in my room. Turned sideways and upside down and collecting a lot of dust. I need to do something better with the storage in my room and I also need to update my sidebar playlist to reflect my current play list and new songs.

Expect those soon.

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