Friday, April 30, 2004

Hitting extremely close to home (revised)

A security guard was arrested from Valley View Middle & Del Valle High for theft of $40K worth of school & office equipment. Also arrested was the suspect's daughter, his wife is currently being sought for questioning but has not been found.

Thursday, April 29, 2004

Im kicking it old school this time!

Im going retro on you freaks today. Remember back in elementary school when you would play on the playground (and not beat up kids) the songs you'd sing? Prior to hearing N.W.A. they were the worst things you could conceive of uttering. This website has many a classic, like this one:

Mary had a little lamb,
She also had a duck,
She took it 'round the corner
To teach it how to...

ODPS (The Online Dictionary of Playground Slang, Songs and Poetry) is chalked full of these little gems parents & teachers wish you could forget again.

Ive been collecting comic books since I was a freshman in high school. In that time, I have had the best that comics could offer, X-Men, Wolverine, Gen 13, Frank Miller comics... They were (in my view) a great time for comics. I even had some retro comics from Batman & X-Men that had obscure words. Well, this site has every goofy word ever used in a comic and which comic it came from. MMM...

Sticking with this theme, does everyone remember the movie Batman Forever, where the Batman we knew played by Michael Keaton turned into a softer, more cartoon-like self-loathing sexaholic played by Val Kilmer? Beyond that, Edward Nigma created "The Box", a device that projects TV images into a person's frontal lobe. It looks like science took a page from the movies and created this.

They're watching us, you know. Aliens. They are monitoring our thoughts. Bart Simpson worried about Major League Baseball watching him & gathering sports data, but aliens are watching us for potentially more devious reasons. This site has recorded accounts by kids who say aliens are invading our thoughts. For a detailed explination on how to make your own thought sheild, check this out, see examples & protect yoursefl!
-Man, why is it all the abductees look like they were hit by the tractor beam & dragged a few feet?

Isn't this a direct violation of one of the 10 Commandments? We're all going to Hell in a handbasket.

I have two more, but Im being monitored by those aliens...


Sunday, April 25, 2004

What a difference 700 miles makes

Today was one of those days where you just got out of bed at nearly noon, meander out of bed and just relax. The weather was such that I had the top down all day & was so sweet. Weather in (lets say) Corpus Christi was horrendous.

I think I know that guy...

Water up to doors, entire intersections flooded completely, people using boats & canoes to go down the street? Gimme El Paso anyday...

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Migraines suck

Ive had a migraine for most of this afternoon & evening. It went away when I took my bloodpressure medicine...

It hurt.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Your update here________________

Yeah, I know, I should be updating more often, but since buying that damn set of Fleetwood Mac CDs I havent been able to tear myself away from them Hell, right now I am listening to the Rumours CD while playing ping pong from SFFTI 30. Interesting, to say the least, trying to concentrate on the game and singing to songs...

I promise more updates more frequently.

Friday, April 16, 2004

Music is such a salve

I chuckle to myself after appending my checkbook. I should do it more often than relying on the GECU website for the up to the minute blow by blow of the blowing of my money. The one thing I have been doing this entire time is listen to music. Yeah, its been the Fleetwood Mac stuff I bought, but its been the best thing to calm me down as I watch my money float away in a sea of bills.

I feel like taking the Stang out to the middle of the desert with the top down just to unwind.
Monumental CD Re-Releases

Fleetwood Mac is my favorite band of all time, anyone who knows me knows that. Recently, they re-released three of their CD's with bonus tracks & rare demos. Their famed self titled CD Fleetwood Mac, as well as their second album Rumours & third release TUSK are all digitally remastered with great demos & tracks that didnt make the album cut. It's a must have for any Fleetwood fan.


Happy Birthday Ford Mustang, Happy Birthday to you!

(North American P51 Mustang, 1964 1/2 Mustang convertible, 2004 40th Anniversary GT)

She's 40 years old this weekend, so pull yours out of the garage, give her a nice wash & wax and cruise around town! Show your apreciation for your Mustang, the longest lasting & the original Pony car left in the market.

Mustang owners...

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Ive actually been wanting to write this one...

Here where I work, one of my co-workers is blind. He is also the person I pick up every morning to take to work. Along the drive to the station, he and I talk about the things we did the previous day just to keep ourselves from having akward moments of silence. Well, I have to say that last week he gave me an insight to one of the most hilarious & twisted bits of humor I had ever heard.

I laid mention to it in yesterdays Strange Findings, where the El Paso Lighthouse for the Blind holds annual Easter Egg hunts out in the park adjacent to their building. That right there should have cracked a smile on the most hardened of jokesters, but it gets better. When Mike told me about the egg hunt, the first mental image that came to mind was the organization didn't hide eggs & just say they hid eggs just to watch the kids meander around the park looking for eggs that didn't exsist. You are probably thinking to yourself how cruel that is of me to say, but the hilarious part is Mike said the same thing to me and we were both laughing our asses off!

After nearly hitting the retaining wall on the freeway laughing, he proceeded to tell me the rest of the story. Apparently, the Lighthouse for the Blind will hide Easter Eggs, but they are fake eggs with little sound emitters in them so that the blind can find them acoustically. A problem arises in an open park, that has to be one hell of an egg hunt. I digress. The hunt consists of 3 different events: Blind only, Blind with a sibling/ parent blindfolded, visually capable kids blindfolded. From what I was told, the events where the parent or a brother/ sister were involved was kind of an eye opener for the occularly able. How the blind navigate around to find things made people take notice how difficult it was for them.

I was also told that not everything went off without a hitch, though. To signal the start of each event, they use one of those air horns to start the festivities & to stop them once all the eggs have been found. Novel concept until you put in the human nature factor. The person weilding the air horn tried to grab the attention of one of the participants & was unable to do that with their voice so he decided to do a short blast from the air horn, which started all the kids meandering into eachother thinking the hunt was on (those wyley egg hunters...). It was pandemonium untill the kids were all corraled & the game was reset.

Mike then told me about one of the team events where a parent or sibling was blindfolded & made to walk the course alone with a non-impared child giving them directions. It didnt go as planned & several people walked face first into walls. It was about at that point we were already at work & not on the road cause I was laughing too hard to see what was infront of me. Ive been sitting on that story for a while now, and Im glad I got it off my chest.


PS, Don't write me & tell me how horrible I am, Mike & I were laughing at what happened, not at their condition...

Monday, April 12, 2004


It rained pretty much all Easter weekend here in El Paso which also rained out alot of kids' Easter egg hunts. Oh, sure you could have hidden the eggs and watched the coloring wash off of them to find them easier but where's the fun in that? I would love to do this to a couple of farm fresh eggs just to watch PETA go nuts. However, I'd rather sit back and watch the hilarity of the annual Easter Egg hunt sponsored by the El Paso Lighthouse for the Blind. There's a hilarious story behind that one, I will get to at a later time.

I don't own an iPod. I probably won't for a while anyways, but I've been watching the RIAA go after people who swapped songs illegally (myself included in that at one point) but now they have turned their backs on the people doing legal downloadings. Apple's iTunes has been a success since they started offering $.99 downloads of a huge cache of music they have for consumers. Now the RIAA says that $.99 is too small of a price for a single song download from the internet and would... Oh hell, just read here...

On a related note, it's not that uncommon to go onto KaZaA or Limewire or Napster (before they were shut down) and download what you thought would be Aerosmith's Livin' On The Edge and instead you got Barney's Theme Song (Extended Remix). The perils of downloading videos would be classified under that example as well. Tom has lost all faith in humanity after performing an experiment with simple words, video files & audio files on his computer. I say: Welcome to the club, brother.

Finally (I have to make this short, on company time & computer and all...) if you live in England, contribute to the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London or just have no patience for the most fucked up shit to ever come out of misused money, read this and pull your funding if you haven't already. Oh, and you other LIBERAL colleges & museums who do this need your funding taken away, your doors closed and your staff locked away in our overcrowded & underfunded prison system. Maybe then they will think twice before wasting your money on bull shit.


Saturday, April 10, 2004

Bloody & sore

Its an attention getter, isnt it? Im not lying. Yesterday I bought two used computers from the station and brought them home. One computer was almost complete, the other one was more decimated. After finessing parts from 4 different computers, I was able to resurect one of the computers back to life. It still needs a voodoo witch chant & sacrificial chicken or two, but its working. The other computer needs afew new parts from the computer store to make it run like a race horse.

The reasons Im bloody & sore are kinda obvious. The insides of computers are filled with sharp edges & I was hunched over them for so long, my ass & back hurt.

It's going to be an interesing next few days...

Thursday, April 08, 2004

Im procrastinating still

Im procrastinating, and yet having a deja-vu moment. I swear I have had this blog entry once before. I didn't feel like opening the laptop at home, and when I tried it here at the station, the screen wouldn't turn on, so the connection is loose again. I double secured it with tape this time, I guess with the cold & warm of the days, the tape isnt holding up too well. It still doesn't fix the problem permanently, but I just dont have the energy to crack the case again and fix. Im lazy, leave me alone.

I finally came to an epiphany with my home computer. Before going to Corpus Christi this last time, I had bought a nice digital camera that wasn't compatible with Windows 2000 (my operating system of choice) but was compatible with all others. I want to keep my Windows 2000, but I want something that would operate the camera software. I thought a dual boot would suffice with Windows ME, but there are afew issues with that that I dont want to even try. Im just going to reinstall the newer hard drive with Windows 98 & Windows 2000 as dual boots. All my software will be compatible with both operating systems so this should be good. The other thing I will do is bring in the desktop here to work & install all updates & programs that take too long to download at home.

Lets see what happens.

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

I screwed up the laptop something bad

A few weeks ago, I got the overwhelming urge to increase memory on the laptop & bought some memory. I cracked open the access door on the laptop and put it in. It wasn't recognized. I then realized that the memory I took out was one of those two-piece units found on old laptops & cracked open the case even more to get to the memory on the underside of the motherboard. Bad move.

I destroyed the retension pins on the monitor hook up on the motherboard. Thats not something you wanna do, or try to replace. There is no replacment. Right now, I have it pieced together with black electrical tape and dumb luck. Im going to make a full time permanent fix for it when I get home.

Right now, I am using the talk set computer to do todays entry. Faster, yes. Nicer, yes. Not my laptop. That sucks.


Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Maybe I've been watching too much Food Network

I wanna make ravioli. Damn you Alton Brown...

Pasta mongers...

Sunday, April 04, 2004

You can never be satisfied with what you have

I guess its human nature to want to improve on a good thing. Kinda like ice cream, someone made vanilla, then someone put strawberries in it to make it better. I think the same way with the Mustang. There are many things I wanna do to the car. Some are expensive and others are within my price range.

I want this first.

Mustang owners...

Thursday, April 01, 2004

April Fools are out in force today

It stands to reason you should take anything told to you with a grain of salt, or a salt lick or something loaded with salt. It started pretty early today with people pretending that Pres. Bush was to make a visit to El Paso. I caught on early & Im just going with the flow. It's sad to watch the affected people just go nuts trying to confirm the news. I don't have the heart to tell them it's a joke. Besides, they aren't hurting me... yet.

I think I am just going to not do anything like check emails, go online to chatrooms or generally trust people's stories. Im gonna lay low & miss most of today. Talk to you all tomorrow.
