Friday, November 28, 2003

X2 & the holiday rush

So I stood inside Circuit City's latest releases section and picked up 2 DVDs. I had enough cash for only one, so I weighed them. In one hand, The Itallian Job, and in the other hand, X2 X-Men United. As I've only seen one of the two aforementioned movies in the theaters, I chose the one I knew. X2.

I have to say, getting the last 2 days off has been absolute bliss. Radio had the holiday off, and that meant that I got the last 2 days off since the host wouldn't want to go in to do a holiday show. It just means that I get some much needed time off?

Yeah right. Today was the always fun After Thanksgiving Sales at every mother-fucking store in town, and across the country. I was unceremoniously dragged to several stores looking for a good bargain for a TV. Yeah, we found one alright...

Talk to you in a while, voyeurs.

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

2 out of 3 Friendsters agree... it sucks...

I eliminated Friendster off my list of links. It's been hard to use and not so swift to log into and change & modify things. If anything, I hate complications.

While I was at a Sonic for lunch today, the carhop that gave me my order had a labret piercing and took notice of the size of the spike I had. He asked where I got the spike, and told him where I got mine and told him they have all sizes of stude & spikes, just had to call and ask about them. Strangely, he got his the same day I got mine. His stud was a outer threaded piece and not inner threaded or snap together like mine...

Goes to show you what a difference a quality & competent piercer makes...


Monday, November 24, 2003


People still get on my case because of the ammount of cartoons I watch, but when you look at what I'm watching, you'd understand where I'm coming from. A recent ratings book study shows where guys like me are going for their funnies.

Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat proved critics are idiots who had said this movie wouldn't be worth the time, money & effort to watch by surpassing all other movies at the theaters. If you can't get enough of that rhyming stuff, click here.

You know, I took on a part-time job so I can help pay off my bills faster, but I don't know how long the application line is for a Police Dog Quarry.

Finally, I found this French site with Photoshop enhanced photos of celebrities. Check out Gillian Anderson [X-Files, House of Mirth] and Reba McEntire [Reba (TV), Tremors]... They look hot!


Saturday, November 22, 2003

That's what I needed

Vacation. It does the soul good. I came back to town late yesterday, later than I wanted to but it was well worth it. To see the sun rise one last time over the ocean & enjoy the early morning as it turned to day was bliss.

I did do alot this time around when I was out there. I shocked alot of people by getting a piercing. I pierced my lower lip in what's known as a Labret. The place I got it from was a great place to get pierced- better than the other place I went. Forever Art was actually recommended by doctors! I didn't realize how much they were right, sterile everything. Hell, I'd recommend them!

So, here I sit, full of holes and daydreaming of when I could go back for another visit. Im already planning a March vacation, and this time, Im flying! Oh, yeah, Im going to post pictures as soon as they develop.


Thursday, November 20, 2003

Still on vacation

Im loving every single minute I am here in Corpus Christi. The weather has been absolutely unbelievable and the people have been so friendly since I got here. The temperature right now is a nice 63 degrees and the sun is out shining bright with a slight breeze coming from the ocean. I have taken alot of pictures that I will gladly post when I come back to town. For right now, I am enjoying my last day of vacation. Tomorrow is my last day of vacation, but I don't count that one since I will be driving back home, and thats not a nice thing to think of when I consider that its an eight hour drive back home.

To the beach!

Sunday, November 16, 2003


I will be on vacation in Corpus Christi Texas the week of November 17th-21st and will return on the 22nd. Im having fun!



I can never go on vacation with a clear conscious. On my way back to the TV station from getting lunch, I hit some unknown object in the road. It bent my rim and broke my hubcap something fierce on something on the road... This hampers my road trip now cause I dont have the same amount of money I thought I would originally have.

Im pissed...

Saturday, November 15, 2003

Preparing for Corpus Christi

This will be my solo trip to CC. I get to do alot more stuff than I did the first time I went out there, like listen to my own music, set the A/C the way I want it, fart if I need to... Ive got my selection of music already picked out, and if you haven't already guessed its going to be a 9 hour Fleetwood Mac Attack on the I-10. Starting from their first album to probably their last, 9 hours = 9 CD's of Christine, Lindsey, Mick, John, Stevie, Billy & Rick all belting out their tunes.

I should get tired of them somewhere close to Kerrville.


Thursday, November 13, 2003


Through the lens of a soldier.

See, this is what happens when the B-52's don't sell albums, one will get an idea and run with it. Yes, it looks familiar from their Love Shack video, its the same loon who built & decorated that eclectic woodshed...

Time Magazine agrees with me, several items on my Holliday Wishlist is in this list...

I am 24% Nerd Infected. I also have a 28% Weirdness Factor... I took this test and found that out...

I wasn't the only one to not like The Matrix Revolutions.

Let's all dumb it down a notch. Here's some good ol' fashioned violence in the form of a Catapult.

Enjoy voyeurs.

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Mike's Holiday Wishlist

Thinking of getting me something for Christmas? I've been extra good this year, you know and I would really enjoy any one of these fine items:

1. iPod
2. XM Radio PCR
3. X Box
4. Camera Phone
5. Radar Detector
6. Apple Mac G5
7. Panasonic Toughbook
9. Camera

I have more...
It's killing me

Evelyn called me afew minutes ago. Food Network is showing $40 a Day in Corpus Christi. It's killing me that Im 4 days away from heading out there and they are killing me showing all this great food and all the locations out there I loved.

It's killing me voyeurs.

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Tired. So tired.

Im looking for a bill I think I sent in. It was last week, I was sick so I dont know if it really happened. I thought I sent it in, but the bank doesn't show them as paid... Oh well. Work (both) are going good, but Im tired. Im probably going to nap when I get home.

Be back later.

Friday, November 07, 2003

Im here, what did I miss?

Never, never before had I had a cold/flu attack me like it did monday afternoon. The past few days I had a fever over 100, easy. I spent the past 3 days trying to clear out my sinuses and preventing myself from overexertion. I over didit wednesday when I went to pay my JC Pennys bill, I walked to the other end of the mall so I can look for some CD's. By the time I got back to the car, I had to sit and rest in the car for 10 minutes. I got a fever after that...

Im much better, now. I should have figured it was something bad when music I was listening to sounded slow... You know, Im not a doctor, but I play one in bed...

Voyeurs, Im back!

Monday, November 03, 2003

Im $100 short...

iPod. That's all I will say.

now what can I sell...
Tired & getting a sore throat

This weekend was a good one at TV. We won some, and we lost some. Miscommunication happened but was fixed and we generally lead with the better stories. Several people at the station [TV] were sick, and didn't bother to wipe down their workplace, so Im starting to get sick. Milk usually starts to taste funny when I get sick, but hasn't yet. Im fearing I will loose my voice...
