Friday, October 31, 2003


Happy Halloween!

The Great Pumpkin

Thursday, October 30, 2003

Plans are being drawn, its coming

Vacation time again. I still have 1 full week & 1 comp day to take whenever I want. I had already set the time aside and its been approved. All I need to do is start finding things to take with me. Im traveling alone, so CDs are a must. Ive figured out that 9 hours of driving = about the same number of CD's. I have 8 Fleetwood Mac CD's, so all I need is one more to complete my driving music.

I have also joined a new community, one that will not make me shave my pubic hair, wear tennis shoes like everyone else and martyr myself for the harvest moon like that last group of friendly freaks I used to be with...


Tuesday, October 28, 2003

*problems yesterday prevented me from posting

It was long held as a myth when I first got my drivers permit, that the simple flash of a car's highbeams would cause a red traffic light to turn green. Police cruisers around the country have devices in their cars that allow them to switch lights at their leisure (which isn't their leisure, more of a convenience) for better traffic control, or to keep their light green longer to get thru an intersection. What if you could buy what the pros have?

Since my introduction to technology and the ability to learn binary, I had found many useful things that could help me keep tabs on my ability and not to loose it. I have an understanding of it, but I could never build myself a Nixie Clock. The plans are alittle too complex for me, so I'd be better off having someone make me one, but at those prices... You know, they had one of these similar to the bomb used in an attempt to blow up Fort Knox in the movie Goldfinger...

Couldn't have happened to a better annoying pop-up ad.

This one worries me, though. We all may have to monitor their progress...

We all remember our lava lamps and sand globes and watching them for hours as the sands move and danced around the window, or the lava made interesting shapes. Take that to your desktop! This simple application makes your workday fly by, trust me, the sands are addictive...


Sunday, October 26, 2003

Another quasi success

Second weekend down the tank and Im feeling complacent. Maybe its the dark chocolate coursing thru my system or the lack of sleep, but I really like this job.

See you in the morning, voyeurs.

Thursday, October 23, 2003

Reporting from the deathbed of human inteligence, Im Mike Calderon, Newschannel 9

Want to see what Im talking about? Try these:
1. "Educated" talk show host has no clue who Stephen Hawking is.
2. Listeners to said talk show unclear of the concepts of "Can I get your name?" or "Side of town you are calling from?"
3. People who think I listen to every bit of detail on the radio when they ask me questions I couldn't give straight answers to sober let alone trying to keep up with the show.
4. Listeners who want to tell you their thoughts and opinions, or talk aimlessly with [you] about nothing that pertains to the show, or is remotely interesting.

I want to sCrEaM!!!!!
I should have taken that nap last night...

I have to start laundry today, and I have to finish it before I go to work saturday or else I have nothing to wear. It was worth it yesterday, though. Evelyn, Yolie and myself had dinner... well, they had dinner, I had a shake. It was a nice semi-quiet, laughter filled dinner. They leave tomorrow back permanently to Corpus Christi, but I will see them next month when I take my last vacation of the year. I have found my vacation paradise.

I get to go along on a shoot tomorrow for Channel 9. That should be fun. For right now, Im just here at work, relaxing.


Wednesday, October 22, 2003


Hmm... Im considering showing you something I cannot explain... Maybe at the end...

Tim Davis is an artist in Colorado Springs, and found art in one of the most unassuming locations. These images are unbelievable and beautiful!

If I listen to this music any longer Im going to go nuts. Its cool at first, but after 20 minutes of hearing it play in one of Mozilla's tabs is making me insane! What Im speaking of is this weird flash site called Minimal Porn. Its actually interesting. Not really erotic, but entertaining. Its just shapes moving. Its all in the eye of the beholder.

Man, Im glad that's over... Im still considering showing you something... later...

I was credited afew months back durring a pool party with killing 13 members of my own crew while playing videogames, including Lt. Commander Chakotay, Leutenants Tuvok & Paris. We laughed for hours that night. Now, I have returned to Voyager with this site of interesting side stories... You ever think some of these stories might have happened?

This just sounds like some college student's experiment someone dared him to do, and convince someone across the pond to help out with.

You guys will never stop bugging me if I don't show you. is a site I visit frequently, and while reading their forums, I found a link that is beyond anything I could have imagined I would have ever seen. I had read in a porno magazine about the man with two penises, it was more of a video advertisment about it. This isn't that man, Im sure of it, but this man has two penises!


Tuesday, October 21, 2003

I havent forgotten you

I have just been catching up on alot of things, Im doing some small detail work on my new job and cleaning up loose ends around the house. Im planning my trip to Corpus Christi again, this time I can go without worry. Im also planning some Strange Findings. Im also wondering where the hell did I find some of these things!


Sunday, October 19, 2003

Good first week, still alot to learn

Im starting to get the hang of it, its always slow at first, but things should be better with time. I enjoyed it alot. I think I may stay doing this.

Back to blogs at work tomorrow, voyeurs.

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Its official

I recieved my key fob for entrance, Windows 2000 login, e-mail password, and Im accepted into the realm of TV news.


Wednesday, October 15, 2003


You know, here in El Paso we have had some problems with Sexually Oriented Buisnesses in town and the legality of having them around inside city limits. It seems that Milwaukee residents have a Gentlemen's Club that admits 18-20 year olds due to a slight loophole in a law that lets the club be designated a "Center for the Visual and Performing Arts"... "Hey Ma, me and the guys are heading over to Club Paradise to take in some culture!"

Is this the next male contraceptive? Kinda gives a new meaning to "the munchies"...

I was sorely dissapointed last week when I stumbled onto a website that showed the top 50 returnable CDs on the market and found that I own one of them. With that dismal memory haunting me like the taco's of monday, I came across this rather interesting and fun site. Its harder than it looks!

Upchucking tacos... not the best way to stay up on a monday night.

A bit graphic I admit, but how else can I describe staying up all night? Hot & cold spells racking my body as my dinner came racing up... I know, you dont want to hear it. To make a long story short, I spent all night... in the bathroom and was kept awake from it. I went home early yesterday to sleep and enjoyed every moment of rest. Im still sore in my chest from the heaving (sorry) and I still have a slight headache, but other than that a slight dizzyness from lack of food and noticable weight loss, Im better.

Im compiling a new Strange Findings, Voyeurs...

Monday, October 13, 2003

So far so good...

It took some 4 complete reinstalls of Windows 2000 to get it back up and running. Problems with NIC cards and modems screwed with my mind friday and saturday. I finally got the system running properly and updated yesterday, and as of today, its working well. I still need to load alot of programs, but thats miniscule. I now have to worry about my traffic ticket...


Friday, October 10, 2003

Good things are coming my way

Especially today. Lets see, I have a meeting at 2:30 this afternoon at KTSM TV to pick up my building access card & fill out W4 forms, Evelyn is back in town with Yolie & we're going to have some serious fun, I got Windows 2000 back up and running but Its not on the internet yet. Its been something close to good. I also did something I wanted to do for the longest time last night, I actually recorded programs that I normally stay up to watch. I will be able to watch them tomorrow in the morning, which will be great.

While working on my eMachine, I played around with Windows XP. Its an interesting mix of Win2K & WinME. There may be something to this XP I may like. I still need to bring the eMachine into the station for the 40+ updates it needs and to install and update my antivirus software, my spyware checker & most importantly, Mozilla (I can't browse the internet without it!).


Thursday, October 09, 2003

Day 2, and man does this suck...

You don't realize how much you take for granted a computer until it craps out on you and you're forced to reinstall from the dead start... I don't have Mozilla loaded on ME yet, which sucks monster nuts cause Im too used to its easier browsing. I lost all my games and lost alot of... no, all of my .mp3s I started to amass. Im used to the Panasonic & Win98 SE, Im also coddled by Windows 2000 (which I prefer over other O/S) cause its so perfect... Im going thru the DT's... I was supposed to bring my eMachine over to the station so I can do all the critical updates via a T-1 connection. I obviously forgot.


Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Windows 2000 problems again

Well, I guess you can say it serves me right. The fact that Im using a "borrowed" copy of Windows 2000 meant that 3 months after install, it crapped out on me. I have Windows ME on the old hard drive installed already, I just need to install it. My problem is that I want to grow the eMachine out of its case. I want to utilize both hard drives for programs, but the current system can't handle the multiple CD drives and multiple hard drives due to an already taxed power supply.

For right now, my eMachine yet again is a paperweight. I only have the laptop to access the internet. Im going to temporarily get access with the other HDD, but I need a new long-term solution... Im thinking of buying a new case...


Monday, October 06, 2003 rules!

Since I placed a link on my blog for their site, they have also placed my blog on their site for reference! Thank you Apechild! Maybe I should join as one of their fellow primates...


It's taken me some time for this one. Its worth it.

I will be one to admit that I have had sex in many places; Parks, cars, apartments, National Parks, roadsides, beds, hotel rooms, but never, never would a church be in that list. Well, thanks to some radio jocks in the New York area, a couple decided to perform a dare with people present and around and were caught and sent to jail. To make a long story short, one of the two daring voyeurs died before going to court... I guess he had answer to a higher authority...

Pride sucks.

Rush Limbaugh is one of the most successful radio talk show hosts in the talk industry with nearly every city in the country tuning into his radio show every week. A year ago, Rush lost his hearing unexpectedly, and coped with it, rebounding just as strong as ever. Well since his little gaff on ESPN 2 weekends ago, it seems that new developments have come to light. Could there be a connection?

Maybe this guy took some of the same medications as the Maja-Rushie did... is an interesting amalgamation of safety and extreme danger all wrapped in one. I just found this site contradictory cause it offers personal safety tools like stun guns, pepper spray & home protection, all the while selling products that could render some of those inefective if the crook bought something like these, or these, or even these to counteract what could wait for him. Hmm, looking to get that odd toy for that hard to shop for person? Anyone want to get me a pair of these for Christmas?


Well, since Im actually updating this at work, I need to look like Im productive... I will leave you with this great time waster. Whack-a-Goth. I have no qualms with Goths, but found this extremely addictive.


Friday, October 03, 2003

Why do I have a feeling I have forgotten something?

I know its going to hit when its either too late or at a time when I can't do anything about it. I did everything, I checked the weekend logs, timed out all the hours with infomercials, I ripped all the shows that need to air, I voiced the weekend promos, I pieced together weekend promos, I pieced together the weekend show... Bob & Tom had no weekend promo, my boss took care of write-offs... Im stumped...

It will come to me, voyeurs...

Thursday, October 02, 2003

Man, doing 2 jobs at once is hard work

Yeah, so Im complaining. You would be too if you werent compensated for it. Im picking up the slack from Albert's vacation/ Honeymoon away from this place. I still haven't called Jeff about not taking the job offer of his. There's just so many things to do that I can't do yet cause there is a pile of stuff to do ontop of my normal routine. Hell, I don't even want to do laundry this week, but unless I want to go to work nude, or in clothes not in style since 1994, then I guess I better do at least one load...

I said load...

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Other "entertaining" websites aren't all what they seem to be

I say this cause of who are in charge of content. Call me the ultimate independent when it comes to decisions on my blog, but the website I was encouraged to participate in is extremely confusing to navigate and is vauge as to when its new content is added. Visually its nice, but not how I would have planned it if I were doing it. I know, I know, "and if the queen had balls she'd be the king...". I just don't know what my irreverant humor and attitude brings to this "entertainment" site.

Anyways. Im looking to update next with some Strange Findings so stay tuned, voyeurs...