Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Can you sleep anywhere?

Considering I haven't slept everywhere, I cannot answer this question.

Why do I ask this question?

Well, to answer this, you have to look at El Paso. Located in the desert, and during the summer months, working outside can be a challenge. Most road crews chose to work during the night time hours when its hovering around 80 degrees. This presents several problems that are overcome by flood lighting & tons of coffee.

With that said, I was fucking tired this morning. I still am. I've caught a quick couple of Zs here and there, but I don't think I could do what I saw one worker do. I had driven by a construction zone at 5am and found along the concrete center divider, one road worker literally sprawled out on the barrier resting/ sleeping.

Now, Ive slept through thunderstorms, airplanes flying way too low, loud stereos- but I haven't slept on a concrete divider in the middle of a freeway with traffic whizzing by at 60 miles an hour.

-But sleep does sound good right about now...

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