Friday, June 15, 2007

Have you ever thought to yourself....

...what you would do with a large lotto jackpot?

Yeah, I know you have. Everyone does it. They think to themselves exactly how they would spend every penny of the money almost down to the cent, small detail or extravagant frivolous item. Well, I've done the same thing, but I think I have some paranoid thoughts invading my "dream home" out in the county.

I start imagining owning 20 acres of land, and on this land, I have a marvelous 5 bedroom custom built 2 story house with a 2 and a half car garage, split level & balcony overlooking a huge sweeping swimming pool & BBQ entertaining area. The house itself would have two special rooms, one dedicated office and another media control room to house all the houses internal controls for satellite, TiVo, phone service & security systems.

Then, I start pulling out the tinfoil hats.

I then start thinking "I need to protect my house from invading cellular signals, tracers & hackers wanting access to my wireless internet" so I start thinking about an episode of Mythbusters where they build a Faraday cage out of brass mesh (like window screen) and think to myself "I could build a special 'artistic' feature into the house by covering the entire perimiter with this brass mesh so it looks like an architectural feature, not some paranoid schitzo's internet-related nightmare.

Then I start getting worse with the thoughts.

I start thinking "if I wrap it around the outside, it will eventually break down with the elements, so why not build it INTO the house while it's being built?" and thats when things just go loopy. My house is an entire Faraday cage at this point, not allowing cell phone signals in, or out of the house, protecting me from security threats, cell phone hackers, satellite tracking systems trying to listen to my sordid phone calls & now psychotic ramblings of a rich, paranoid man.

Don't get me started on what I think the entry driveway should look like. You'd think I have something to hide by building a 10 foot wall, and a 10 foot channel on the inside perimiter of the wall for any would-be intruders to land a bone-shattering 20 feet to the concrete below.

You should see the security I imagined for the car garage in the back property!


Bandit.pdx said...

Unfortunately, your Faraday Cage idea won't work unless you decide not to communicate with the world outside your dream home.

Once you make a connection, you're bridging the fence that the Faraday cage would provide. And once you signal reaches the outside world their once again subject to the snooping you're so paranoid about.

I completely understand your desire to shut out the evil that's out there... but the cost maybe shutting yourself in.

And we couldn't have that.

My jackpot... I would probably give a lot of it away.

Bandit.pdx said...

Sorry for the typos... I'll try to do better in the future... you=your; their=they're