Friday, September 15, 2006


I've been a little preoccupied with some things around the house and around town lately, so if I haven't been updating I don't apologize.

One of the things I can't figure out is my laptop. It's throwing a slight attitude and I can't figure it out. The DVD player refuses to work. Main problem is it happened less than a day after I reinstalled Windows XP. I loaded the drivers and software for the program and tried it with a valid DVD. It worked. So I continued to load more programs and when I tried to watch the same DVD, the computer started to hang and refused to read the DVD.


I start asking friends to see if they have experienced the same thing. No one has. I go online and check forums and no one has heard of that happening to my model of laptop. Someone had suggested looking at the last few programs installed after checking that the DVD player last worked. Looking back, I loaded iTunes & my iPod, Windows Media Player 10 and Mozilla Firefox.

At first, I started to curse out iTunes. I've got something close to 1600 songs already loaded to the iPod and saved to the hard drive. They're backed up on a separate drive, but it takes a long time to reload them. Then I started to think that the problem isn't caused by the iPod. I downgraded the player back to factory settings and its working fine. Also, instead of using the CD to load, I downloaded the software for iTunes fresh from the Apple website. Its the latest and up to date software. So I know that's not the problem.

I also downloaded Mozilla Firefox. Each time I reloaded XP, I loaded a new version of Firefox. This can't be either.

So, the culprit has to be Media Player 10. There have been no updates and each time I've reloaded XP, I've tried the DVD player before downloading this. Problem is, when I uninstalled it, it didn't solve my problem. This means I will have to wipe again and start over.

Ralph was able to come thro for me and found original newspaper articles from Magic Landing's accident. They're at the house, I just need to scan them and post them on the site. Expect that soon.

IM considering taking vacation soon. Haven't decided where yet.

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