Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Spiderman vs. Karma

I sat in class one day during a break in curriculum when I overheard two instructors talking about karmic events. One instructor was tossing an antenna ball up in the air and catching it 90% of the time, one time rolling my direction and got a good look at it. Hard plastic, it was a Spider-man antenna ball.

I picked it up, inspected it a moment and then tossed it back to him. He included me in the conversation saying how he was at the office parking lot of a business associate he works for privately and one of the employees at the business had bragged about seeing the antenna ball on this one car, and snagged it. So, the boss hears it, snags it off the employees car and sticks it on his own.

I smile realizing where this is going.

The instructor then says two or three days later he is back at the office park and sees that the boss' car still has the Spider-man on the antenna. At the end of his job at the office, he walks out and pops the ball off the antenna and heads to the school where he triumphantly yet clumsily tosses it in the air.

One week later, it still sits on top of his antenna on his car in the parking lot.

So, walking into school one evening I park near his car, get out & snag it off his antenna and throw it in the glove box of my car. Later on during class break, he mentions that Spider-man is missing from his car. He laughs realizing what happened to him, but still asks everyone in class if we took it. I did the best acting of my life and said nothing more than "nope" or some other disavow.

This was back in 2003.

I am still in possession of Spider-man. I contemplated keeping him here at my desk at work, but considering lunches disappear mysteriously I don't think he will be a permanent feature at my desk.

PS, I never finished getting certified for computer repair/maintenance. Guess that was my karma.

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