Wednesday, September 23, 2009

iPhone MMS (Much Mischief Suspected)

I ditched Sprint like a bad date back in January of this year for the iPhone. Yes, I went to a higher rate plan, and yes AT&T is a conglomerate, and yes you are nit-picking something I really enjoy (haters) but the one thing I had to endure these 9 months had been the lack of proper MMS capabilities. I was no stranger to this, the last phone I had was a TREO "smart phone" that needed to connect to a website to view MMS photos sent by friends.

I didn't mind this. I was used to it.

Well, after a few hiccups here and there and Apple's promise to have MMS before the end of summer (a few days late, but still) on the 25th of this month all iPhone users will be able to send and receive MMS messages all they want.

Something that I have been thinking about, though. AT&T has contended that the reason they shuffled their feet in not allowing MMS messages is because the iPhone is the equivalent of an SUV. The data consumption is epic. The phone uses (when cruising the 3G network) something close to 3X the data a "dumb" phone uses.

Personally, I switch to a wifi signal for extensive data & web browsing.

But this has me wondering how well AT&T's network will hold up to the millions of iPhone owners simultaneously sending images and videos to friends in a half-hearted triumphant display of our phones new capability that was standard on the cheapest free phones for sale on the market.

Well, Im going to test it out myself. I do not have the 3GS. I do not have the ability to record video. But I have TONS of very large files saved to my photo folder. I am going to find the largest image I can and send it to EVERYONE in my phonebook. Several times.

Guess time will tell.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Road Trip

So, It started with a half-assed plan to just grab Evelyn and head out to Las Cruces to visit Wilson and possibly pig out at a restaurant. With summer winding down, the weather starting to cool, I had not been able to really head out on a true road trip. I have the perfect vehicle for it.

It's also the time of the season for the annual Hatch Chile Festival. Hatch is a good one hundred miles away from the house, but thought it would be great to just get out and enjoy the journey. So after filling up, Evelyn and I hit the freeway to Las Cruces to meet up with Wilson & haul to the festival. Evelyn & I ended up meeting up with Wilson, sitting on his favorite ride (FJR 1300) I dropped the top & we jumped onto the highway another 22 miles to Hatch, just north of Las Cruces.

At ludicrous speed.

A reason there aren't that many pictures of the actual event. It was like a fair/ carnival on dirt, but without the sort of pomp & circumstance that usually a fun-filled frivolity comes with. It wasn't what I thought it would be. It was a fair. There was one thing that I really really loved while there. It's a "Hit & Miss" engine. I never thought I would see one in real life, let alone running a slew of modified hand crank ice cream makers. The ice cream being made? Green chile ice cream.

So, we didn't leave empty handed. Evelyn & Wilson bought and split a full bag of roasted Hatch chiles. The entire way home, we could not get away from the smell of roasted chiles. Wilson had stowed his 10 pound bag in the "trunk" on his bike, and we had our haul in the trunk. No matter who was leading the way home, we were following the smell of chile.

Back in Las Cruces, Wilson & I parted ways, Ev & I were hungry. We stopped at a Red Lobster and single handedly decimated the shrimp population in Las Cruces in one hour. By the end of the night, we went thru 200 miles of absolutely gorgeous roads, a half tank of gas, 60+ some-odd number of shrimp, one 20 pound bag of chile and two trunks that still smell of chile.

Next time I make this journey, I will take a proper camera. It was definitely an adventure worth doing all over again.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

A Rebuttal

That is all.