Thursday, August 09, 2007

Misc. etc.

First off, my laptop is dead. Sometime 2 weeks ago the hard drive failed when the system never came back from sleep mode. By all accounts, its death was quiet & peaceful. Fuck, that's just what I need-- a dead laptop. Thankfully its just a damn hard drive, and nothing more serious like a processor fan or something internal like that. That is a frivolous item that will need to be replaced in time. I have other things I need to deal with before I go and buy a new one.
One interesting thing I have discovered is how my sleep patterns are now showing I have an addiction to the internet and connectivity. I became so tweaked for internet news and hilarity, I actually downloaded and installed firmware updates to my PSP and am using that to get online. I also have my cell phone to do so, but its going off of the Sprint internet and that's as slow as a room full of retards contemplating Einsteins theories of relativity. I've been falling asleep earlier, but on a strange side note, I am waking up exactly one hour before my alarm clock goes off. This is strange, since I am also falling asleep before my normal sleep time.
Its annoying more than anything else.
I have some ideas rolling around in my head for a business venture, but I have to check the legality of it with the RIAA. The last thing I need is to have them come and shut me down for doing something benign & enforce a tariff on my earnings til the day I die. I won't reveal too much, but it involves something that everyone has, would like to have, but don't like the cost of them.
Vague enough for you?
One of the other things I had thought about was something that I try to do on an every day basis. I would say I am decently sharp witted, above average cognisance & have a better-than-average understanding of things around me. One thing that I am challenged with that really keeps me on my toes is the ability to describe the world to a blind man.
Stop and think about that for just a moment.
How do you describe normal every day objects to a visually impaired person? Better yet, how do you describe objects to a visually impaired person when their visual knowledge is from the time they were born to the time they were legally blind?
Here's an example:

This is what I was faced with. This is the Batman symbol from the 1989 version of Batman with Michael Keaton & Kim Basinger. When you have this to start from, how would you describe the Batman Begins symbol?

So, I started to think about it.
What in his memory knowledge would be the closest thing to this logo?
What in my memory knowledge would be the closest thing to this logo?
So I told him, imagine the original Thunderbird logo for the Ford Thunderbird, remove the tail feathers, loose the beak, add bat ears and a slightly battier wing, and that's the Batman Begins logo.
I stop and tell this story to people I know, just to make them stop and think about exactly how they sit and think about things in relation to others. It's a great creative thinking exercise that I think everyone should do. You never know when this might come in handy. It also might help out with some thoughts or ideas that boss' might have or ask you to come up with. See the world through the eyes of a blind man. It's amazing how much you can learn about yourself from doing these little things.
More soon. I don't know when I will get that new hard drive.

1 comment:

Man said...

Sorry about the laptop, what brand was it?

As for describing the logo I would say spread your hands and imagine it with webbing from each finger that comes to sharp points.