Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I know, I know, it's been a while, hasn't it?

I should start this thing back up.

Much has changed, much is new. Much of the old is gone and I have to say, I am enjoying it!

All is well for this first update since I took hiatus, content will change on the main page in the following days, and there is some new content about to go up.

Blank Media 2.0 will be online soon.

To all you Globophobes out there, I am with you!

Ciao for now!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Where does the time go?

Well, it's my own damn fault, I let the site slide lately- and by lately, I mean by several months.

For that I am sorry.

Hell, I don't know whether or not people still pass by this little corner of the internet, but I do keep getting emails and comments from site readers.

To that, I have to answer a few questions that have arisen.

I was asked about my fear of balloons. To the anonymous reader who basically told me to get a grip, I have AND I have a better understanding of the fear after talking to a few doctors and reporters.

I was also asked by another person if I have pictures of the Himalaya ride I used to operate at Western Playland. I do have only one picture, and I will scan it and provide it for you if you leave me your email.

With new jobs come new responsibilities, and unfortunately the free time that was granted to me on my previous position has gone by. I no longer have the ample time allotted for finding the quirky and obscure, but I have been living a richer life from the benefits of the new job.

You can't beat that with a stick and $$ betting on a blugeoned seal.

Lets see, to catch everyone up I am still single, the Treo 700 died and was replaced with a Treo 755, the lappy's CD drive is working in spits and spurts, the Neon is hitting 73K, the doggies are all well and life seems to be going well.

I need to clean the cobwebs off the site and start being active again. I need to hone some of my writing skills and see where I can improve. I have big plans ahead.

I know, Ive teased on that in the past. It seems more tangible now.
